Cozumel Activities October 28 – November 3rd: ! Cozumel Calendar 2023: Official Festival of the Dead Program in English, Animas Parade, 5K Race, Juvenile Expression Catrinas 2023, Altar Contest, Painting Contest, Baking Contest PIB and Pan, and Catholic Masses at Cemetaries.
Do not miss out on any of these activities! This is truly an enriching cultural experience!
Cozumel Activities October 28 – November 3rd

Altar Contest

Painting Contest

Cozumel Activities October 28 – November 3rd Continued
October 31, 2023, Halloween (Candy Exchange at Parks)
Baking Contest PIB and Pan

November 1, 2023, Dia De Todos Los Santos
Catholic Masses at Cemetaries

Cozumel On-Going Activities

every Friday at 8:30 a.m.
55 Av. Entre Juárez y 1a Sur 77645 San Miguel de Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Follow the Men´s Breakfast Post de Cozumel on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/mensbreakfastdecozumel/

Next meetups are:
This Tuesday Meetup Cozumel October 24th 5.30pm at Una Mas Cozumel Welcome Margarita and try the new menu!
please bring a bag of candy that will be collected and passed out to the local children of Cozumel during Day of the Dead celebrations the following week. Our connection with a local mamitas group will be collecting at MeetUp
Candy is available in bulk at the local tienda stores (Pinata candy in bulk) or at Puro RELAJO on 11 y 80 our friend Allison Timmons and at Sam’s
also a small children dance troupe (center formation or arts) will be performing for tips also let us introduce you to the new revived Trashy Little Group – please join us! They will explain the updates and activities on the island – something to be a part of!!
Next Two Months:
Nov 7th and 21st at La Mission
And our traditional Christmas month for the last 4 years
Dec 5th and 19th at Casa Mission with the Christmas market before MeetUp

The Cozumel Ladies Breakfast Club is meets on Wednesdays. Their Cozumel Ladies Breakfast Facebook page post all the information. For further information contact Cyndi Seale Phillips.
The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group. To Volunteer or Donate check out this section in our website.