Cozumel News July 11, 2020

Cozumel News July 11, 2020: Semaforo Red for Southern Q. Roo, Semaforo Orange for Northern Q. Roo, The Pandemic Mandates, Enforcing the Pamdemic Mandates, Cozumel Curfew, and more

Semaforo Red for Southern Q. Roo

Cozumel July   13 – 19   State Governor Carlos Joaquin addressed the state Thursday evening. In the coming week of July 12 through July 19, the Southern zone of State of Quintana Roo has been changed back to Semaforo RED.

Semaforo Orange for Northern Q. Roo

The Northern tourist Zone that includes Cozumel will remain in Semaforo ORANGE.

Cozumel July 10, 2020

On Friday afternoon Municipal President Pedro Joaquin addressed the citizens of Cozumel. As of July 9th, we had 50 active cases in Cozumel. This represents a 25% increase in active cases in the last thirty days. Hospital occupancy rose 51% during the same period.  

Lack of Medical Personnel

The Government increased the number of available beds in Cozumel at the start of the Pandemic. However, the problem remains that there are not enough trained hospital staff to take care of the ICU patients. The island has always struggled with a shortage of medical specialists.

Orange Continues

President Joaquin reiterated that Cozumel would remain in the Orange Semaforo again next week. He was concerned that we are losing ground in the fight again COVID-19.

While he does not want to have to fine Cozumeleñans, something must be done to enforce the new norm regulations.  The authorities have done what they can, the responsibility falls on us to win the battle against the corona virus.

The Cozumel Sun News promotes businesses for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group 

Cozumel News July 11, 2020 Continued
Municipal President Pedro Joaquin
The Rules Apply to Everyone

Locals and Tourists must wear facemasks outside of their homes/hotels, when out in public, always. Masks to cover our mouth and nose must become part of our daily dressing routine if we are to beat the pandemic.

While exercising alone, the mask may be pulled down. However, it must be easily accessed in case that you encounter someone.

You must wash hands frequently and avoid touching your face.

You must disinfect your home and places of work continually.

Safe distancing is still a must! Do not shake hands, hug, or kiss anyone that you greet/meet.

Do not arrange gatherings with people outside of your immediate household.

Only leave home for essential needs. The local population is asked to only leave home when necessary, practicing much caution!

The vulnerable population (seniors, people with preexisting conditions such as diabetes, asthma, etc. & children) should not leave home under any circumstance.

The CURFEW remains the same: 10 p.m. – 5 a.m.

Enforcing the Pamdemic Mandates
Cozumel Checkpoints

Cozumel is enforcing the Pandemic new norm mandates. President Joaquin stated that he does not want to have to fine Cozumeleñans- However, something must be done to enforce the regulations and stop the daily increase in infections.

Starting Monday there will be 15 inspection points throughout the island. Violators will be subjected to fines, arrest, possession of vehicle, depending on the offence. The city is currently cracking down on clandestine operations and fining any authorized busines not following protocols.

Cozumel Authorities Seek Assistance

Since Cozumel has such a small police force, authorities have asked Cozumel citizens to call 911 to report violations of the laws and mandates from the beginning of the quarantine. 911 can many times gets saturated with calls; you must be patient.

Another place to report violations is Sol 899 Facebook page either their morning or noon live broadcasts. Feel free to provide pictures. The staff there will direct your complaint to the proper City department.

Keep informed on the COVID-19 related news in Cozumel, Mexico by joining The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group! VERIFIED information is posted daily.

Some Call it Causing Panic – I call it Providing Facts
By Aura Holguin-Resch

The situation with the pandemic is unique in Cozumel. We are a small island with very little resources, no industries, and a majority of the population that lives day to day.

The island cannot survive without tourism and cannot have tourism if our infection rate continues out of control.


Most of the island locals have had no income since March. There has been no mention of any more government food distribution; the two they received covered a week each for a family of four. Much of the population rents rooms, evictions are commonplace.

Health Insurance & Medications

Many that have lost their jobs and mini/micro business owners that have closed,  have now lost their medical and prescription coverage. Once unemployed, there is a three-month grace period of medical coverage.

Non-COVID Patients at Risk

Those that continue to have medical coverage have been told to call their Doctor if they are ill. They are not to go to the Doctor´s office or Clinic. Patients stop by to pick up their Prescriptions only (a three month supply in some cases). There is no medical exam. Non-Emergency Medical procedures are not performed.

Call, Do Not Come!

If you do not feel well, you are to call your Doctor. You are not allowed to just walk into an emergency room. This protocol, is to prevent exposure to COVID-19 at the public hospitals that currently care for the pandemic patients.

A high hospital occupancy for COVID-19 patients can become a death sentence. There will be a lack of properly trained ICU medical personnel

PUBLIC hospitals in Cozumel already had a shortage of Specialists. There were not enough ICU, operating rooms, or hospital beds for the population. Because of the increase in hospitalizations, there will also be more non Corona deaths on the island.

Not Jurisdiction

The Cozumel Airport and Seaports are under the juristriction of the Federal Government. Cozumel has no control over Ferries or Airplanes. Violations in safe distancing, wearing face masks, or any other safety measure currently mandated are not in Cozumel´s jurisdiction. To date, all the City can do is place a complaint to the Federal authorities.

Taking someone´s temperature upon boarding a plane or ferry means nothing. This pandemic has many different symptoms, and sometimes no symptom at all. Failure to safe distance and wear a mask in route to the island can contaminate a person that tested negative back home.

It is alarming that some people arriving by Ferry or Plane feel they are privileged and need not wear a mask, need not safe distance, need not follow hygiene protocols, and want to group gather.

The island was on lockdown for three months; this sacrifice will have been for nothing if we must shut down and start again.

The Social Media Responses

There are endless excuses on the social media pages of why not to follow the rules set forth for Cozumel. The bottom line is that violators are disrespectful and dangerous to Cozumel.

Today I am going to focus on those that think we should not be making such a big deal out of this, as 98% of infected people survive.

I am not certain what the current population of Cozumel is. We are not ready to have over 2,000 people die. (2% based on the estimated population 13 years ago!).

How does that even figure with the 100 hospital beds? How about the families and friends of that 2% that will not get to say goodbye to their loved ones? Or the families that will not be able to hold a wake as is customary in this culture? (The COVID-19 fatalities are currently cremated in Playa del Carmen.)

A Proven Fact

There are countries that have the Corona Virus under control. They have low infection and death rates, and did not close down their economy. What is their secret? The citizens respected the authorities and others around them. Everyone wore masks, kept a safe distance, and followed all the hygiene directives. These directives are not the imaginations of Mexico. WORLDWIDE these preventive measures have proven to save lives.

The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group 

Aurita´s Cozumel Corner
Sharon Aurita & Charlie

Thank you readers that have been donating to the Cozumel Comunity! Your continued support is needed and appreciated!

Medications Available

I have the following medication available:

  1. Lantus Insulin 2. Humalog Insulin, 3. Insulin syringes 4. Carvedilol 6.25mg 5. Furosemida 40mg 6. Atorvastatina 20mg 7. Bezafibrato Bionolip 200mg 8. Aerosol Inhalers Beclometasona 50mcg.

This Medication is FREE of charge to anyone in need! If you can use any of these, please consider purchasing them with a donation. We have a long list of different medications needed in the community.

Colonia Emilio Zapata Community Kitchen

Contact Brenda Briceño Can at 987-119-5943.  This kitches serves approximately 100 FREE Meals daily, Monday through Friday. They need donations to keep going.

The Cozumel Sun Community Project

TCS is assisting some of the vulnerable population without medical insurance. We continue to provide food and financial assistance to as many as the funds allow. Donations are needed at this time.

Colonia Adolfo Lopez Mateos Community Kitchen

Contact Jorge Moreno at 987-105-4851. They are now working out of their home. They deliver FREE Meals Daily to Seniors only. Donations appreciated.

Aura Holguin-Resch
RFC: HORA500201TP1
987-118-4453 CELL 386-445-8702
About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.


  1. Together we an control the increase in the virus. However, it is vital that those living here and/or visiting be willing to do their part. Yes we need tourists, but they must be will to follow the rules otherwise they are not welcome.
    It has been stated before by the municipal President that fines would be issued. However, it appears tourists were above the law and that is wrong. I pray that everyone will do their part and follow the laws that were made to protect all of us. Thanks Aurita for keeping us informed. Your news in the Sun is of great value.

  2. I agree Nancy. Any updates as of today July 15th regarding code red for the tourist zone? Following the guidelines are important for everyone especially the tourist.

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