The Cozumel Sun News September 4, 2017

In this issue of the Cozumel Sun, The Cozumel Humane Society Annual Sterilization Campaign, Cozumel License Renewal Discount Today and Tomorrow, Cozumel Short Film Contest, Cozumel Suicide Prevention Week Activities, Cozumel Turtles: Gifts from the Sea, The Cozumel Sun Fundraising Project Update, and more!

The Cozumel Humane Society Annual Sterilization Campaign

On September 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, the Humane Society of Cozumel will be on a mission to sterilize 600 dogs and cats. Animal abandonment and neglect leads many deaths of these precious animals. Sterilization is the answer to the over population that leads to this problems. This service will be provided free of charge to pet owners that would normally not be able to afford the fees. The campaign is carried out with volunteers and donations of supplies and/or cash. In addition to the items listed on the flyer below, they will also need the following:
paper towels
Gatorade (or any type of energy drink) coolers Borrowed
borrowed fans 
plastic forks
paper cups
paper plates
Garrafon’s filled with drinking water (we will return the Garrafon)
5 restaurants needed to provide either lunch or dinner for the 50 volunteers that will be working all day (Rock’n Java will do the first day)
Pastries delivered each morning
Extension cords !!!
And if any of you are inclined to just bake some cookies or would like to bring snacks … there will be plenty of hungry people that will appreciate the kind gesture.

Cozumel Suicide Prevention Week Activities

We present the program of activities of the Week of Suicide Prevention with a unique approach: The love of life. Use our hashtags #LiveLearningLast and#LeMetaLive . Participate with your whole family and enjoy the events we have prepared for you. We are all #IslaCozumel , together we are#CommunityResponsable .

Cozumel Turtles
Gifts from the Sea

Turtles have a special place in Cozumel. Here on The Cozumel Sun we like to report on sea turtle rescues and how volunteers come from across the globe to help the turtles. Ensuring that the turtles are protected is of the upmost importance and we invite people to come to our island to learn about these “gifts from the sea”.

The Annual Turtle Breeding Season runs from May 15th – October 28th. The beaches on the east side of the island have been the birthplace to thousands of loggerhead and green turtles. The mothers start coming ashore in June and July at night, digging a nest as deep as one meter and laying 100 or more eggs. Sixty days later, the eggs begin to hatch. Cozumel is fast becoming a destination for people that want to spend vacation time assisting in the preservation of these beautiful gifts from the sea. Read more about Cozumel Turtles in the Volunteer Opportunities section of TCS. In this post we look at 3 other places in the world where you can see and learn about sea turtles.

Coral Coast, Australia

While the Great Barrier Reef is Australia’s most popular marine ecosystem, the Coral Coast on the west of the country is just as diverse in its wildlife. Sea turtles can be found around the coast all year round. The best place to witness these graceful creatures is at Ningaloo Marine Park where the famous Ningaloo Reef is located.

The Coral Coast is well known for its extensive efforts to conserve the turtle population. According to an article on Australia’s Coral Coast, visitors can go to the Jurabi Turtle Center (13m from Exmouth) to learn about turtle biology, behavior, threats, and conservation strategies.

Galapagos, Ecuador

While the Galapagos are famous for their giant tortoises it is also one of the best locations to see the Pacific Green Sea Turtle. The turtle is on the endangered species list and their nesting beach is off limits during their nesting season. The best way to see the Pacific Green Sea Turtle is by snorkeling.

Light Foot Travel report that the turtles in the sea around the Galapagos are not startled by human presence allowing snorkelers the opportunity to get a good look at them.

Playa Grande, Costa Rica

The beach community of Playa Grande is well known for its turtles. My Playa Grande claims that the Las Baulas National Park has the second largest nesting site for leatherback turtles in the world. The beach and shoreline are protected and officially recognized as a national park with public access to the beach off limits during 6pm and 6am during the nesting and hatching season.

When it comes to reptiles, Costa Rica has an interesting cinematic connection. The country is the location of the fictional Jurassic Park and the dinosaur park was recently featured in the 2015 film Jurassic World. The film was a huge success making over a billion dollars and spawning several video games including a Jurassic World slot title on the Slingo games channel. Due to the films success, dinosaurs have again become very popular. While there are no dinosaur parks on islands near Costa Rica, visitors to Playa Grande can book night tours to watch the nesting and hatching ritual of the sea turtles. This is a natural phenomenon that dates back millions of years to the time of the dinosaurs.

We hope that this article will inspire you to learn more about sea turtles if you visit these places in the future. As we have already said, sea turtles need our help and protection, and the best way to do this is by learning about them. They truly are “gifts from the sea”.

Aurita’s Cozumel  Corner

The Cozumel Sun Garage Sale

The Sun Garage Sale, formerly known as “The On-Going Garage Sale” was started as a means to collect gently used clothing and goods to be donated to the poor and/or sold at low cost to raise funds for our many projects in Las Fincas and our immediate neighborhood.


I am in the process of remodeling our front terrace/entryway into a permanent area for the garage sale. It has been difficult finding storage space that does not disrupt the household. Bringing the merchandise out and setting up the display is hard, many times having to repack it due to weather. The work involved and weather condition has limited the number of days I can have the sale. (Mind you this is a one person operation.)

The remodeling will enable us to be open daily to the public. I am putting in a high roof and will need to remodel the front section accordingly for security. The rain has prevented us from making any progress in weeks, and preventing us from raising funds when we most need it. I have been attempting to sell larger items pn Facebook.

Our Papeleria is in the RED, we have had so many families in the immediate neighborhood without the funds to pay for school supplies, uniforms, and enrollment fees.  We cannot turn down helping a child with educational expenses. School just started last month and people are coming in daily asking for help. PLEASE assist us by donating your gently used clothing and household goods or make a cash donation.

Drop off the items you no longer use or need at our home/store #1081 35 Avenida between Calles 17 & 15 Bis. You can also call at 987-118-4453 or 987-120-5902 to arrange a pick up at your home. All Clothing, Housewares, Furniture, Appliances, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Your donations or proceeds from your donations are guaranteed to go towards a family in need.

Short Film Contest “I am Cozumel Island”

 (Posted as translated and presented by Isla Cozumel)
The Municipal Government of Cozumel Island, part of the festivities “500 years of Cozumel: Encounter of two cultures”, convenes to: Short Film Contest “I am Cozumel Island”.
In order to stimulate the development of audiovisuals proposals that rescue and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of Cozumel Island, as well as support the initiative of peninsular and island creators and artists, the Cozumel City Council convenes the short film contest “I am Cozumel Island “.
Through this call the Municipal Government of Cozumel Island, through the Cozumel Committee 500 years: Encounter of two cultures, composed of the holders of the Subdirector of Culture, the Directorate General Events, the Director of Tourism and Economic Development, and the Coordination of Culture of the Technical Secretariat, will award the first three places of the two participating categories as follows:
First place: $ 7,000.00 MN
Second place: $ 5,000.00 MN
Third place: $ 3,000.00 MN
First place: $ 20,000.00 MN
Second place: $ 13,000 MN
Third place: $ 7,000.00 MN
Creators of all ages, whether Mexican nationality or foreigners with legal residence and living in Mexico, may participate.
Accredit, through a copy of official identification of both sides, Mexican nationality or legal residence in the country in the case of foreigners.
Present an audiovisual piece of between 3 and 30 minutes duration, with technique and free treatment, as long as it fits the topics included in this call.
In case of a short film in another language, it will be mandatory to have Spanish subtitles.
There will be two categories in this contest:
Amateur: self-taught creators or those with a verifiable professional trajectory of less than 3 years.
Professional: professional creators with a testable trajectory greater than 3 years.
The short films should be based on the following themes:
· Characters of Cozumel
· Events and anecdotes about the history of Cozumel
· Natural wealth
· Culture and traditions
· Hydrometer logical phenomena (hurricanes and other natural phenomena)
Registration of the short films
Participants will only be able to compete with a short film and in only one of the categories.
Each participant must request and complete the registration form that must be attached digitally when sending their short film. This sheet can be requested in the following email: , or can be obtained through the website:
The short films must be sent to Adolfo Rosado Salas s / n between avenue 105 and 115, Col. Juan Bautista Vega, Cozumel, CP 77645 in MP4 or MOV format on a hard drive or USB.
The registration form must be included in the electronic device with the following information digitized in a word file (not in pdf or jpg).
About the short film
Synopsis of the work
Technical specifications of the short film: name, year, duration, genre, actors, edition, music, credits of all the participants, etc …
A photograph with high resolution (300 dpi) of a scene from the short film in a jpg format.
About the author
· Full name
· Identification that can be IFE, Passport, driver’s license, etc … on both sides. If you are a resident alien, copy your FM2 on both sides.
· Copy of proof of domicile (last three months)
· Brief biography of the director (1 page)
· Copy of professional title or training courses and / or awards or recognitions that you can participate in the category you indicate.
· Address and email
· Telephone
· Indicate: facebook, twitter, Instagram, youtube channel and / or vimeo channel and / or website (if you have one)
· A high resolution portrait photograph (300 DPI) in either black and white or color in jpg format.
Authorization letter
A signed letter with the authorization to display and make use of the contestant material, which will be used for dissemination and promotion of the event, “500 years of Cozumel: Encounter of two cultures”, and for the realization of a sample of the participating films; for the transmission of the same in the official channels available to the Municipality of Cozumel and other that the Municipality of Cozumel and the State of Quintana Roo deems convenient for promotional purposes only.
Both the audiovisual archive and the requested documentation must be sent in a sealed envelope to the premises of the Subdirection of culture of the Municipality of Cozumel located in Adolfo Rosado Salas s / n between avenue 105 and 115, Colonia Juan Bautista Vega, CP77645
The envelope must bring the legend on the outside that reads “COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS: I am Cozumel Island” and the following data of the sender:
· Name of the participant
· Address of the participant
· Telephone number
· The present call will remain open from its date of publication, and until 6:00 pm of February 23, 2018 (Quintana Roo time)
Shipments beyond the deadline of the call will not be accepted. However, if shipments are not made from Cozumel, postage will be accepted with a postmark dated 5:00 pm on Friday, February 23, 2018.
Shorts of trademarks, or that contain offensive messages, that are lacking in the moral, or include messages of political propaganda will not be accepted.
Short films that do not comply with all the requirements of this call will be disqualified.
The cost of sending short films will be handled by the participants.
In no case will be paid for the exhibition rights of the short films.
In the short films must have been made between January 2017 and February 2018.
The fact of participating in this call means accepting the terms and conditions.
Exhibition and award
All the short films that meet the appropriate quality standards will be part of a special exhibition, within the program of the Cozumel Festivities 500 years: Encounter of Two Cultures, during the month of May 2018.
The exhibition forum and the awards ceremony will be announced during the month of March 2018.
There will be a jury qualified by specialists in the film and video of our country, as well as by the members of the Cozumel Committee 500 years: Encounter of two cultures, and its ruling will be unappelable.
The winning short films of each category and those selected by the organizing committee, will be broadcast in the following months of the year in different events organized by the Municipality of Cozumel.
Any situation not foreseen in this call will be defined by the Cozumel Committee 500 years: Encounter of two cultures.
Information and contacts
Those interested in participating in this contest and following closely what happens, before and after the contest, may have access to the information through the official website: , and by Facebook: Isla Cozumel Mx
For more information, interested parties can contact the organizers via email: and the Telephones (01) 987 8694672 / Cel. 987 564 8110 with Liliana Macotela Deputy Deputy Director of Culture.

 Cozumel Ladies Breakfast

This week we will be at La Catrina on Xel-Ha (Calle 11) on the south side of the street between Av 20 & 25.  We will sit indoors where there is a/c.  There is a small parking lot in back as well as lots of street parking on Xel-Ha.

Our group meets every Wednesday at nine at different locations throughout the year. In addition to meeting wonderful Ladies from all over the world, the breakfast club is an excellent source of information gathering and networking. Breakfasts are informative and FUN! All Women are welcome to join us, even if you are just visiting our beautiful Island.  If you wish to be placed on the mailing list, contact:

Papeleria Mama Lilly
School and Office supplies, copies, printing, laminating, scanning, and binding.
Gifts and Novelty Items. Use of Computer, Calls to Mexico, U.S, and Canada.
We are licensed, provide Facturas, and deliver to your home, business, or office.
Support a Neighborhood Business!
Telephone:   987-120-5903
06:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
08:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday
08:00 a.m. – 09:30 a.m. Sunday
11:00 a.m. – 09:00 p.m. Sunday
35 Avenida Sur Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis
Colonia Independencia (Near Independencia Sports Center)

Isla Cozumel Social Networks:

Cozumel Civil Registry Office Has Moved

They are no longer on 65th and 11th! They are at a bigger, more accessible location on Avenida Benito Juarez and 15th. Their internet will not be in place for another week, so all their services are not fully available at this time.


Second Floor of The Mercado
Stairs on the AR Salas Side of Building close to Avenida 25.
Move Effective Today August 23rd, 2017!
Local tel. no.: 987-872-1257 or 987-872-0180.
Federal Attorney’s Office of Consumer:

Aura Holguin-Resch
The Cozumel Sun News
RFC: HORA500201TP1
Papeleria y Novedades Mama lilly
RFC: RFC: MAMB780915969
987-118-4453 CELL
386-445-8702 USA
About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.