Cozumel Sun News November 6: GFNY Cozumel is in Town, First Annual Cozumel Day of the Day Festival, Extortion Calls, Cozumel Sun Community Services, The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange & Store
GFNY Cozumel is in Town

The sold-out GFNY Race is taking place this Sunday, November 7! However, if you have not signed on to participate and be a pro for the day, come out and watch! Get out of the house and set up anywhere along the route to cheer on participants. Race details are in The Cozumel Sun issue of October16.

Here is your community on-line Resource! Cannot find an answer? Contact The Cozumel Sun News and we will assist you!
First Annual Cozumel Day of the Day Festival
The first annual Cozumel Day of the Dead Festival 2021 was an absolute success! Hats off to the new administration departments, employees, and Cozumel businesses that joined together to make this event possible.
The festival was a huge tourist attraction. Consequently, as impressive as it was this year, one cannot help but think that it will be even better in the future. The lighting of the candles ceremony at San Miguel Cemetery followed by a procession through downtown Cozumel was comparable to Carnival. The festival was cultural event from start to finish highlighting the Mayan Culture and other Mexican traditions in food, art, dance, and religion. Meanwhile,, on October 31 the Cozumel Children snuck in their candy exchange at the park in honor of Halloween. Set your calendars to be in Cozumel during this period in 2022.
Extortion Calls

Throughout my fifteen years in Mexico, I have heard of friends and neighbors receiving these calls. Extortion calls are common in Mexico.I have attended online neighborhood watch classes that outline how clever the crooks are in attaining your personal information.
However, avoiding these situations is easy. Common sense solutions such as not letting children answer the telephone and not giving out any personal information over the telephone to anyone. The callers will try to convince you that they are a relative in need of money or they have your relative and want money to release them. In short, 99.9% of these claims are false.
The authorities want you to NOT ENGAGE with any callers. To immediately hang up and call 911 with the caller identification number. This is one time that not speaking Spanish is a plus!
Cozumel News November 6, 2021 Continued
Cozumel Sun Community Services
We have a new United States telephone! It is a mobile number 760-718-2588. Our Store Number is 987-869-3119 and my Mexican Mobile Numner is 987-118-4453.
Medication on Hand
Alprazolam-2 mg – Xanax – Anxiety and panic disorder (sleeping) three boxes of thirty. Enalapril 10 mg. – Blood Pressure. Two boxes of thirty tablets. Mipramid Metoclopramida 10 mg. 2 Boxes of twenty tablets. HFA Beclometasona – two Aerosol 50 mcg Inhalers.
Medical Equipment Available for LOAN

Crutches, nebulizer, and a portable bedside toilet. Our wheelchair is out on loan. THANK YOU! We received a second pair of crutches and a walker last week!
Note: Walkers and Canes are always in demand as we give them away. If anyone has extras around the house, feel free to drop them off to us. We donate the walkers and canes we receive to the elderly.
Other Medical Supplies
We have an assortment of braces, medical support hose, and miscellaneous medication and supplies in our trusty family locker. Always check with us. Once a year we clean house and donate everything on hand to DIF or another agency to distribute. However, we quickly start accumulating donations and items that our own large extended family collects.
How you Can Help
Spread the Word
Let your friends and neighbors know what we have to offer. Please send people our way. Encourage them to sign up for our Facebook Group and pages.
Donate to The Cozumel Sun
The Cozumel Sun News, Community Assistance, and book exchange function ON DONATIONS ONLY. Please lend your support. Help us continue to serve the people of Cozumel. In person or through our PayPal account found on the home page of our website: www.thecozumelsun.com. PayPal donations can also be directed to the email atreasuryoftrade@msn.com. Another alternative is paypal.me/auraholguinresch. Donations of any amount is appreciated at the book exchange and store! The majority of our merchandize is school based and as you know, the public schools remain closed due to the pandemic.
We are currently supporting two families as well as pop in emergencies in the community for food or medical need. As of this week, the book exchange and store have two young men working. Their income will help them with their school tuition, learn business, and practice their English!
Cozumel News November 6, 2021 continued
The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange & Store Update
35 Avenida Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis Colonia Independencia

My grandson Francisco arrived from Vera Cruz on Tuesday to collaborate with grandson Julian. We immediately went to work adding the last two pieces of furniture to the store. The shelving holds Planillas. Planillas are fact sheets covering hundreds of topics and people in history. Most schools require these forms for homework. Both Planillas, numbering over 45,000 and furniture we had in stock from the Papeleria.
Next Stop On-Line!

The next phase of our project is to set up the store online and offer delivery. Loading all the products will be a long-time consuming project.
Business is SLOW

Activity in both the book Exchange and the store has been slow! However, it is business as usual as we continue to restock the store and expand our line of merchandize and services in hopes of future success.
Book Exchange
I started the book exchange with hundreds of my own books. Therefore, it is not imperative if you want to come in a get a book that you initially have one. Just be certain in all fairness that you bring it back. Readers have also unloaded their stash of books, I thank you. However, in my absence someone came in and dropped off a bunch of books and practically cleaned out one shelf. We are not going anywhere, grabbing a six-month supply of books is counterproductive. Take a reasonable number of books at a time please.
Patronize our Store Please!

Please take the time to see what we have in stock. We add new merchandize all the time. This week we are featuring a rice cooker and frying pans along with a host of health and beauty aids. We are not just a Papeleria!
Here is the link to the huge Avon Christmas Catalog. Please take the time to browse keeping family, workers, and friends in mind for Christmas. The next Avon order deadline 11/16 and will arrive on 11/25. There will be one more opportunity to shop for Christmas, order on 12/03 and your order will arrive on 12/13 in time for Christmas.
The Doorbell is Working!
The doorbell is operational! If you see the door closed but the gate open, we are in there! LOOK for the Button on the side of the window!
We are in the store daily to clean disinfect and organize. We disinfect the puzzles and books as they come back in! Our hours are Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Book Exchange Wish List
Children’s books, preferably bilingual, but we will take any and more Jig Saw puzzles!
The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group is the place to exchange information, ask questions, and get fast responses to any problems you may encounter during this critical time.

I am coming in December. What ages of jigsaw puzzles are you looking for? I could bring children books too, but they are all in English. What ages of books are you looking for.
We have adults and children doing crosswords so far 500 pieces and up. We have English speaking children that are learing spanish and local children that are learning English. In other words all books are welcome. So far the children reading have been ages 9 and up.