Finding reliable business or service provider in a new city can be a challenge. In the Cozumel Sun you will find listings for  businesses, service providers, and professional services  on the island of Cozumel.  This Business Directory originally started in “News Cozumel” for the local newspaper “Tiempo de Cozumel” in 2006.  I featured an “Aurita’s List” of recommended service providers way before Angie started hers!    I listed contact information for people who I had personally used for services and added as my readers made recommendations.  I started with the local people who had no means or money to advertise for themselves, and then expanded to the professionals as readers expressed their needs. The publicity is FREE OF CHARGE to these people as it benefits all of  us. I will compile your recommendations and make it available to everyone (also free of charge).




Please send your recommendations to We are not limited to these categories.I need the name, contact information and let me know if they speak English, Spanish only, or a little English. This will enable non-spanish speaking customers to have a translator along for assistance.


  •  Please let the business or individual know that you found them in The Cozumel Sun!


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