April 15, 2020
The big focus on the Cozumel COVID-19 news tonight is the closing of the main Streets and Avenues. Also, updates on the COVID-19 Economic Relief food distribution, Cozumel curfew, Cozumel Alcohol Sales, Cozumel PASA, and more.
Tougher Measures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
“Mobility in cities is restricted, social distancing is extreme, and the use of mouth masks will be mandatory when leaving to the streets, ” Governor Carlos Joaquin April 13, 2020.

I listened to Sol Radio 899 at noon today for more information on the street closures. They interviewed Pedro Arturo Ramirez del Angel, Subdirector of Transit in Cozumel.
As of yesterday evening, the main Avenues/streets are closed (lines in red). The intent is that they are off limits to civilians on foot or in vehicles.
They left the airport road open for access to the blocked off areas. There is one entrance to get into Centro Neighborhood on 10th and 11th Avenues (in Green).
Once in the Centro area, the only way out is straight to the airport road and detour back to your home.
Colony Adolfo Lopez Mateo is completely closed in. They have the only two road crossings to enable them to legally get in and out of that colony (in Yellow).
65th and airport Road (in blue) is labeled as an exit.
Not Happy!
The population was not happy with the restrictions. It was once again explained that this is a statewide mandate, not a local initiative. It is being enforced because of the large number of people not following the stay at home mandate.
One person complained about how inconvenient this makes movement, the response was that is exactly the idea. To discourage people from leaving home unless they absolutely must. This was followed by the warning that if this does not keep people in, more closures would be added.
Only Emergency vehicles are allowed in the closed streets and avenues. Violators will be arrested.
Necessity Only
He once again stressed to get your food and supplies for the week and stay at home. One person only to the store, pharmacy, Doctors. There should not be any other movement outside of your home.
Call 911
Callers reported police lines taken down at some intersections and vehicles traveling the wrong way on closed streets. Del Angel again reminded everyone to call 911 to report violators, as we must work together to prevent this pandemic from spreading.
Aurita´s Cozumel Corner

Part of the State mandate is that everyone wear a mask when outside of their home. Everyone should have an identification at hand, if you are driving, your drivers license.
Bartolo went to Chedraui early this morning. The only new change was they have the door off the parking lot designated as the only entrance. The front door that faces Melgar is designated as the only exit. The little shopping center is totally closed off. Only Coppell is operating from their side door.
My friend Pat went to Mega yesterday. No problem being allowed in. There was a man at the foot of the escalator with the hand sanitizer that explained that they offered delivery.
IMSS Hospital
I went to IMSS Hospital for an appointment. Much improvement since last week. There is a tent in front of the entrance that directs traffic (so to speak). They offer you sanitizer and ask why you are there. At the entrance there were two guards, (more sanitizer).
I headed for the Emergency area were my Trauma Doctor usually sees his patients. A guard in the ER area redirected me to aother part of the building. I was worried about being in close proximity to the sick in ER, they solved that.
I noticed that the floor in front of the pharmacy, Laboratory, and Appointment areas, were marked with lines for social distancing. Every other waiting area seat was marked to leave empty for social distancing.
My Specialist was not seeing any patients, only refilling prescriptions. I will find out tomorrow if that is the case for all the Departments. (Charles and I have our monthly appointment).
Finally, everyone was wearing face masks but my doctor!!!!!
COVID-19 Economic Relief Food Distribution

There has been no distribution of food since last Saturday April 11. They ran out of food and gasoline coupons and are awaiting another shipment. They have not given any indication of when they think that might be. They only asked that everyone be patient.
COVID-19 Curfew / Liquor Sales
As you know the curfew is 10 pm to 5 am every day. The Liquor sales are limited to 10 am to 5 pm every day.
Cozumel PASA COVID-19 Prevention

The Cozumel Garbage Collectors once again asked that we remind everyone to have their trash out before six in the evening.
Their workers have been provided with uniform, mask and gloves and are following the department of health recommendations on hygiene to stay safe.
They ask that we help to keep them safe by spraying the trash bags with a solution of Clorox and water when we place them outside.
I ask all my readers to please join The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group if you have not already done so.
The full Mandate from Quintana Roo Governor Carlos Joaquin, can be found in the Cozumel Sun Facebook Group. Here is an excerpt:
Published by Aura Holguin-Resch · April 13 at 8:00 PM The Governor Just announced tougher measures to ensure people follow the rules over the next critical six weeks.
To protect people, Carlos Joaquín announced new stricter measures to save lives in the face of the COVID-19 emergency.
While he praised the 80% of the State Population that was following the Stay at Home mandate, he stated the 20% that were not staying at home are putting us all in danger.
*Mobility in cities is restricted, social distancing is extreme, and the use of mouth masks will be mandatory when leaving to the streets.


RFC: HORA500201TP1 9
87-118-4453 CELL
386-445-8702 USA auraholguin@thecozumelsun.com
If you need to have prescriptions filled at Ahorro how can you get there with both Calle 11 and Ave 30 closed? Can you park on the south side of that corner and walk to the pharmacy? Is the only way to get medicine from there calling in your requests?
All fixed Nancy! Closure lasted one day. However, yes to your question they expected you to park and walk there.