Cozumel News August 7, 2021: Detecting Gas Leaks, Heat Strokes, Cozumel Reef Rest Schedule, the México Temporary residency permits process, Permanent residency permits process, and the Financial Income Requirements for Temporary and Permanent Residency. This page is still featured in The Cozumel Sun Guide for Residents under Mexico Immigration Information.
Detecting Gas Leaks

Check your gas tanks regularly for leaks. It is quite easy to ensure there are no leaks. Apply soapy water to the connections. If there is a leak, the water will create bubbles. Turn off gas immediately and reattach properly.
Heat Stroke

The side effects of heat stroke are dehydration, fainting, as well as skin and intestinal illnesses. The symptoms are Headache, loss of consciousness, confusion, rapid pulse, nausea, dizziness, dry and how skin, and excessive sweating.
Cozumel Reef Rest Schedule

México Temporary Residency Permit

Applying for Temporary residency is the better choice if you plan to stay in Mexico for a while and then leave.
It is also the way to go if you want to stay long term but do not have the income or savings to qualify right away. The financial qualification criteria for temporary residency permits are less strict that those needed to apply for permanent residency.
No Travel Restrictions
When you have temporary residency in Mexico, you can enter and leave Mexico as often as you wish. There are no time limits on how long you must remain in Mexico.
However, you must renew your Temporary Resident Permit and report any changes to your status in person in Mexico.
Up to 4 Consecutive Years
Mexico’s temporary residency permits last for up to four years. Your first temporary resident permit will only be for one year. Thereafter, you can renew your temporary residency for 1 to 3 more years. (Recommend going for the three years in case your income declines!)
Work Eligibility
Note that not all temporary residency permits carry permission to work in Mexico; you must apply for a work permit when applying for temporary residency.
At the end of a 4-year period of temporary residency, you can:
Apply to exchange the temporary residency for permanent residency.
Near the end of the four consecutive years holding temporary residency, you can apply to exchange your (Residente Temporal) Temporary Resident Permit for a (Residente Permanente) Permanent Resident Permit. You can have the transfer from temporary to permanent residency processed at your nearest immigration office in Mexico. This requires an application procedure and payment of the processing fees.
In most cases you do not need to demonstrate your economic solvency when you exchange your temporary residency for permanent residency.
Start The Temporary Permit Process Again
- Enter a ‘regularization’ procedure to re-apply for temporary residency after the fourth year has expired.
Last of all you may leave the country if you are no longer interested in living in Mexico!
Permanent residency permits
Applying for Permanent residency is the better choice if you intend to live in Mexico long term and qualify with the higher income or savings required for permanent residency.
Holding a permanent residency negates the need for you to apply for renewals of your residency permit (less time and cost) and enables you to work in Mexico if you want to.
Once you hold a permanent residency card, your residency card never expires, there is no need for renewals. However, you do need to notify your local immigration office of any change of address, civil status, as well as any changes in employment if you work in Mexico.
No Travel Restrictions
When you have permanent residency in Mexico, there are no time limits on how long you must remain in Mexico to keep your permanent residency status. However, if you intend to apply for citizenship, you will need to prove you were physically in Mexico for at least one year prior to your application.
Financial Income Requirements for Temporary and Permanent Residency
2021 posted by MEXPERIENCE January 2021
Mexico Residency Qualification based on Income
If you intend to apply for legal residency in Mexico because of ‘economic solvency’ using a proven monthly income, you will need to demonstrate income for at least the last 6 months in multiples of Minimum Salary (MS) or UMA depending on what measure the Mexican Consulate you apply at is using. Learn about MS vs UMA.
This table shows the monthly income required, expressed in Mexican pesos (MXN) with an approximate equivalent in US dollars (USD), based on the legal multiples of Minimum Salary (MS) or UMA required for qualification.
Residency Type Monthly Income (MS) Monthly Income (UMA)
Temporary Residency MXN$42,510 | USD$2,237 MXN$26,886 | USD$1,415
Permanent Residency MXN$70,850 | USD$3,729 MXN$44,810 | USD$2,358
Dependent Spouse
(Temp. or Perm. Res) MXN$14,170 | USD$$746 MXN$8,962 | USD$472
Dependent Minors
(Temp. or Perm. Res) MXN$14,170 | USD$$746 MXN$8,962 | USD$472
Family Unit*
(Temp. or Perm. Res) MXN$14,170 | USD$$746 MXN$8,962 | USD$472
(Temporary Residency) MXN$14,170 | USD$$746 MXN$8,962 | USD$472
Mexico Residency Qualification based on Savings
If you intend to apply for legal residency in Mexico based on ‘economic solvency’ using proven savings (cash or investments), you will need to demonstrate a minimum monthly balance over the last 12 months in multiples of Minimum Salary or UMA, depending on what measure the Mexican Consulate you apply at is using. Learn about MS vs UMA.
This table shows the savings/investment balance required, expressed in Mexican pesos (MXN) with an approximate equivalent in US dollars (USD), based on the legal multiples of Minimum Salary (MS) or UMA required for qualification. See the accompanying notes in the blue box below for further details.
Residency Type Savings Balance (MS) Savings Balance (UMA)
Temporary Residency MXN$708,500 | USD$37,289 MXN$448,100 | USD$23,584
Permanent Residency MXN$2,834,000 | USD$149,158 MXN$1,792,400 | USD$94,337
Dependent Spouse
(Temp. or Perm. Res) MXN$14,170 | USD$$746 MXN$8,962 | USD$472
Dependent Minor
(Temp. or Perm. Res) MXN$14,170 | USD$$746 MXN$8,962 | USD$472
Family Unit*
(Temp. or Perm. Res) MXN$14,170 | USD$$746 MXN$8,962 | USD$472
(Temporary Residency) MXN$141,700 | USD$7,460 MXN$89,620 | USD$4,717
The Cozumel Sun Community Assistance
Serving the Cozumel Community for 15 years
Here is your community on-line Resource! Cannot find an answer? Contact The Cozumel Sun News and we will assist you!
The Cozumel Sun has the following Medications on Hand: Alprazolam-2 mg – Xanax – Anxiety and panic disorder (sleeping) 3 boxes of 30, Enalapril 10 mg. – Blood Pressure. 4 boxes of 30 tablets, and HFA Beclometasona – Aerosol 50 mcg Inhaler.
We have a loaner wheelchair, Crutches, nebulizer, and a portable bedside toilet. Walkers and canes are always in demand as we give them away. If anyone has some extras around the house, feel free to drop them off to us. We donate the walkers and canes we receive to the elderly. NOTE: Our Crutches are back and available!
Donate to The Cozumel Sun
We function ON DONATIONS ONLY. Please lend your support. Help us continue to serve the people of Cozumel. During the Pandemic, our resources have been extended to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.
Other Ways to Help
Feel free to contribute articles. If you belong to a community organization, make certain that I have it listed in Donate or Volunteer. Please Email me any corrections or additions.
Procedures are constantly changing in Mexico. If you conclude a transaction, please check and make certain that my version of the process is current. Even better, write about the process and send it to me. I can publish it and update the information in The Cozumel Sun Website. Last of all, if you see a typo, please let me know. I will be grateful! I have no editor or staff to check my work.
Cozumel News August 7, 2021 Continued

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Wonderful,informative issue. Gracias, Aura.
Another great job. Thanks for all your hard work.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much Dayle!
Good morning, does anyone know if bob Marley’s survived grace?
He is from Jamaca not Cozumel. But yes, she did survive him.