Cozumel News April 3 COVID-19 UPDATE

April 3 Cozumel News Quintana Roo Governor Carlos Joaquin Interview, Municipal President Pedro Joaquin Announcement, and State COVID-19 Update as of April 2.

Q. Roo Governor Carlos Joaquin

Governor Carlos Joaquin

Good afternoon everyone. This is a synopsis of the interview with Quintana Roo Governor Carlos Joaquin this afternoon.

Quintana Roo Governor, Carlos Joaquin addressed the state this afternoon. The Governor started by stressing the need for people to stay at home. Throughout the entire interview he revisited and stressed this urgent need for people to Stay at Home.

This federal mandate went into effect on March 31st when a National Health Emergency was announced in Mexico with the objective of getting people to remain at home.

The Governor sounded very frustrated as he stressed the importance of staying at home to diminish the spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic.  He acknowledges how hard it is to stay at home and the need to venture out for food and other necessities.  But asked for ¨unity and family tranquility; that we work together as a team with the government to accomplish this important goal.¨

The Governor announce Five things that the State is implementing to do their share and help the families accomplish the goal of staying at home. ¨So that you remain at home, the government is…¨ came before each statement that he made.

First:   Water

CAPA has agreed not to turns off water due to nonpayment, not to charge late fees for this period and to work with customers to set up payment plans, deferred payments and discounts.

Second:   Lights 

The Energy Commission, CFE, has agreed not to turn off electricity due to nonpayment, and to defer charges. 70% of the people will have half of their light bill paid by the government during this period (one month).

Third:  Gas

The distributors of gas have agreed to remain open to provide gas to their customers. The government will give a voucher for four kilos of gas to the 400,000 neediest families.

Fourth:  Food on the table

Supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, tortillerias and bottling companies will remain open and offer delivery.

Starting this coming Monday, basic foods will be distributed door to door to each family. Priority will be given to the unemployed and underemployed. National guard and all levels of police will be helping.

When they stop by, they will ask for an identification, take your date, and a photograph.

Those that can please Donate to the local food banks to assist the community over this economic crisis.

Fifth: Health

Hospitals and Clinics are standing by to provide for your health care. Doctors are available for consultation via telephone and online. 911 assistance is operational. Pharmacies will remain open and offer delivery.

Domestic violence

He very forcefully state that domestic violence will not be tolerated, and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest. Report domestic violence to 911. Domestic Violence assistance is on call 24 hours per day.

Mental Health

if you are feeling depressed, anxiety, etc. call 911. There are phycologists on standby to assist you 24 hours per day. Mental health issues are understandably common due to staying in the home and fear of the situation.

In addition to those five assists from the State:


The animal Society is on standby to answer calls pertaining to the care and wellbeing of your pets.

Internet, Cable, Telephone Providers

Have agreed not to turn off the services for nonpayment during this period and work with clients to set up repayment plans.

¨If you are not following the stay at home order you are part of the problem of this pandemic.  If you are staying at home, you are taking part in saving lives. Stay at Home and Save Lives, I will be there with you so that together we will come ahead.¨

Municipal President Pedro Joaquin D.

Municipal President Pedro Joaquin D. Announced:

The Beaches are Closed, per mandate of Federal Government. The Cozumel police will be enforcing the stay at home mandate by removing people from places that are closed such as the beaches.

As of today, no more public Transports (UNIPER)

The Municipality will be working with the state to distribute food door to door.

Cozumel will be stopping motorcycles carrying more than one rider that are not obviously out of the home for a necessity such as shopping.

The Liquor industry has been asked to start lessening the distribution of alcohol; the hours of sale have been lessened, the eventual implementation of the dry Law is a real possibility.

The police will be enforcing the closing of non-essential businesses, another mandate of the Federal Government.

Cozumel News April 3 COVID-19 UPDATE: 7:30 pm

New Update just arrived Cozumel rose from two to four tested positive and the stewide death still at one.

Charles Resch & Aura Holguin-Resch

Aurita´s Cozumel Corner

In lieu of the many people on the island that appear to be ignorant of the danger of this very contagious virus, I am very glad that Cozumel will be taking steps to enforce the stay at home mandate.  

Some people are out and about as if on vacation or a holiday. If it means keeping us safe, I am all for closing the liquor stores, and enforcing the existing mandates.

There is no word as of tonight who the second case that tested positive in Cozumel is, no word on the pending tests either.

Stay Home and Stay Safe Everone!
About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.


  1. Once again, thank you! My Spanish is OK and I figure out most of what I have to translate, but this is more helpful than you can imagine! Stay safe neighbor!

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