Cozumel March 14, 2024

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Planeterio de Cozumel 1

Cozumel News March 14: Planeterio de Cozumel, Canada’s New entry restrictions on Mexican Travelers, Crime News, San Francisco Beach Club, Cozumel Moto Taxis, Rock n Java, and more!

Planetario de Cozumel

Planeterio de Cozumel 1

The Cozumel Planetarium is the first planetarium in Latin America with 3D technology. The Planetarium of Cozumel named “Cha ‘an Ka’an,” is an Interactive science museum & planetarium featuring an observatory & 3D projection technology.

Planeterio de Cozumel 2

The name “Cha ‘an Ka’an, translates to” Observing the Sky “, referring to the astronomical observations the Maya made, as part of scientific activities that left their mark on history that continue to be surprisingly accurate.

Planeterio de Cozumel 3

The Planetarium is a recreational space for Cozumeleños as well as another attraction for visitors to the island. This space encourages coexistence, the exchange of ideas and develops multiple activities for the delight of its visitors in an environment that stimulates scientific knowledge and innovation, as well as the preservation of the legacy of the Mayan culture and the biodiversity of our State of Quintana. Roo, Mexico.

Planeterio de Cozumel 4

The Cozumel Sun Group and pages on Facebook post Planetarium events and activities. However, many times they are last minute postings.

Address: Av Claudio Canto S/N, 77673 Cozumel

Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Saturday – Sunday 10 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Sunday – Closed

Phone: 987 857 1186

Cost: Local Discount available for residents

The Cozumel Sun Group and page on Facebook posts Planetarium activities as they are announced, however, many times they are last minute postings.

Buccanos at Night

Buccanos at Night! Sunset, and the best Cozumel has to offer!

Canada’s New entry restrictions on Mexican Travelers

Canada’s New entry restrictions

Riviera Maya News March 11, 2014

Starting February 29, Canada has increase travel requirements for Mexican people. A current U.S. visa or a Canadian visa issued within the last ten years must accompany the Applications for electronic authorization (eTA). Mexican people who do not comply with the above must apply for a Canadian visa.

“In recent weeks, Mexico sent two high-level missions to Canada to reiterate the importance of protecting people who are victims of fraud, trafficking, and disinformation schemes.”

Instead of imposing a general visa requirement, the eTA has additional restrictions, which would cover 60 percent of Mexican people who travel to Canada, according to estimates by the Canadian government.

Crime News

Now that I am recuperating my health and in view of resent drug related violence in Cozumel, I am returning to reporting pertinent news on crime.

Cozumel is one of the safest places in Mexico. When I first moved here you would hear of an occasional domestic related violence. Then home robberies started occurring with occasional muggings.

The Drug problem has escalated with drug related assassinations, telephone fraud, and attempts at extortion of local businesses.

Authorities reveal Cozumel search operations.


In 12 operations conducted around the island, the authorities said they arrested a total of 16.

Inside a Cozumel restaurant earlier in the week, a man was shot to death in front of his wife and son. It came on the heels of a letter sent to authorities by the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) of Cozumel of which partly read “we cannot fail to point out the lack of results of the current security strategy, especially in judicialization and administration of justice.”

The CCE detailed their “indignation at the terrible events that occurred last weekend on the island” referring to several recent shootings. “We never imagined that the day would come when security would sadly become the main pending task to be resolved in our beloved Cozumel.

“We call on the three levels of government to immediately address the escalation of attacks and violent events on the Island of Cozumel, and as always, we reaffirm our absolute willingness to collaborate in whatever is necessary to stop these worrying events.”

These events have taken place in isolated colonies. Nothing has happened in town and tourist areas. As far as I know all the assassinations are drug related.

What Can You Do to Stay Safe?

Stay away from seedy neighborhoods at night, Stay Informed; Learn the language.

Rule of Thumb:

Do not do anything you would not do back home!

Such as: Flaunt your jewelry and cash, run around alone scantily clad, and/or intoxicated at night. There is no such thing as a place without bad apples, every country has some. Your behavior can invite problems if you think you can come to a foreign country and not take common sense precautions.

99.9% of the people of Cozumel are warm, wonderful people who will go out of their way to make you feel welcomed, assist you and protect you. Do not attract that .1% of criminals.

Home Break ins:

As far as home robberies are concerned, get burglar proofed. Reinforce your windows and doors, get an alarm system, join a neighborhood watch group. Get to know your neighbors, you are all in this together.

One major problem is if you are away, your neighbors cannot press charges for you. I have read of locals catching burglars in the act, calling 911, and detaining the suspects until the police arrive.

Unfortunately, there is a flaw in the system, only the homeowner can file a complaint to keep them detained and prosecuted. If the owner is out of the country or unreachable, the authorities must release the burglar, who often returns to rob again.

Buccanos Beach Resort

Meet My Happy Place! Buccanos Resort

The Cozumel Moto Taxis

As our wonderful Eva Kristine Rasmussen proprietor of Blue Angel Resort and Restaurant recently posted, the moto taxis came into existence because locals could not find a taxi available during cruise ship days.

Blue Angel Resort, Dive School & Restaurant

The answer was to bring in moto taxis to serve their needs. There has been a lot of confusion as these new companies and unions get set up. Moto taxis were initially for locals only. Initially, the moto taxis were not allowed to transport foreigners.

There are three different companies, they are all red with each company having a white, purple, or red top. Understanding that those of us that live here also have problems precuring a taxi during heavy cruise ship arrival days, all red moto taxis can now pick you up.

My son Bartolo drives an all-red moto taxi. A few weeks ago, the police fined Bartolo for picking up a nonlocal, the next day the Union authorized his company to do so!  The only restriction is they Cannot drive on Melgar Avenue. Example, if you are heading to catch the ferry, they can drop you a block away.

Bartolo Martinez Martines
WhatsApp: 987 869-3119 TEXT ONLY
Available Monday – Friday after 2:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday Starting at 6:00 a.m.

When contacting them text in advance 20 to 30 minutes before you need a ride if possible.

Rock N Java

What I have been Missing! On family day, Wendy treated the family to a meal and dessert. We opted to have dessert at Rock N Java, a place that I neglected for years because it was too difficult to get Charlie and his wheelchair into the bathroom.

As soon as we walked into Rock N Java, they had us! They have a mouthwatering pastry display. We could not get to our seats fast enough I had a huge portion of apple pie, everyone else went for brownies, cake, & ice cream. We devoured it!

It was all so good that we decided to circle back last week for another round of dessert. I do not know what happened, we saw food go by and ordered hamburgers, nachos, and panini! Everything was delicious, great quantity.

The staff was excellent, the atmosphere perfect, I loved the tropical decor with a view of the sea. We left with teary eyes that we could not fit dessert!

Lisa Anne Ramirez hats off to your excellent establishment and staff! In case you did not realize, Ms. Liza is a driving force for our Cozumel Humane Society. While at Rock N Java, you can take the opportunity to support the Humane Society by donating or making a purchase.

 Aurita’s Cozumel Corner

The Cozumel Sun Community Programs

I have moved and I am fighting Cancer; I have too much yet to do on this island to die. My CS programs are still up and running.

We are still collecting medicines for the free clinic, collecting garage sale items for the poor and the free clinic, collecting medical equipment and supplies and we are still accepting donations.

We are still supporting the same families as before with money, groceries, and food expenses. The only change is that we moved to a smaller location, and the Book Exchange is located at the Cozumel Library. I am even better located than before, I am mere blocks from Chedraui and Mega. The new address is #213 Calle 13 between 10 and 10 bis. We are usually at home to receive donations, but text or call at 987 118 4453. The business number is still the same 987 869 3119 as is the US number 760 718 2588.


I did not realize that all donations had stopped as I was busy donating a household full of everything. The previous owners left with only a couple of suitcases.

Medicine Collection

The only medicine that have been donated since the move has been mine, with the only exception being a wonderful person that dropped off cancer related supplies and supplements for me. (Thank You so much!)

Come on back to me, everyone! Check your medicine cabinet, spring clean your closets, donate!

Medical Equiptment

In the medical equipment, I am down to one pair of crutches and our loaner nebulizer. The loaner wheelchair was given to a person in need. We need to replace the loaner; it was especially useful to the expat community.

The Community Store

The Community Store is operating via internet. In stock we have school, office, and art supplies. Grandson Julian is still providing the services of printing, copying, laminating and book binding.

San Francisco Beach Club

San Francisco Beach Club was Charlie and my place to go to on our way to “the Other Side.” Most of the time, all the other beach clubs on that side were full, crowded, or inaccessible. San Francisco sold much of their land to other beach clubs and is relatively small. They are accessible and usually a quiet, relaxing choice. Things have changed! Lounge chairs and tables covered the entire beach area. Not as pictured!

They are now charging to get in and are selling water activities. How much they charged, I have no clue as I informed them that I lived here, and we only wanted lunch and a cocktail or two. They let us in hesitantly, noting that the waiter will ask for credentials proving we are residents. The waiters recognised me and never asked for credentials.

The waiters were accommodating and provided excellent service. The food and beverages are still great. They offered a 30% discount if you pay with cash. I will return there, but more than likely on a day without the visiting cruise ships.

Donate To The Cozumel Sun!

Your donations Keep The Cozumel Sun News, community Programs, and emergency assistance going! Donating is easy, click on the Paypal button on the web page!

Thank You for your Patronage!

The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group. To Volunteer or Donate check out this section in our website.

Aura Holguin-Resc
987-118-4453 CELLULAR
760-718-2588 USA
About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.