The Cozumel Sun September 26, 2023

The Cozumel Sun September 26 Updates: The Website has Risen, Donate & Volunteer, Book Exchange, Facebook Pages & Groups, Community Assitance Report, Medical Equiptment & Medicine Drive, Aurita’s Corner & Home for Rent!

The Sun has Risen!

After three months, technicians finally resolved the issue with our website, The website is live once again as of yesterday, Monday, September 26th. The website contains valuable information for Cozumel Residents and visitors alike. Please help me keep the information current by providing updates that you may encounter. I will be streamlining the information while I am recuperating from my next round of chemotherapy over the next few weeks.

Donate and Volunteer in Cozumel

The Donate and Volunteer section of the Cozumel Sun needs updating. If you are involved with one of these organizations, please make certain the information is accurate and current. Submit the information for any organization or community program not listed. I will be happy to assist.

The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange

Yes, our book exchange is alive and well in The Cozumel Public Library. The library is kiddy corner from Soriana. There is a little park in between the library and Ebenezer Church. I will make certain to visit, take pictures, and report back before I start the next round of treatment in the next few weeks. Please plan to drop off book donations with them. I have no transportation available. They would love volunteers, let me know if you are interested and need my assistance in coordinating.

The Cozumel Sun Facebook Pages & Group

I will be closing the Facebook page for the book exchange. Be certain that you join The Cozumel Sun Group, and The Cozumel Sun Page, as I will be posting Book Exchange news there.

Advertise your business, events, or organization, FREE of charge in our The Cozumel Sun Group. I only ask that you limit your advertising to weekly. Repeated advertising turns people away! There are exceptions of course if you are offering something different on various days that week.

The Cozumel Sun September 26

Community Assistance Report

We provided school supplies for seven students, school uniforms for two, and donated $800 towards school registration. This has placed a strain on the finances. There have been no donations or income as the website has been down, the book exchange relocated, and the community store closed.

Garage Sales are a valuable method of raising money on the island. Over the past two months we have donated hundreds of bags of clothing, merchandise, and household goods as we moved into a much smaller furnished home. Most of the donations have gone to support the free clinic and dispensary. However, three neighborhood families held garage sales with our donations to help pay for their back-to-school expenses.

Medical Equipment & Medicine Drive

I donated our wheelchairs, walkers, crutches and other medical supplies and equipment to Todo Somos Cozumel. Our new location is half the size, making it impossible to store. However, I will continue to collect all the above and distribute as needed.

Keep the medication Coming! Our new address is #213 Calle 13 between 10 and 10 bis. 13 is the same street that Cozumel Centro de Salud (General Hospital) has the emergency entrance. We are walking distance to Chedraui, Mega, and the Municipal Palace. All medications are forwarded to the free clinic and Dispensary of Todos Somos Cozumel.

Aurita’s Cozumel Corner

My Health

Last time I wrote I had been in and out of Urgent care because of my first round of chemo. I was due to see the oncologist the following day in Playa del Carmen. One look at me and they hospitalized me for ten days. Once home, I was still ill and in need of 24/7 care. In addition to the existing problems, I caught a cold and cough that stayed for weeks.

Unfortunately, it took until this past week to return to some semblance of health. I was a bad girl and over did it moving packing and carrying stuff behind my family’s back and now I can hardly move with sciatic nerve pain. Well, the lord works in mysterious ways, I can sit and write to you now!

The home situation

Everything came to a standstill when my health went downhill, We were only half way moved to the new location. It was the perfect storm of everything going wrong at the same time. My adopted son works two full time jobs to get his finances in order. He does much of the cooking, shopping, and running errands for the house. His ex-wife does one full-time job six days per week, she is paying her debts and saving to move out on her own. She helps with the cooking and cleaning plus cared for Sharon and grandaughter while Julian and I were at the hospitals.

Our wonderful Sharon is in my care, she will be eighty years young October 9th, be certain to reach out to her. My 12-year-old granddaughter started 7th grade this year. My son took us out to eat during his visit (pictured above.)

Many of you know Julian who is 20 years old. Julian put his studies on hold to help with the book exchange and store seven days a week. He has been my savior, at my side 24/7 sleeping sitting up in a chair at the hospital, in and out of urgent care, my companion to countless medical appointments here, in Playa del Carmen and Cancun. He does everything in between.

The Cozumel Sun September 26 Continued

Home for Rent

Luckily my son Arturo Flew in from California last week and worked an entire week on getting us organized and moved almost completely. As of today, we are almost to the point of cleaning, and taking pictures. Contact me at 987 118 4453 for more information.

I am giving my readers a heads-up on a rental. I hope to rent our old location. #1081 35 Avenida between 17 and 15 Bis. As soon as possible. The kitchen has appliances. The house is unfurnished. Please help me spread the word. Due to my health problems, I have had a delay in moving and getting the house ready.

The Upper level has two bedrooms, a full bathroom, and a spare room that leads to a huge terrace.The Main floor has a large bedroom that has its own entrance to the street. The second large bedroom has its own half bath and its own entrance off the small front porch. In addition, there is a third bedroom and a full bathroom.The living room is large and extends to a small family room. The kitchen is huge and the width of the house with lots of storage space. There is a swimming pool and small terrace with laundry area.

Donate To The Cozumel Sun!

Aura Holguin-Resch #213 Calle 13 entre 10 y 10 Bis 987-118-4453 CELLULAR 760-718-2588 USA

About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.


  1. Aurita you have a heart of gold!
    Your dedication to all these causes is
    Unbelievable with all the health issues
    You have encountered. 👼❤️🙏

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