Cozumel News November 13, 2020

Cozumel News November 13, 2020, Ironman Cozumel November 22, 2020, Ironman Cozumel Street Closures, Quintana Roo State Traffic Light November 16 – November 22, Dr. Nora Hernandez, Cozumel Dental, Dr, Aurelio Arteta-Collado, Sunshine Smiles Dental, Updated listing of Cozumel Community Kitchens, How You Can Help Cozumel, and more!

Ironman Cozumel November 22, 2020

The swimming stage is one of the most spectacular in the world. There is great visibility of the water and a huge amount of underwater life. This race is an unforgettable experience. 1 lap is 2.4 miles (3.8kms)

The Bike Course consists of 3 laps around the island, a total of 180 kms (112 miles). The route covers amazing Oceanside roads, the great hotel zone and a bit of the city.

The run course is flat and passes through many of Cozumel’s signature sites, including its waterfront, downtown main plaza and historic neighborhoods. Hundreds of spectators cover the sidewalks to watch and cheer for the athletes.

Ironman Cozumel Street Closures

Quintana Roo State Traffic Light November 16 – November 22


Quintana Roo remains in the YELLOW Traffic Light. This continues in effect from November 16 to November 22. The Yellow Traffic Light means CAUTION. Do not rush, please reinforce habits of the new normal.

Use your face mask. Go out only for essential things. Maintain a safe distance of 1.5 meters. Disinfect surfaces and wash your hands.

Cozumel can enforce an $800 peso fine for not wearing your mask!

Keep informed on the COVID-19 related news in Cozumel, Mexico! Join The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group!

Aurita´s Cozumel Corner

Missing the Love of my Life Charles Henry Resch
At Last a Doctor´s Visit

I finally made it to a Doctor’s appointment to follow-up on my brush with COVID-19. She confirmed all my symptoms during the onset as well as those that I am still experiencing. She stated that I was extremely lucky to have survived. I was expecting a lecture for not going into emergency. Instead, in addition to being amazed that I survived it, she was very understanding and supportive.

Long Lasting COVID

She has ordered a complete workup of laboratory plus a chest Xray. In the meantime, I have been prescribed a steroid inhaler. She will decide how to proceed after the laboratory results. The doctor confirmed what I have been reading online; no one knows for sure the lasting damage of this virus, nor the length of time it will take to recover from some of these symptoms.

Anyone experiencing COVID-19 Long Lasting affect can check out one of the many Facebook support groups. See Long Covid Facebook!

Keep informed on the COVID-19 related news in Cozumel, Mexico by joining The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group! I will forward VERIFIED information as it is confirmed.

My Dental Adventures

I recently realized that I am one of those people that do not always listen to what they preach. One of my favorite lessons to students young and old is that you must take care of yourself first to ensure that you are able to continue the care of others. I have failed miserably in the areas of my health and dental care.

Dr. Norma Hernandez

Some 15 years ago, Charlie and I went to Dr. Nora Hernandez for our dental care. Dr. Nora was close to my then home on 65th and 11th. Dr. Nora, I found to be an excellent dentist with a painless touch. She moved to a location downtown that was not easily accessible for parking and I lost touch with her.

Dr.Aurelio Arteta-Collado.

About five years ago I had a dental emergency and utilized Dr.Aurelio Arteta-Collado.  He was like Dr. Nora, an excellent dentist with a painless touch. The last time I saw Dr. Aurelio he made a home visit to help remove my dying mother´s dentures. Unfortunately, he also moved from 11th, blocks from my current home, to the second floor of the Costa Med building. Once again, the second floor was inaccessible, and I lost touch with Dr. Aurelio.

Dentist at Last

Friends informed me that Dr. Nora was now at Cozumel Dental, not far from my home. Unable to put off my dental care any longer, I contacted her on Facebook. Cozumel Dental is close, totally accessible, and has parking right on the premises. They have other dentists on-site. They currently are operating special hours due to the pandemic.

Dr. Nora Hernandez

I have been going weekly to resolve the many problems that have arisen from my neglect. I have had, in addition to the initial exam, deep plaque cleaning and two crowns installed. Yet to come, more crowns and a couple of bridges. Even with the extensive work that she has done, I want to stress that Dr. Nora has what I call magic hands. I have not felt pain, not even when injecting the anesthetic! Also important to me, because of my fixed budget and the number of people that I am supporting, the prices are very reasonable.

Cozumel News November 13, 2020 Continued

The Cozumel Sun News promotes businesses for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group !

Cozumel Dental
20 Ave. between 7 south street and Miguel Hidalgo #673
Col. Centro, Cozumel, Quintana Roo
Current Hours:  Monday – Saturday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Contact for appointment and pricing:
email:  by phone: (987) 8725753
Web site
Sunshine Smiles Dental

Cozumel Dental does not have the Xray equipment and Dr, Nora referred me to Sunshine Smiles Dental, where Dr.Aurelio Arteta-Collado practices. Sunshine dental has this amazing State of the Art Panoramic X-ray Machine. They email your dentist and you the results. I believe the cost was $450 pesos.

Sunshine Smiles Dental is located at Adolfo Rosado Salas 999 entre 85 av. y 85 Ave bis, Cozumel. Like Dr. Nora Hernandez, I have given Dr. Aurelio Arteta-Collado referrals and thumbs up recommendations. Both Dental clinics are active in the Tourist Dental Traffic. Sunshine Smiles is not wheelchair accessible since it is on the second floor. There is no elevator, and the stairs are steep. It is also a little more costly due to the location and state of the art equipment. They do have specials, sales, and a wider range of services. I will have more information on the clinic in our next issue.

The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group 

Cozumel Community Kitchens

Eight Community Kitchens are going strong thanks to all your help. There is a difference in this listing. The addresses are first in Spanish, then English. The San Judas Taddeo Chapel that served the Fincas Settlement stopped serving. I have added an existing ¨nhome delivery only¨ community kitchen at Restaurante La Gloria. Stop by and give them some love!


40 Ave. Entre 12 y 14, Col. 10 de Abril, casa blanca a un lado de un taller de herrería. 40 Ave. Between 12 and 14. Col. 10 de Abril. white house next to a blacksmith shop.

Brenda´s Community Kitchen

Brenda M. Briceño Can

En la calle 12 entre 75 y 80. Frente a la lonchería doña Chary, Col. Emiliano Zapata. On 12th street between 75 and 80. In front of the Doña Chary lunch box. Col. Emiliano Zapata.

Cindy Tec

En el Fraccionamiento Miraflores, calle Clavel, Mza. 17 lote 01#54, casa de barda de Block y reja negra. In the Miraflores neighborhood. Clavel street, Mza. 17 lot 01 # 54. Block fence and black fence.

Brenda´s Community Kitchen
Iglesia Divina

Providencia, Ave. 120 con 7 sur , Col Repobladores. Ave. 120 con 7 sur, Col Repobladores.

Iglesia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

95 Ave bis entre 4 y 6, Col. Emiliano Zapata. 95 Ave bis between 4 and 6. Col. Emiliano Zapata.

Brenda´s Community Kitchen
Jorge Moreno

50 ave. Entre Adolfo Rosado Salas y 3 sur. Detrás de Servicios panamericanos. Col. Adolfo López Mateos. 50 Ave. Between Adolfo Rosado Salas and 3 sur. Behind Pan American Services. Col. Adolfo López Mateos.

Restaurante La Gloria – Botica de Sabores.

20 Av. Sur entre 3 sur y Adolfo Rosado Salas. Col. Centro.  (Solo comida a domicilio a sector salud y guardia nacional). 20 Ave. Between 3 South & Adolfo Rosado Salas. Colonia Centro.(Only food delivery to health sector and national guard)

Brenda´s Community Kitchen
Wendy Elizabeth

Calle 37 sur entre 75 y 80, a 5 casas de la Iglesia San Pedro y San Pablo. Col. CTM. Calle 37 sur A between 75 and 80. 5 houses from the Iglesia San Pedro y San Pablo. Col. CTM.

How You Can Help Cozumel

Photo Courtesy of  Cindy Trautwein Flip Tours
with Elsie Howell and Sheri Jo Howel
Donate in Person To any of the above locations if you are in Cozumel

Drop off a supermarket gift card, food, or cash at any of the listed community kitchen locations.

Volunteer to help. There is a lot of work involved in shopping for ingredients, preparation, cooking, and cleaning when feeding hundreds of people daily.

Donate Through The Cozumel Sun
Jorge with donated Grocery Gift Card

The Cozumel Sun accepts donations for the community Kitchens of Brenda Briceño Can and Jorge Moreno. Donating is easy, just click on TCS´s PayPal Donate button on our home page. TCS will absorb the PayPal fees and the 16% IVA taxes.

Please designate where and how your donation is to be distributed, or simply specify “where it is needed”.

Patsy is Back in Cozumel!

Patsy is a member of AMPI National and the National Association of Realtors in the USA. Contact “Patsy” first when buying or renting any high end property on Cozumel! Patsy Specializes in Ocean Front Condominium living for Expats.

The Cozumel Sun Community Assistance

Over the past years TCS has raised funds for groceries, medical emergencies, medicine, clothing, school related expenses, and repairing shelters.

We have a “”drop in” meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. Children in the immediate (Colonia Independencia) and surrounding neighborhoods are our priority.

The Cozumel Sun sponsors several Local families on an ongoing basis. Over the past years we set up a few start-up businesses. The goal is to train and assist some families to become self-sufficient. We also operated a daily garage sale for years as a means of raising funds.

In addition, we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to existing community programs.

TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years.

The Cozumel Sun News promotes businesses for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group !

Our Community Store
Papeleria Mama Lilly & The Cozumel Sun Heaquarters

Papeleria y Novedades Mama Lilly was started by the Cozumel Sun. This community store is now 100% operated by the Martínez family. The Papeleria sells office and school supplies. You will also find Avon, gifts, and Novelty items. In addition, they offer internet, FAX, and telephone access. Services include Copying, Printing, Lamination, and Book Binding.

The Cozumel Sun functions ON DONATIONS ONLY. Please lend your support. Help us continue to serve the people of Cozumel.

During the Pandemic, our resources have been extended to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.

Find him on Facebook: JaviertheChurroguy Panero Messenger: Javier Panero
Aura Holguin-Resch
RFC: HORA500201TP1
987-118-4453 CELL 386-445-8702 USA
About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.