In this edition of The Cozumel Sun, Part Two of the U.S. Consulate General Town Hall Meeting and Passport Fair held on September 22, 2017, The Presentation by the City of Cozumel, Cozumel Recyclable Collection Schedule, Cozumel Turtle Release and Search and Rescue Program, Cozumel / Quintana Roo Conjunctivitis Health Alert, and Cozumel Adopt a Champion Program.
Cozumel DIF School Breakfast / Lunch Program
Desajunos Frios y Desajunos y Amuersos Caliente are projects to provide balance meals to school children that otherwise attend school on an empty stomach. Many children attend school on an empty stomach daily in Cozumel. You can help by signing up to Godparent a child in need of food. The cost is only $120 pesos per month per child. Please join us, sign up at DIF and Godfather a child! Contact DIF at 987-108-4855. The goal is to provide food for 600 school children, please help!

A Great place to watch the Sunset!
Hours: Daily 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Happy Hour: 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 2 for 1 Drinks and Appetizers
Live Music: Every Night Starting at 8:00 p.m.
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Cozumel Eliminate Plastic Grocery Bag Program
The island has a campaign to eliminate the use of shopping plastic bags and are encouraging all Cozumel Residents to use cloth bags to carry their groceries and other purchases.
This is going to be a tough habit to break, as the grocery stores all use plastics and the bags double for use in the homes for storage and trash.
We must set an example and either purchase the recycle bags available at the store or bring along our own cloth bags for our purchases. Help us make a difference!

Wednesday – Sunday night from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Reservations: 01 987 872 0100
Email buccanos@yahoo.com

Cozumel Adopt a Champion Program
The City of Cozumel actively supports 30 youth athletes. They are in need of nutritional supplements, equipment, and travel and lodging for out of the island training and competition.
You can choose to adopt one youth athlete, or spread your donation to a number of the athletes. You can donate any amount of money, specify what the donation is for, for example tennis shoes or 3-month supply of nutritional supplement for “X” (Athlete).
Cozumel Sports Direction will give you a list of Athletes and their needs for you to use. Contact Georgina Rocke at 987-111-4005
- Purchase the equipment or supplement or
- Make a payment at the Municipal Cashier as a donation in the name of the athlete.
Cozumel CAMAR
Cozumel CAMAR is the recycling agency for the island. “Centro de Acopio De Materiales Reciclables” is located on Calle 1 Sur con 140 Ave. Colonia Juan Bautista Vega. They are open from 7 am to 3 pm. Have your recyclables outside on the curb during these hours on your pick up day. Please use White plastic bags for your recyclables when appropriate. REMINDER: IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SWEEP AND PICK UP ACCUMULATED TRASH IN FRONT OF YOUR PROPERTIES.
CAMA accepts the following items:
Llantas (Tires)
Colchones (Matreses)
Chatarra Mixta (Mixed Recyclables)
Aceite Vegetal Quemado (Used Vegetable Oil)
PET (Plastic Bottles)
Plástico Duuro (Hard Plastic)
Plástico de Color (Color Plastic)
Cartón (Carton)
Papel (Revista, Archivo, Periódico) Paper (Magazines, Newspapers, Archives, scratch papers, etc.)
Pilas (Batteries)
Electronicos y Electrodomesticos SIN Desarmar (Electronics and Household Appliances NOT dismantled! )
Cozumel Recyclable Trash Collection Schedule
Lunes / Mondays Martes / Tuesdays
Emiliano Zapata Andrés Quintana Roo
Urba Colonos Cuzamil
Félix Gonzales Canto San Miguel 1
Inviqroo San Miguel 2 & 3
Flores Magón I && II Frac. Flores Magon II
Miercoles / Wednesdays Jueves / Thursdays
Maravilla San Gervasio
Magisterio Juan Bautista Vega
Flamingos Nueva Generacion
CTM Taxistas Chen Tuk
Fovissste Repobladores
Viernes / Friday Sabado / Saturday
Centro F. Caribe
10 de Abril F. El Encanto
Adofo L. Mateo F. Altamar I
Miraflores F. Altamar II

Cozumel Town Square Park
Juárez Ave. #117 x 5th Ave
Mon- Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Phone: 01 987 872 7632
Email: sergiosilver@live.com.mx
Website: http://www.sergiosilver.com.
City of Cozumel Website:
Cozumel Smart Island Website has all attractions and business directory
City of Cozumel Facebook Pages
Cozumel live coverage of town hall meetings, Radio Programs, and City Programs, Notices of upcoming events.
Desarrollo Económico de Isla Cozumel
Cozumel Economic Development News and Information
Cozumel DIF Provides services to Cozumel’s Children, Seniors, and Special Needs children and adult. DIF is The National System for Integral Family Development (Spanish: Sistema Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia; SNDIF or just DIF) is a Mexican public institution of social assistance that focuses on strengthening and developing the welfare of the Mexican families.
Desarrollo Social Isla Cozumel
Cozumel Social Development activities and opportunities
Cozumel Carnival Highlights and News.
Cozumel Civil Protection News and Information
Cozumel Animal Control News & Information
Cozumel Tourism News and Information
Bolsa de Trabajo Desarrollo Cozumel
Cozumel Economic Development Job Openings
Cozumel Cultural Activities and News
Cozumel Ecology News and Information
Cozumel Youth Related News and Information
Cozumel Sports News and Information
Biblioteca Pública “Gonzalo de Jesús Rosado Iturralde”
Cozumel Library located on Av. Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, entre Calles 8 y 10 N. News and Information.
Cozumel Public Security and Transit News and Information
Cozumel Arts Gallery News and Information
Cozumel Civil Registry Office
The new Civil Registry Office is at a bigger, more accessible location on Avenida Benito Juarez and 15th. They handle Marriage Licenses, Birth Certificates, CURP, death Certificates, etc.
Cozumel / Quintana Roo Conjunctivitis Health Alert
There is an epidemic of Pink eye going around the state. It is nothing dangerous if treated promptly, just a reminder of what Pink Eye is and to wash your hands frequently, and keep hands away from your eyes.
Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
Medical condition:
Pinkeye (also called conjunctivitis) is redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface.
What Causes Pinkeye?
Pinkeye has a number of different causes, including:
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Irritants such as shampoos, dirt, smoke, and pool chlorine
- Allergies, like dust, pollen, or a special type of allergy that affects some contact lens wearers
Pinkeye caused by some bacteria and viruses can spread easily from person to person, but is not a serious health risk if diagnosed promptly. Pinkeye in newborn babies, however, should be reported to a doctor immediately, as it could be a vision-threatening infection.
What Are the Symptoms of Pinkeye?
The symptoms of pinkeye differ based on the cause of the inflammation, but may include:
- Redness in the white of the eye or inner eyelid
- Increased amount of tears
- Thick yellow discharge that crusts over the eyelashes, especially after sleep
- Green or white discharge from the eye
- Itchy eyes
- Burning eyes
- Blurred vision
- Increased sensitivity to light
See your doctor or nurse practitioner if you have any of these symptoms of pinkeye. Your eye doctor will conduct an exam of your eyes and may use a cotton swab to take a sample of fluid from the eyelid to be analyzed in a lab. Bacteria or viruses that may have caused conjunctivitis, including those that can cause a sexually transmitted disease or STD, can then be identified and proper treatment prescribed.
How Is Pinkeye Treated?
The treatment for pinkeye depends on the cause.
- Bacteria. Pinkeye caused by bacteria, including those related to STDs, is treated with antibiotics, in the form of eye drops, ointments, or pills. Eye drops or ointments may need to be applied to the inside of the eyelid three to four times a day for five to seven days. Pills may need to be taken for several days. The infection should improve within a week. Take or use the drugs as instructed by your doctor, even if the symptoms go away.
- Viruses. This type of pinkeye often results from the viruses that cause a common cold. Just as a cold must run its course, so must this form of pinkeye, which usually lasts from four to seven days. Viral conjunctivitis can be highly contagious. Avoid contact with others and wash your hands frequently especially before handling food that you touch with your fingers before you eat it. If you wear contact lenses, you should throw away contacts worn while you have pinkeye and wear glasses. Same for makeup. If you develop blurred vision with pinkeye, see your eye doctor immediately. Some viruses cause scarring of the cornea.
- Irritants. For pinkeye caused by an irritating substance, use water to wash the substance from the eye for five minutes. Your eyes should begin to improve within four hours. If the conjunctivitis is caused by acid or alkaline material such as bleach, immediately rinse the eyes with lots of water and call your doctor immediately.
- Allergies. Allergy-associated conjunctivitis should improve once the allergy is treated and the allergen removed. Antihistamines (either oral or drops) can give relief in the meantime. See your doctor if you have conjunctivitis that is linked to an allergy.
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The Cozumel Sun Garage Sale
The Sun Garage Sale was started as a means to collect gently used clothing and goods to be donated to the poor and/or sold at low cost to raise funds for our many projects in Las Fincas and our immediate neighborhood. WE WILL BE SENDING SUPPLIES TO THE EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS THROUGH ONE OF THE LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS AS MONEY ALLOWS.
I am in the process of remodeling our front terrace/entryway into a permanent area for the garage sale. It has been difficult finding storage space that does not disrupt the household. Bringing the merchandise out and setting up the display is hard, many times having to repack it due to weather. The work involved and weather condition has limited the number of days I can have the sale. (Mind you this is a one person operation.)
The remodeling will enable us to be open daily to the public. I am putting in a high roof and will need to remodel the front section accordingly for security. The rain has prevented us from making any progress in weeks, and preventing us from raising funds when we most need it. I have been attempting to sell larger items pn Facebook.
We have had so many families in the immediate neighborhood without the funds to pay for school supplies, uniforms, and enrollment fees. We cannot turn down helping a child with educational expenses. School just started last month and people are coming in daily asking for help. PLEASE assist us by donating your gently used clothing and household goods or make a cash donation.
Drop off the items you no longer use or need at our home/store #1081 35 Avenida between Calles 17 & 15 Bis. You can also call at 987-118-4453 or 987-120-5903 to arrange a pick up at your home. All Clothing, Housewares, Furniture, Appliances, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Your donations or proceeds from your donations are guaranteed to go towards a family in need.

The Cozumel Sun News
RFC: HORA500201TP1
Papeleria y Novedades Mama lilly
RFC: RFC: MAMB780915969
987-118-4453 CELL
386-445-8702 USA