The latest Cozumel community meeting was held on August 3, 2017 at Colonia Miraflores. The community meeting was once again well attended and residents spoke of the same concerns as in other colonies: the need for street lighting, Sewer water backing up on Avenida Felix Gonzales, and unoccupied lots that have been abandoned by the owners. On the individual complaints, each problem was assigned to the appropriate Director of the department responsible for investigation and action. Some of the requests fell under the responsibility of CAPA and she will be asking inviting the CAPA Director to join the community meetings in the future.

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I want to take this opportunity to report that almost immediate action was taken to clean the two lots that we reported abandoned at the meeting that I attended. The day after the meeting some weeds where cleaned and upon return from our trip we discovered weeds, dead trees, and bushes had been cut down from both lots. We are able to see the side of our home for the first time in years. Here are before and after pictures. Of course, the real remedy for this lot will be a bulldozer. The terrain is really level, what you see as little hills are trashed furniture, televisions, toilets, etc. that have been grown over.

Municipal President Perla Tun Pech asks that we all take responsibility to do our share by keeping our sidewalks and streets cleaned and clear of trash. The majority of the flooding is caused by trash obstructing the drainage system. She requests that we sweep and pick up in front of our property DAILY. She asked that we take responsibility to make certain our property is clean and does not have sitting water that would enable the dangerous breeding of mosquitos, in short, community good health and cleanliness begins at home.
On the shortage of security, the Mayor once again stressed the importance that Citizens Organize Community Watch Groups and reported that they have been very successful to date. She urges everyone to set up block watches and reminded us that they are available to help organize them.
A young man named George Pech, made a number of intelligent and concise comments addressing the need for proper urban development planning, the need to continue the project of bicycle routes, wheel chair accessibility, urban infrastructure, and expansion of cultural activities. He was absolutely wonderful, a shining example of Cozumel Youth at his best. The City was so impressed, they recruited him to work with them on the planning. The City reported continued work on the development plan that will soon be ready to present to the public for input. The bicycle path project is alive and next year we will see the completion of the project, connecting the north, south, east and west parts to the city.
The problem with some businesses extending their parking lot to destroy or obstruct the sidewalk, making them inaccessible to wheel chairs. The City is taking reports and dealing with them appropriately.
Cozumel Civil Registry Office Has Moved
They are no longer on 65th and 11th! They are at a bigger, more accessible location on Avenida Benito Juarez and 15th. Their internet will not be in place for another week, so all their services are not fully available at this time.

Cozumel Community Projects:
“Sin Borsas Por Favor!”
“Without Bags Please!” is the campaign to eliminate the use of plastic grocery bags on the island. Plastic bags are contaminating the environment of the island, damaging both the land and the sea. Do your share to help this project: PLEASE TAKE CLOTH BAGS TO THE GROCERY STORE and say “Sin borsas por favor!”
Seguro de Jefas de Familia
“Seguro de Jefas de Familia” is Life insurance for Mexican women that are heads of household. This is a free insurance for mothers of children 0 to 23 years of age that will provide a monthly benefit to her dependents in the event of her death. The amount of the benefit varies depending what level of education the children are in. It is FREE insurance applicants only need their Electoral Identification and CURP of everyone in the family. Applicants must apply on 65th between Avenida Zamna and 25 Sur, ask for Jessie.

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ZOFEMAT Adopt a Beach Project
Businesses such as Hotels and Restaurants are asked adopt a beach. Easy to do, just contact them and let them know what day or days your business is willing to clean a beach, you set the date around your busy schedule! They will provide your group with shirts and equipment. Help keep our island beautiful! Sign up your business to participate in the beach cleanup

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USA & Canada: (770) 934-6987
Cozumel DIF Project:
Desajunos Frios y Desajunos y Amuersos Caliente are projects to provide balance meals to school children that otherwise attend school on an empty stomach. Many children attend school on an empty stomach daily in Cozumel. You can help by signing up to Godparent a child in need of food. The cost is only $120 pesos per month per child. The Cozumel Sun will be signing up to Godfather 8 children per month during the school year from the proceeds from our Garage Sale and Papeleria starting September 1st. Please join us, sign up at DIF and Godfather a child! Contact DIF at 987-108-4855. The goal is to provide food for 600 school children, please help!
The Cozumel Sun Garage Sale
We have had really low attendance at the last few sales, the heat is affecting everyone I think. We will try again with better advertising in a few weeks. The Sun Garage Sale, formerly known as “The On-Going Garage Sale” was started as a means to collect gently used clothing and goods to be donated to the poor and/or sold at low cost to raise funds for our many projects in Las Fincas and our immediate neighborhood.
Please consider dropping off the items you no longer use or need at our home/store #1081 35 Avenida between Calles 17 & 15 Bis. You can also call at 987-118-4453 or 987-120-5902 to arrange a pick up at your home. All Clothing, Housewares, Furniture, Appliances, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Your donations or proceeds from your donations are guaranteed to go towards a family in need or to a good cause.
Cozumel Farmacia Communitaria
I wrote about this community pharmacy before, free prescriptions and Doctor Consultations for the poor. Their stocks are limited, donations are needed. They are located on 85th Avenida between Calles 37 and 37a.

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Cozumel: (987) 872-7904
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CRIC was on hand to discuss all the services they offer to the community medical consultations and physical therapy available at low cost. Psychiatric services will be offered in the very near future.
It has been a while since I wrote about DIF and CRIC, I will plan a visit to both facility and provide and indebt report on their services.
Isla Cozumel Information Live Broadcast Every Friday at 9 am: We are # enVivo from # 107punto7 FM, is the transmission and Join the # ComunudadResponsable listening to official information. Send us your comments to the What’s App in the cabin at 987 800 3818 # We are here to Serve.
The next Colony meeting will be on August 10th at 7 pm. Parque Flores Magon, located in Colian Flores Magon 1, 80 Bis entre 3 y Adolfo Rosados Salas. You need not be from that Colony to attend!

Come Fish with Us!
Phone México (052) 987-872-4573