Cozumel News June 12, 2017

Some of Cozumel's Special Athletes 2017

Cozumel News June 12, 2017: Update on Cozumel Vehicle Licenses, Former Quintana Roo Governor Roberto Borge Angulo Arrested, Expelled from Political Party, Cozumel Ladies Breakfast, Cozumel Senior Card, Cozumel Colony Meetings, Cozumel Events Calendar, and more.

Cozumel Vehicle License Information Update

We picked up our new Handicap Accessible License Plates last week at the building on Avenida Zamma and Calle 80. From Calle 65, turn on Avenida Zamma towards the Bicentenario Park (by the big wood ship). On your right as you pass the Parque Bicentenario, you will see an OXXO on the corner, next to that Cozumel Cable Company, a Parking lot, and the very next building is where you purchase and pick up vehicle plates.

For handicap accessible plates, just include a letter from your doctor with the other required documents. It surprised me that proof of insurance was not required as part of the process. PLEASE do not drive without insurance if there is an accident between a car and a motorcycle, the motorcycles seem to always have the right even when in the wrong. The Taxis have the powerful syndicate behind them, and ofcourse many claim the law leans towards locals. Never-the-less,  you will be in jail until you cover ALL the costs related to the accident!

Great Deal: There is a 25% Discount for License renewals if you do so on the first three days of ANY Month!

Sergio’s Silver from Taxco Cozumel Town Square Park Juárez Ave. #117 x 5th Ave Mon- Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 8 p.m. Phone: 01 987 872 7632 Email: Website:


Former Governor Borge (Right) with Mexico President Nieto during his reign as Governor of Quintana Roo.

Former Quintana Roo Governor Roberto Borge Angulo Arrested, Expelled from Political Party

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) has expelled the ex-governor of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge Angulo, from its ranks. The leadership had already suspended his rights within the Party last December for “violation of Ethics Code and regulations.”  Borge was arrested last week on corruption charges in Panama City.

About six months ago accusations that he stole State Funds and property started surfacing in the media. The avid investigation in an attempt to recuperate State Funds and property has even expanded to the former Governor’s Family. Mexico, a country that is rich in natural resources and ingenuity should rank among the top economies in the world. Instead, it has been historically plagued by corruption that continues to make the rich richer, the middle class non-existent, and the poor unable to make a decent living.

The following information came from Mexico News Daily:

PRI Commission member Arturo Zamora said, “Roberto Borge is a persona non grata, he is not welcome in the PRI family. PRI doesn’t protect and won’t protect any individual in public service who breaches the public’s trust. We can’t remain silent before corruption, and our party is not and will not be anybody’s accomplice.”

In the same session, the commission also decided to suspend the membership rights of Guerrero Deputy Saúl Beltrán Orozco “for violating the party’s internal regulations.” The state Deputy has been accused of being a collaborator of the crime gang known as Los Tequileros.

Borge joins a list of expelled ex-governors that include the former governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte de Ochoa, accused of embezzling resources through shell corporations; Tomás Yarrington Ruvalcaba of Tamaulipas, accused of ties with organized crime and operating with illicit resources; and Jesús Reyna García of Michoacán, currently behind bars for ties with the Caballeros Templarios.

Bandida Fishing Charters
Phone México (052) 987-872-4573

Cozumel Ladies Breakfast

The Cozumel Ladies Breakfast will meet at 9 a.m. the following three Wednesdays, June 14, 21 & 28 at La Choza on Av 10 between Calle 3 and Salas.

There is a small parking on the left hand side of the road just before the restaurant as well as street parking wherever you can find it.

Our group meets every Wednesday. In addition to meeting wonderful Ladies from all over the world, the breakfast club is an excellent source of information gathering and networking. Breakfasts are informative and FUN! All Women are welcome to join us, even if you are just visiting our beautiful Island. If you wish to be placed on the mailing list, contact: Betty Li at

Albatros Charters Come Cruise with Us! Fishing Snorkeling & Cruising Cozumel U.S. (630) 938-7603 (Vonage) Cozumel: (987) 872-7904 Email:

Cozumel Senior Card

By popular request, here is the procedure for applying for INAPAM Card that will enable you to receive many discounts: The INAPAM card is the official senior credential in Mexico. Age sixty or over qualifies you to apply! The card enables you to receive the local senior discount which includes bus and ferry transportation, property taxes (50%), non-Simi drug stores, movies and more!

Where:         The DIF Park on 50th between Calle 3 & 5.  They are open Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. They often do not have cards available, but they are good at posting when to expect them.

Bring: (As of December 2016)

2 copies of birth certificate

2 copies of CURP card

2 copies of proof of residence (CFE or CAPA Bill)

2 copies of IFE (Instituto Federal Electoral) This would not apply to foreign nationals as we can’t vote Substitute with your Visa or Permanent Resident Card Copies

3 infantile color photographs without glasses

Name and telephone number of a person to contact in case of an accident

As in all of my information, if you become aware of any changes in the requirement, please let me know so that I may pass the information on to our readers.

In the next few weeks I will be replying for “Seguro Popular” for a member of our household. It is a cost free medical insurance that will cover free services at specific clinics and Cozumel’s General Hospital.

Blue Angel Resort & Dive Shop
Cielo Cruises On Wednesdays!
Call 872-1631 (Snorkel) –
Dive Packages –
Hotel – Hotel & Dive Packages
Scuba School 5 Star IDC Center
+52 9878720819


Cozumel Colony Meetings

Isla Cozumel has been recording the Live Town Hall Meetings that are taking place on a regular basis now at alternating Cozumel Colonies. Mayor Perla Tun and all the Municipal Department heads are on hand to answer Citizen Questions, Concerns, and Suggestions.

The meetings are an excellent source of hearing “The other side of the Story.” As I previously reported, the media and opposing political party has attacked the current administration since it took power. It is impossible to know truth from fiction. At last week’s meeting I heard an excellent example: The media reported that the City had closed down a small business across from Chedraui. The worker, a disabled gentleman that cared for motorcycles as his only source of income was devastated when he was ordered to cease operation. Mayor Tun reported that no one from her administration made contact with that business and upon investigating, witnesses could only identify an unknown person in a white van as the culprit.

In reference to the break-ins and thefts, the Mayor reported that the City has identified some 20 youth repeat offenders are responsible for the majority of these crimes. She stated that the citizens are not filing the necessary complaint to carry through with prosecutions, and they are forced to release them. She cited that in the case of the numerous robberies at OXXO, the company has not followed through with a complaint on a single roberry. She concurred that there is a shortage of Municipal Police, a matter out of her hands due to the deficit left behind by the previous administration.

Another important issue covered was abandoned lots that have turned into virtual dumps all over the island. They are overwhelmed with the number of properties that have been abandoned by owners and encourage the citizens to keep reporting them. They are taking actions against the owners, but there are so many that it is going slow. She asked for our patience and assistance by keeping our own areas clean. She asked that we care for our sidewalks and property to restore the island’s appearance.

While the meetings are held in specific Colonies, any one from anywhere in the City can attend and participate. As I become aware of the dates and times, I will post the Information on the Cozumel Sun Facebook Page and Group.

Buccanos Beach Club
Beach Club Open Daily 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Reservations: 01 987 872 0100

The Cozumel Sun Garage Sale

We have had really low attendance at the last few sales, the heat is affecting everyone I think. We will try again with better advertising in a few weeks. The Sun Garage Sale, formerly known as “The On-Going Garage Sale” was started as a means to collect gently used clothing and goods to be donated to the poor and/or sold at low cost to raise funds for our many projects in Las Fincas and our immediateneighborhood.

Please consider dropping off the items you no longer use or need at our home/store #1081 35 Avenida between Calles 17 & 15 Bis. You can also call at 987-118-4453 or 987-120-5902 to arrange a pick up at your home. All Clothing, Housewares, Furniture, Appliances, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Your donations or proceeds from your donations are guaranteed to go towards a family in need or to a good cause.

Costa Brava Restaurant
Calle 7 Sur #57 Entre Melgar & 5 a
Serving Cozumel for 35 years!
Great Traditional Food at Great Prices


Papeleria Mama Lilly

School and Office supplies, copies, printing, laminating,
scanning, and binding. Gifts and Novelty Items. Computer Access,
Calls to Mexico, U.S, and Canada. We provide Facturas, and
deliver to your home, business, or office.


We Speak English!
Telephone:   987-120-5903
06:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
08:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday
08:00 a.m. – 09:30 a.m. Sunday
11:00 a.m. – 09:00 p.m. Sunday
35 Avenida Sur Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis
Colonia Independencia (Near the Independencia Sports Center)

Coming Up Next!



Cozumel Ladies Breakfast

Thursdays & Fridays
Blue Angel Restaurant
+52 9878720819
Bohemian Dinner with Music and Ocean Waves Blue Angel Restaurant Cozumel.
Salvador Formento Plays Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8:00pm – 10:00 pm



Turquoise Terrace & Beach Club Every Sunday 6 p.m.

turtle rescue Cozumel Annual Turtle Breeding Season

May 15th – October 28th

 May 2 – June 25
The Last Revelion of The Maya of Yucatan
Art Exhibit Free Entry!

whale SharkAnnual Whale Shark Migration Season

June 1st – September 15th

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Enjoy a Tour of beautiful Cozumel designed by you!
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From Mexico: 987-800-8676
From U.S.: 949-459-3802 Taz



About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.