Cozumel April 11, 2020
In this issue I am recapping what has happened this last week with the Cozumel COVID-19 Crisis. It has been imposible to take the time to report everything in this format.
We monitor three radio station news reports daily, the websites of both the Municipal President, the State Governor, the State websites, the island of Cozumel websites, and a host of other media outlets to bring you the latest news and information.
The news was coming so fast this week that once translated, it was posted to the Cozumel Sun Facebook Group. Then it was back to the next news conference or posting.
I ask all my readers to please join The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group if you have not already done so.
The Cozumel COVID-19 Crisis:
The Government Food Distribution

The food distribution sponsored by the State and local government started on Monday. The plan is to deliver to every household on the island in the span of the next 7 to 10 days. They started with the poorest and largest Colonies and are averaging almost a whole colony per day during the hours of eight to two.
The supplies come in a box. I have not seen one to describe the contents, but I hear it is some basic foods and a few supplies. You will need to show an identification. If you do not have one, an utility invoice will do. Your household information will be recorded, and they will take your picture. A mark will be placed outside your home, their way of keeping track.

Each household is also receiving a coupon good for four kilos of cooking gas. The coupon can be used at one of the two gas companies in town.
There was no delivery on Good Friday but they resumed today. They have not provided a schedoule; Each day they announce where they are going to next.
If you are not at home when they come to your block, you will not be receiving your box until the drive has been completed. I believe it is another insentive to encourage people to stay at home.
The Cozumel COVID-19 Crisis:
Toque de Queda / Curfew

Effective this evening, the curfew hours have been extended, from 10:00 pm until 5:00 am. True to his word, Municipal President Pedro Joaquin D. has started the curfew earlier in the evening in an attempt to keep people off the streets and at home.
HIs numerous addresses to the island population stress the importance of staying at home as the only means to combat the spread of COVID-19. He threatened to keep extending the hours of the curfew to punish the violators. (It is possible we might see the curfew starting at eight at night before this is over.)
Cozumel COVID-19 CRISIS:
New Change in Alcohol Sales Hours

The minute the Word got out that alcohol sales would more than likely be suspended, a mad rush to purchase alcohol occurred. As a result, the government decided to slowly cut back on the sale of alcohol.
Owners of stores that sold alcohol are normally able to buy a special permit each month to enable them to stay open later. This was the first cut, no extended hours. This also coincided with the curfew hours.
Effective tonight liquor sales are now limited to the new shorter hours of 10:00 am until 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. (On Saturday and Sunday without the extended hours stores should already be closing at 3 pm. Once again, I see even shorter hours or sales stopped all together depending on how things develop. It is quite possible that we will have no sales of liquor before the crisis is over.)
Cozumel COVID-19 CRISIS:
Medical Supplies Arrived!

Good News! Cozumel´s public hospitals received 1000 medical kits that included gowns, foot covering, masks, all the protective gear needed for COVID-19. The shipment included 300 full faced masks. The recipients are Cozumel General, ISSSTE Hospital, and IMSS Hospital.
Cozumel COVID-19 CRISIS:

The Daily State Results
Each evening, the State of Quintana Roo puts out a report that gives the daily total of positive cases, the number of cases pending results, the number of cases testing negative and the number of fatalities.
The report breaks it down by Municipalities, and Cozumel has six Positive cases and Zero Fatalities. We found out that one of these five was hospitalized and four are in isolation at home.
Remember, there might have been people not tested, pending tests, as well as those deaths that have been deemed pneumonia. There are those still not obeying the stay at home mandate. DO NOT LET DOWN YOUR GUARD.
Cozumel COVID-19 CRISIS:

Motorcycle Hours
The strict only one person to a motorcycle mandate was revised to accommodate people that needed a ride to work and persons needing two to carry the groceries. Two people are allowed on a motorcycle strictly for transportation to work, and shopping for food or medicine twice per day. In the morning during the hours of 5:00 am to 10:00 am, and again during the hours of 3 p.m. to 7:00 pm.
There can be only one person on a motorcycle from 10 am until 3 pm. One person on a motorcycle from 7 pm until curfew.
Aurita’s Cozumel Corner

Stores on the island are assisting the government to implement the mandates. Mega is not allowing seniors to enter the store; they offer to do the shopping while you wait. The stores are also implementing that only one member per household should be in the store shopping. ALL STORES ARE OFFERING DELIVERIES! If you are having problems ordering via phone or online, let us know, we will gladly help.
Non-essential businesses should be closed including all construction work. Restaurants are to be open for only take-out and delivery service.
Going Out
If you must go out, wear a mask. Any mask is better than no mask. We purchased some on Facebook and they were delivered within the hour.
On your return, leave your shoes outside until you can disinfect them. Throw your clothes in your washing machine along with shopping bags. (Wash and dry high temperature).
Disinfect your hands and any surface that you touch such as doorknobs. Take a shower, clean your wallet, your cellphone, anything that was in contact with the outside world on your shopping trip.
The image below is self-explanatory, it details how long the virus lives on any given surface. Disinfect everything that you purchase or is delivered to your home. We have Avon deliveries and the box is doused with Lysol spray the minute it is in our possession.

Cozumel COVID-19 CRISIS:
Crime & the Economy
We posted a projection of Cozumel´s economy in lieu of this pandemic. The bottom line is that Cozumel will not see any tourists probably until December at the earliest, and January most likely.
While it is wonderful that the island is receiving the food boxes, my guess is that the contents will last a week at the most.
Like the United States, money has not yet been dispersed to businesses or individuals.
No Income
The people that worked for a business are supposed to be paid through the end of April. After that there is no income.
Many people do not work for a business, they are self employed and live day to day, they are without NOW.
There is another large group of people that work under the table, they are not official employees, therefore have no coverage, these people are without NOW.
No Fishing
Then there are the people that fish. There is ban on fishing to keep people in their homes. They cannot sell fish for income, nor to feed their families, they are without NOW.
Petty Crime
In good times, the island had a problem with home robberies and muggings by juveniles. Those same juveniles are out and about more than ever, and I fear the economic times ahead of us will see crime rising drastically.
Neighborhood Watch
If you do not have a block Neighborhood Watch, now is the time to get on it. There is protection in numbers. Our block is registered with the police, we have an alarm, and have been guaranteed priority when calling 911. I have written about the program in previous editions, if you want more information or assistance, contact us!
Call 911
They are asking that we report any violators of the curfew or any other mandate to 911. We are all in this together! Anyone violating the rules place all of us in danger.
Unlike larger municipalities, Cozumel is isolated. There are a total of thirty respirators and one hundred hospital beds in all of Cozumel. We must stand strong to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our beautiful paradise. Now is the time for those of us that can help to step up.
Stay home, stay safe, and God Bless! Happy Easter and Passover everyone.
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