Cozumel News September 7, 2020

In Cozumel News September 7, 2020: Semaforo September 7 – 13, What is Semaforo Yellow, Current Curfew in Cozumel, Liquour Sales Hours, Cozumel Reef Rest Calendar, How you can help Cozumel, and more…..

Next Week´s Semaforo

Cozumel, along with the rest of Quintana Roo´s Northern Region has moved to Semaforo YELLOW effective September 7. However, the southern region remain in ORANGE.

What is Semaforo Yellow

Semaforo Yellow is one step closer to normal. The next and final step would be the Green Semaforo. However, it is posible if the number of infection increases that we can return to Orange Semaforo.

DO NOT LET YOURSELF THINK THE PANDEMIC IS OVER IN COZUMEL. I am not certain what determines what phase we are in, but the daily numbers show that it is alive and well.

It is still mandatory that you keep a safe distance and wear a mask whenever in contact with another person or persons. Each business that is open is following strickt safety protocals for your protection. Inspections are taking place to ensure all protocols are followed.

There is a limit on how much of a business, location or activity is available to the public in each semaforo or phase. The measurement used to limit hotels is the bed occupancy. In the case of resturants, it is the number of tables they can serve. Some businesses are limited by the number of employees working each shift.

Commercial Activities

Bars, Discotheques, saloons, night clubs, and casinos remain CLOSED. Banks and Financial institutions and laundromats are essential and open. Stores are open at 60% capacity. Restaurants, Kitchens, cafeterias, and food sales are limited to 60% of the tables. Cybercafés are limited to 60% capacity.

Tourist Activities

All Tourist Related activities in the YELLOW Semaforo are at 60% of the given measurement.  Hotels and hostels have the measurement of bed occupancy. Travel agencies and auto rentals use the meausrement of number of employees. The measurement for Land tours is seat occupancy. Theme parks, beach clubs, golf courses, museums, and archeological sites use the percentage of their licensed capacity.

Recreational Activities

Patrons in beaches and public parks cannot exceed 60% of the capacity. The sports centers are now open, but cannot exceed 70% of the capacity. Gymnasiums are now open but cannot exceed 50% of their license capacity. Movies and theaters can open but only at 60% capacity. Religious centers open and can now be at 60% of the normal capacity. Conventions and social events are at 50-person maximum. Outdooor activities and exercise are individual activities and to maintain a safe distance, and have masks at hand.

Various Other Activities

Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and dentist are essential and open. Construction, fishing, agriculture, livestock, and mining are essential and open. Schools and educational centers are CLOSED.

Public transport may resume but cannot exceed 50% of available seats on the vehicle.Technical and professional services and administration can operate but with 80% of the employees. Barbershops, beauty salons, Massage places, and spas are open but cannot exceed 60% of their license capacity. Auto parts, mechanics, auto repair shops are also open cannot exceed 80% of their capacity. Automobile sales agencies are open to the public but must function with 60% of their employees.

Cozumel News September 7, 2020 Continued

Cozumel Curfew

Effective September 7, 2020 is 11 p.m. until 5 a.m.

Liquor Sales

Open bottle liquor sales Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Sundays remain 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.

Aurita´s Cozumel Corner

Thank You for your Support!

Once again, thanks to all of you that have sent words of encouragement, get well wishes, and assistance. Thank you donors that are helping to keep The Cozumel Sun and the Community Kitchens going.

I am almost recovered, but not quite! The number of errors that I have found in reviewing this issue is testament! This is part one of two, I will continue tomorow. I am very weak and tire easily, but this is a start! Thank you for your prayers and suport during my illness I will cover more tomorrow!

Rest Calendar for the Reefs in Cozumel National Park

300Cozumel Reefs
Plan your dives accordingly!

The Cozumel Sun News promotes businesses for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group !

Missing heaven on earth at Buccanos!!!!

How You Can Help Cozumel

Donate in Person

If you are in Cozumel: A supermarket gift card, food, or cash donation are accepted.

Go to any of the listed kitchens drop off your donation and help.

Donate Through The Club Rotario & Fundacion de Cozumel

Donate to the Club Rotario de Cozumel or Fundación de Cozumel and help the kitchens through them. For those who want to support this cause, you can do so through this paypal account:

Donate to Brenda & Jorge’s Community Kitchen Via TCS

If you are out of Cozumel and wish to designate a donations to Brenda’s or Jorge´s Community Kitchens, you may send your donations to (TCSThe Cozumel Sun´s PayPal account. Our Paypal fees are less than theirs.

Please designate where and how your donation is to be distributed. You may split it between Brenda, Jorge, or TCS if you wish. Or you may simply specify “where it is needed”, Food, Medicine, Medical Expenses, or Living Expenses.

Medications & Medical Supplies Needed

TCS and the community kitchens are coordinating to assist individuals in need of medications. If you have unused, unexpired medication that you wish to donate please send it our way. Donations to the Community Fund for medicine, medical costs, and other living expenses such as rents, etc. will be greatly appreciated.

The Cozumel Sun Community Assistance

In Charge: Aura Holguin Resch Mx 987-118-4453 USA 386-445-8702. Location: 35 Ave Sur Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis, Colonia Independencia. TCS provides on going assistance to individuals in the Cozumel Community as finances allow. The Cozumel Sun functions ON DONATIONS ONLY. Please lend your support. Help us continue to serve the people of Cozumel. We provide¨drop in¨ assistance in our immediate and surrounding neighborhoods. Assistance can be in the form of groceries, meals, cash for living expenses such as rent, medicine, etc.

TCS will absorbs the Paypal fees for all donations and the 16% IVA taxes.

Keep The Cozumel Sun (TCS) Going!

Giving is simple, go to Our Web Page . The PayPal Button is at the bottom left side of the home page of The Cozumel Sun. OR click on this Paypal Link.

Your Paypal record will serve as a receipt, plus you will get an acknowledgement letter from TCS.

Albatros Charters Premier water business bringing you great fishing..great snorkeling.. great cielo, isla de pasion and great sunset trips!
Humane Society of Cozumel

*The Cozumel Humane Society

Anyone that lives in Cozumel knows Lisa Ramirez, not only for her long-time businesses in Cozumel, but also for her passion, The Cozumel Humane Society. She is a one-woman force to be reckoned with when it comes to animal rights, if that is your thing, click on the link above and see how you can help the four-legged babies in Cozumel.

Aura Holguin-Resch
RFC: HORA500201TP1
987-118-4453 CELL
386-445-8702 USA

About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.