The Cozumel News July 5, 2020

Cozumel Sun News July 5, 2020: State of Quintana Roo still in Orange level, Cozumel Neighborhood Watch Update, City Changes Effective July 3, Ferries increase fares, Community Kitchens, and more!

Still ORANGE but…
Still Orange !

Cozumel June 25 – State Governor Carlos Joaquin addressed the state and announced that in the coming week of July 6 through July 12 the State of Quintana Roo will remain in the ORANGE State.

Everything else seems to remain the same per the color code. Safe distancing, sanitation, and facemasks are still a must!

Beaches are only open in controlled environments of beach clubs and hotels currently operating with a limited number of guests.

The vulnerable population such as children, seniors, and those with preexisting conditions such as diabetes, asthma, etc. are still directed to stay at home for their safety.

The local population is asked to go about the necessary business only, practicing much caution!

Same driving rules, two maximum per motorcycle, and legal maximum capacity of vehicles carrying family members only.

¨The Corona virus has not gone anywhere. The new normal procedures are in effect to slowly open the economy with the safety procedures in place.¨

Neighborhood Watch Update

There was a virtual VV Neighborhood Watch meeting on Friday July 3 attended by State and local public safety authorities and the President and Vice Presidents of the neighborhood watch groups.

All installed alarms will be connected to the 911 C4 center this week with a GPS function. Those connected with the ¨Vive Seguro Vigilancia Vecinal Segura¨ (VV) program will be given priority.

Early this week, the technicians will be in Cozumel to repair any alarms that are malfunctioning. They will review ALL alarms. Each group should submit the list of the four households that have the alarms. The list should have a name, address, and telephone number.

The Alarm

The alarm has limited range of 30 to 80 metros and does not pick up the signal through concrete. The holders of the controls will be tasked with sounding the alarm for members of the group that do not have a remote.

Alarm Process
  • Sound the alarm in an emergency.
  • Call 911 and let them know what type of emergency.
  • The remote controls have a silent mode button that you hold for 5 seconds to activate. 
Alarm Maintenance
  • The alarms should be tested every 2 – 3 months if you have not used them.
  • Weekly you should check and make certain that the alarm lights are on.
  • The alarms must be tested after rainstorms and/or power outages.
  • Before testing the alarm, you must call 911 and send a WhatsApp to the C4 office to advise them that you are performing a test.
  • Test should be performed Monday through Thursday mornings ONLY. The rest of the time 911 is busy and should not be disturbed.
  • It is advised that you have a control log for your alarm detailing dates tested and usage.
Types of Emergency

The alarm may be activated for any type of emergency, Police, Fire, Medical, Criminal, Security, Transit, etc.

Follow Up Call

You must follow up with a call to 911 for the authorities to determine who to send to your assistance. The 911 call will ask details of the person calling.

If you observe a crime and do not wish to be involved you may report it to 089, The 089 number is strictly confidential and will ask the details of what you observed, but will not ask for your name, etc.

Your Vehicles

Know what vehicles belong to your neighbors and assist in keeping them safe. This way you can identify a vehicle that does not belong there, an observation can help authorities to investigate crimes on your block.

Know your Plate Number

If someone takes off with your vehicle and you call 911, know your plate number! Authorities have quickly caught the thieves on camera and apprehended them when the owner was able to report it stolen quickly with a plate number.

The time it takes for you to look up the plate number is crucial! By the time you find it your vehicle can have been dismantled for parts or off to parts unknown.

If your VV Group Needs Help

Anyone that needs assistance testing the alarm and coordinating the neighborhood watch group should contact Comandante Luis Pablo Garcia and he will set up a meeting with your group.

Community Education Workshops The Vive Seguro Vigilancia Vecinal Segura program has a community education component. These workshops educate the community on common social problems and provide information on the resources available. Unfortunately, the workshops are in spanish. Due to the Pandemic they take place using Google Meet or Zoom.

The Cozumel Sun News promotes businesses for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group 

Cozumel Changes Effective July 3rd
Curfew Change!

Municipal President Pedro Joaquin extended the Curfew one hour until 10 p.m.

However, he started out by echoing Quintana Roo´s Governor´s threat that the entire state would be reverted to the RED stage if the number or COVID-19 infections kept increasing.

President Joaquin explained his decision to extend the curfew by an hour was to help the economy of the local restaurants.

Effective Friday, June 3rd, the new Cozumel Curfew is from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Public Transport Resumed

Likewise, Public Transport resumed on Friday July 3rd.. The UNIPER transport routes will be available but only at the capacity of 50%. Their hours will be 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and only 8 people can be on board the 16 passenger vans.

Beaches and Face Masks

The beaches and public parks and sports stadium are still closed. Everyone MUST always wear masks. If you exercise a mask must be visible to be used the minute you are done or/and encounter someone else.

Fines will be imposed on those not following the mandates. Citizens are encouraged to call 911 and report violators that are putting us all at risk.

Cozumel City Discounts Continues

President Joaquin extended the discounts of virtually all licenses and permits covered by the city through the month of July. I believe the discount was 50%.

Interview with ZOFAMAT
Cozumel June 29 – Interview with Director of ZOFAMAT in Cozumel Ricardo Alberto Lizama Escalante on SOL Radio 899:
  • Hundreds in violation of beach closure. Over 450 people each at Caletitas and Chen Rio. Not enough authorities to enforce the safe distancing protocols in beaches and this violation in going to affect the safety of all of Cozumel. *
  • The sand has returned to the former site of Playa Bonita Restaurant on the other side of the island. Mother nature appears to be returning the sandy beach stolen by hurricane Wilma in 2005.
  • The ¨Miradores¨on the other side of the island are being refurbished. The structures are being reinforced and more umbrellas are being added.
  • Governor Carlos Joaquin stated beaches would not open until we attain the YELLOW phase.
New Drivers License #/Hours

The Cozumel Police informs you that starting tomorrow, July 2, 2020 the time to request an appointment for the RENEWAL of licenses will be from 15:00 to 20:00, (3 p.m. to 8 p.m.) either via phone call or WhatsApp at phones:

 987-564-74-45 and new #:  987-111-64-90

Cozumel Ferries Raise Fares
June 30, 2020
  1. Playa del Carmen – Cozumel
      1. Premium Plus Service
        1. Adult
        1. One Way           $250 MXN
        1. Round Trip       $500 MXN
        1. Child
        1. One Way           $200 MXN
        1. Round Trip       $400 MXN
  • Quintana Roo Plan
    • Adult
    • One Way           $150 MXN
    • Round Trip       $300 MXN
    • Child
    • One Way           $100MXN
    • Round Trip       $200MXN

Applies for Quintana Roo residents with identification. INE or Driver’s license

    • First class
      • One Way $310MXN
      • Round Trip $600MXN
    • Adult
    • One Way $90MXN
    • Round Trip $180MXN
  • Children under 5 years old do not pay ticket
  • Ages 6 to 11 years old pay child rate
  • Children 12 years old and older pay adult rate

Prices and departures from Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, México.

Prices and departures may change without notice.




Sencillo    Redondo           Sencillo    Redondo

ADULTO   $10.00      $20.00                $9.00        $18.00

MENOR    $7.00        $14.00                $6.00        $12.00


Sencillo    Redondo           Sencillo    Redondo

ADULTO   $7.00        $14.00                $7.00        $14.00

MENOR    $5.00        $10.00                $5.00        $10.00


Sencillo    Redondo                   

ADULTO   $4.00        $8.00       

MENOR    $2.00        $4.00

¨We condemn the rate hike at the Cozumel-Playa del Carmen junction because it harms tourists and Quintanarroenses. From the Municipal Presidency, we will send, with the endorsement of the Cabildo, an exhortation to the Federal Commission for Economic Competition (COFECE) to prevent them from continuing with the increases, especially at this difficult time for the local economy as a result of COVID19. Also, we will expose to the Apiqroo – Integral Port Administration of Quintana Roo and SCT the rejection of tourism service providers. These are moments of unity and efforts to support the inhabitants of Cozumel. ¨

  • Pedro Joaquin D. Municipal President

The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group 

Aurita´s Cozumel Corner
The Community Kitchens & The Cozumel Sun
Colonia Emilio Zapata Community Kitchen

In Charge: Brenda Briceño Can – 987-119-5943 Location: 12 Ave. Norte Entre Calles 75 y 80, Cozumel, México Services: FREE Meals to Go When:  Monday – Friday 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm. Meals delivered to seniors and other weekend deliveries. The Briceno family will continue if they have sponsors!

Colonia Adolfo Lopez Mateos Community Kitchen

In charge: Jorge Moreno – 987-105-4851 Location: Had to give up location working out of home. Services: FREE Meals delivered to seniors only. When: Daily. Stopped feeding the public due to no longer having finances and space availability. Concentrating on delivering meals to seniors.

The Cozumel Sun Community Project

We have not raised funds this month due to a death in the family. Our account is down to $68. The recent crash of our website incurred a $300 maintenance charge. We will not be able to donate our own funds until sometime in July.

Over the past four months, we have covered PayPal fees and taxes for the community kitchen donations, assisted with rents, food, medical charges, medicine, meals and groceries. Donations will be very welcome at this time.

PayPal Accounts

Both Community Kitchens have Mexican PayPal accounts. PayPal Mexico has huge fees. This is the reason that they opt to have donations made to The Cozumel Sun´s United States PayPal account with the lesser fees.


The couple of boxes from the Government that only some people received are not doing it! Many are once again out of the food.

How You Can Help:

If you are in Cozumel, a supermarket gift card, food, or cash donation. If you are out of Cozumel, you may designate a donation to Brenda´s or Jorge´s Community Kitchen in the Cozumel Sun PayPal account. The Cozumel Sun will cover the PayPal Charges and 16% IVA taxes.

You can designate the donation to support the Community Kitchen of your choice or Cozumel Sun´s Community Projects¨. Your donation may yet go to one of the kitchens anyway, if the kitchens need food, or one of their clients’ needs medication, etc.

Record Keeping

The recipient will receive a copy of the PayPal donation. The donor will receive a copy of the signed confirmation that the recipient received the funds. The donor will receive a picture of the transaction and/or project when possible. Again, you may make a general donation to be distributed as needed or specify for Jorge´s or Brenda´s Community Kitchen.

Giving is simple, go to Our Web Page the PayPal Button is at the bottom left of the home page of The Cozumel Sun.

Aura Holguin-Resch
RFC: HORA500201TP1
987-118-4453 CELL 386-445-8702
About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.


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