A very important campaign is starting this very day so I will not delay in finding other topics for this weeks’ news. There is really nothing monumental or new happening on the island, so without delay I am providing you what I have. Note, there are two new worship services in English, check them out! Have a good week!
Cozumel Participates in Campaign Against Rabies for Cats and Dogs
Cozumel is participating in the National Campaign against Rabies for the next week. The vaccinations are offered for both cat and dogs free of charge and are promised to be of high quality. Below is the schedule of where they will be operating in the various colonies. It is in Spanish, but simple to understand. Since the campaign starts today, this will be the only news this week!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

For the next two weeks, March 29 and April 5, we will be visiting Casa Mission. The main entrance is on Ave 55 Sur which is a one way going south from Juarez. There is also a back entrance around the corner on Calle 1. There are no parking lots but street parking can be had on Av 55, Calle 1 and Av 50. This is not to be confused with their downtown location called La Mission on Salas.

The Cozumel Men’s Breakfast Club
We are re-instituting the ancient and revered tradition of “Men’s Breakfast”. At last, a vehicle for the passage of knowledge, wisdom and the Cozumel way. If you have some knowledge of “how things work” on the island, you should come. If you do not, you really should come.
Breakfast is every Friday at 8:00 a.m. at “Fogo do Brasil”, the Brazilian restaurant on the second floor. Fogo is located on Melgar Avenida just south of Calle 5. This is where the McDonalds used to be.If you have problems with the escalator, the staff will stop it for you so you may get on and off and reverse directions when you depart.
Fogo Do Brasil has a parking lot free – Park in the lot on Calle 5 between Rafael E. Melgar and 5 Av (alongside the Hyperbaric Chamber). Present your ticket to your server at Fogo do Brasil and your parking is free of charge.

The Sun Garage Sale, formerly known as “The On-Going Garage Sale” was started as a means to collect gently used clothing and goods to be donated to the poor and/or sold at low cost to raise funds for our many projects in Las Fincas and our immediate neighborhood.
We have donated or sold the majority of the second hand clothing and articles we collected in 2016. Our garage sales will resume again next month, and need your donations. Please consider dropping off the items you no longer use or need at our home/store #1081 35 Avenida between Calles 17 & 15 Bis. You can also call at 987-118-4453 or 987-120-5902 to arrange a pick up at your home. All Clothing, Housewares, Furniture, Appliances, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Your donations or proceeds from your donations are guaranteed to go towards a family in need or to a good cause. A special Thank you to Ron & Tina Mannes, Kathy McGinn, and other contributors for their generosity.

Worship Services
There are English language worship services in Cozumel. Cozumel has a variety of Churches representing almost all denominations. Many people choose to attend a Church of choice and follow the service in Spanish as best they can. This is a great way to practice your Spanish. The following is a list of worship services that are in the English Language (CHABAD Service is in Hebrew):
Church of Christ / Inglesia de Cristo
Calle 55 entre Adolfo Rosados Salas calle 3 sur
Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Tel: +52 01 987 564 0462 / Pedro Castenadas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Iglesia-de-Cristo-en-Cozumel-Calle-55-925168434231680/
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church
30th Ave. at 10th Street North
Services in English every Sunday at 9 a.m.
Jesus Es Rey Bible Church
Corner of Ave. 95 y Calle 39
Services in English Sundays at 10 a.m.
Non-denominational Christian Church 30th Avenue Between Calles 29 & 27 next to the Jackpot Casino Sundays at 10 am Wednesdays at 7 pm the services Depending on Pastor either in Spanish translated into English or in English Translated into Spanish. Erik Lucy – English Pastor Castillo – Spanish Pastor Traconis – Blends both Languages
CHABAD of Cozumel
5th Avenue between Juarez and 1st
2nd Floor PLAZA DEL SOL close to the San Miguel Pier
Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico
US Phone: +1 (305) 432-2406 or +1 (770) 666-5428
Mexico Cell Phone: +521 (987) 111-9715 or +521 (987) 117-9518
Kabbalat Shabbat Friday night: Sunset
Your place of worship not listed? Please contact me with the information, I will be happy to inform the readers!
Papeleria Mama Lilly
School and Office supplies, copies, printing, laminating,
scanning, and binding. Gifts and Novelty Items. Computer Access,
Calls to Mexico, U.S, and Canada. We provide Facturas, and
deliver to your home, business, or office.
We Speak English!
Telephone: 987-120-5903
EMAIL: mapapeleria@outlook.com
06:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
08:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday
08:00 a.m. – 09:30 a.m. Sunday
11:00 a.m. – 09:00 p.m. Sunday
35 Avenida Sur Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis
Colonia Independencia (Near the Independencia Sports Center)
