Cozumel News October 16, 2021

Cozumel Sun News October 16: Mexico Covid Semaforo Update October 18 -31, GFNY Cozumel Coming Soon, The PayPal Fiasco, The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange & Store Update, and more!

Mexico Covid Semaforo Update October 18 -31

For this update, no Mexican state is in a red traffic light (maximum risk of contagion). There is only one, Baja California North, in orange (substantial risk). There are eleven states reported in yellow (medium risk) and 20 States are green, considered minimal risk.

Mexico Covid Semaforo October 18 -31

20 Mexican States in the COVID-19 Epidemiological Traffic Light in Green

The States in Green are Baja California Sur, Ciudad de México, Chiapas, Durango, Estado de México, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Puebla, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, and Zacatecas.

11 Mexican States in the COVID-19 Epidemiological Traffic Light in Yellow

In the Yellow COVID-19 Epidemiological Traffic Light are the states of Aguascalientes, Campeche, Chihuahua, Colima, Coahuila, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Morelos, Querétaro, Tabasco, and Yucatán.

The Ministry of Health gave details of the national advance in vaccination , where so far 67 million 957 thousand 153 people have been vaccinated ; of which, 50 million 772 thousand 621 already have the complete vaccination scheme.

Cozumel News October 16, 2021 Continued

GFNY Cozumel Coming Soon

GFNY Cozumel Coming Soon

GNFY will return to Cozumel on November 7th! The program for this event starts on November the fourth. Expect participants from 40 countries to be arriving in Cozumel as early as this coming week to practice. GFNY is a personal endurance biking challenge where participants compete against others, the clock and themselves. GFNY NYC serves as the GFNY World Championship for the GFNY World Series of races. All GFNY events provide participants the opportunity to be a pro for the day.

The GFNY Cozumel route offers panoramic views and challenging winds. There are two distances to choose from, the Long Route is 160 kilometers and consists of two loops around the island of Cozumel. The Half Route is eighty kilometers around the island of Cozumel.

The Full Course

The full Course is a 160 km journey that consists of two challenging turns around the coast of this beautiful island. More than fifty kilometers of route consists of picturesque views of the turquoise sea. The full course is a competition, only these finalists are eligible for category rankings and overall and podium prizes. The top 10% of the finalists in each age group qualify for the Corral Racer at each GFNY World event.

The Half Course

The half course is not a competition. The 80km route offers the same breathtaking views as the long route, but you will only go around the island once. Do not be fooled, the 80 km course is still challenging. This is due to the heat, high winds, and competitive group of riders. The half route participants will receive their time from start to finish without classification. The results will be in alphabetical order.

Both routes feature beautiful beaches and views of the ocean. As a plus, the people of Cozumel come out in substantial numbers to encourage racers to reach the finish line. Adult Registration ends October 31st, register at FNY Cozumel 2021 and GFNY Cozumel VIP at their website.


Children under the age of 14 canparticipate in GFNY KIDS Cozumel. This is a great experience in the true style of GFNY racing with the same rules and format as all GFNY races. GFNY Kids Cozumel will take place on November 6 at 8 am.

Deadline for registering is November first. Registration includes a GFNY Kids Sweater, Bike number and license plate number, Chip timing from start to finish, Finalist medal, post-race snack, Mechanic service, Groups divided by age and a Podium ceremony for children over 8 years old.

Here is your community on-line Resource! Cannot find an answer? Contact The Cozumel Sun News and we will assist you!

Cozumel News October 16, 2021 Continued

Aurita´s Cozumel Corner

The PayPal Fiasco

The Donate button on the Cozumel Sun Website takes your donations to our United States PayPal Account. We have had this for years under CHR Inc. This was originally my husband’s business. I just added the Cozumel Sun under that umbrella.

All the Cozumel Sun website related expenses such as Bluehost, WordPress, and all the components such as hosting, plug ins and security are paid out of this account. This makes it easier at Tax time to have deductible expenses in one place.

Our Taxes

To make it easier, I keep the books updated by month. I print out bank statements and a PayPal report at the end of each month. This makes filing in US easier at year end.

Only expenses with documented Facturas help with taxes in Mexico, but I use the PayPal records to add any income received by way of donation through PayPal.

Bless Them, Extra Security

Early in September I went online to print out my PayPal reports. They added an extra step to security, a text message with a code that would verify it is my account. Our united states telephone is a landline attached to my modem; it does not do text.

The Text Free number did not qualify as a legal United States Mobile number. PayPal does not accept mobile telephone numbers from other countries.

After trying different ways to get around this unsuccessfully, I was finally able to contact a real live person to speak to at the company. The result of a lengthy conversation was that I must open a Mexico PayPal account.

An Alternative Solution!

I immediately contacted my son in California who will be getting me a united states cell phone soon, bless his heart. However, I have immediate needs in my record keeping so I decided why not have two PayPal Accounts?

PayPal Mexico

To PayPal Mexico I went and started completing the application as I was listening to a neighborhood watch seminar. I tried using my official business email which is (do not ask), and even though PayPal Mexico claims to be different than PayPal United States, it told me I must use a different email. Therefore, I used

Lost in The Translation

My computer has this nasty habit of translating everything to English without my request. I glanced up and saw the question ¨What is my mother’s maiden name? ¨ This is a frequently asked security questions, so I promptly typed in ¨Bravo. ¨

I saved all my information before entering the banking information section and saw a welcome to PayPal Mexico Aura Georgina Holguin-Resch Bravo!

That is Not My Name!

Although they took my word for my name, without documentation, they ask for a legal name change from Holguin-Resch Bravo to Holguin-Resch!

Hence, I now enter the same frustrating telephone conversation with PayPal, only this time in Spanish with a woman that cant understands what kind of idiot I am that does not know her own last name. She asked me to scan and upload a legal form of identification for them to inspect and eventually change my account name.

Forget PayPal Mexico!

This took weeks, and I really did not care at this point. My wonderful son was shipping a cellular phone soon! My worries would be over, and Mexico PayPal can do as they wish!

Now They Have Our Money!

Well, I receive an email that I received a donation. Yippee! Praise the Lord! Another donation came in, yes, we can pay the Telmex internet bill! Now I can go into my United States PayPal application that I have on my Mexican telephone, verify my balance, and use my PayPal debit Master card at any ATM! I enter the application to look for the two donations and they are not there!

The money went to the PayPal Mexico account under Aura Georgina Holguin Resch Bravo! I have no bank account that I can tie to this account under that name and PayPal Mexico does not issue debit cards!

Now I Understand!

The community kitchens preferred their donations to come through my account. I immediately took the money out of the ATM and gave them the cash or purchased the grocery gift card that same day. In PayPal Mexico, they take their fee, then in four to six business days they transfer it to your bank account!

Cozumel News October 16, 2021 Continued

Problem Resolved

They accepted my Passport as proof, and I was able to complete the application with my local Bancomer Account. Yesterday morning I received notification that the donations (less fees) were in the bank!


THANK YOU!!!! Those of you that have donated cash through PayPal or in person! Thank you those of you that have gone out of your way to purchase something from the store. Thank you so much my friends you know who you are that have come through every chance you get! I so appreciate your help! Once again, somedays that donation or purchase is the only income we receive all day!

Your PayPal Donations

PayPal United States:

Other Ways That You Can Help

Please Review the Avon Catalog

Sign up to receive our Avon catalogs. I can send the digital catalogs via WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, or email. The catalogs are free. There is no purchase necessary. You can browse through their vast catalog of merchandize.

The order deadline for the following two Campaigns is October 24. Delivery will be November 10. No cash advance necessary, home delivery available.

Spread the Word

Let your friends and neighbors know what we have to offer. Please send people our way. Encourage them to sign up for our Facebook Group and pages.

Medication on Hand

Alprazolam-2 mg – Xanax – Anxiety and panic disorder (sleeping) three boxes of thirty. Enalapril 10 mg. – Blood Pressure. Two boxes of thirty tablets. Mipramid Metoclopramida 10 mg. 2 Boxes of twenty tablets. HFA Beclometasona – two Aerosol 50 mcg Inhalers.

Medical Equipment Available for LOAN

Crutches, nebulizer, and a portable bedside toilet. Our wheelchair is out on loan.

Note: Walkers and Canes are always in demand as we give them away. If anyone has extras around the house, feel free to drop them off to us. We donate the walkers and canes we receive to the elderly.

Other Medical Supplies

We have an assortment of braces, medical support hose, and miscellaneous medication and supplies in our trusty family locker. Always check with us. Once a year we clean house and donate everything on hand to DIF or another agency to distribute. However, we quickly start accumulating donations and items that our own large extended family collects.

The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs and businesses for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group 

The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange & Store Update

35 Avenida Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis Colonia Independencia

The book exchange popularity continues. I wish I would have done this a long time ago. As an extra, it is enabling me to put faces to the friends I have only met online.

If I am not in the store, feel free to ask my grandson Julian for me! If you have not met me yet, have suggestions, requests, or just want to visit, I will be happy to greet you. I try to listen so I can come out and say hi, sometimes you move too fast for me.

Julian is helping me out while he is taking a break from college classes. He needs the practice speaking English so please engage him in conversation. My goal this month is to list him as an official employee to he can qualify for workers medical insurance through IMSS.

Merchandize Overstock

Thanks to an immense help from a friend (Bless you, Miss K!) the cosmetic overstock has gone down a great deal! The largest overstock now are lipsticks! Come on, someone out there must wear it under their masks! Jalaja!

Seriously, we do have in stock items that you purchase on a regular basis such as lotions, shampoo, conditioner, sun block, deodorant, and soaps. Christmas is coming we have perfumes and Colognes.

Consider us for your school, office, and art supplies. Use our services of printing, copying, laminating, and internet café. We even bind books and pamphlets!

The Doorbell is Working!

The doorbell is operational! If you see the door closed but the gate open, we are in there! LOOK for the Button on the side of the window!

We are in the store daily to clean disinfect and organize. We disinfect the puzzles and books as they come back in! Our hours are Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Book Exchange Wish List

Children’s books, preferably bilingual, but we will take any and more Jig Saw puzzles!

The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group is the place to exchange information, ask questions, and get fast responses to any problems you may encounter during this critical time.

Aura Holguin-Resch
RFC: HORA500201TP1
987-118-4453 CELLULAR
386-445-8702 USA
About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.