
Cozumel Clinics and Hospitals

All doctors, hospitals or medical facilities, public or private, will require full payment for services to be rendered, in cash or by credit card, at the time of service.  Most are NOT able to bill your US insurance company for payment.  At least one is affiliated to a United States Chain and will accept United States insurance.

Some will charge your credit card as a guarantee of payment by your insurer. Some will require that you pay in full and request reimbursement from your insurance carrier; be sure to get an itemized bill.

Have knowledge of what your health insurance covers and where. Many insurance companies will provide coverage in a foreign country, but only on an emergency basis if you are on vacation. If you are a part time resident, they might not provide coverage.

We have had many cases of U.S. citizens not allowed to discharge from local hospitals until payment is made in full or acceptable payment arrangements.

If you believe you are being charged unfairly, you may contact the Mexican government consumer rights protection agency, PROFECO or call 01-800-468-8722 and ask for an English-speaking operator).

Medicare and Medicaid will NOT cover medical expenses incurred outside of the U.S.  For more information, please visit the Official Medicare website and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Many policies do NOT cover costs of air ambulance service. Additional insurance that will cover air ambulance/medevac service is strongly recommended for all travelers. It is a good idea to get a 24/7 phone number from your insurance carrier.

The area code for Cozumel phone numbers is 987. To call from the U.S. to land lines in Mexico, dial 011-52- and the area code and number. For example, to call the BMM SSS Clinic from the U.S. dial 011-52-987-872-1430. To call from the U.S. to cell phones in Mexico, dial 011-521- and the area code and number. If the call does not go through, dial 011-52- and the area code and the number as it may be a Nextel cell phone, which acts as a land line.

All clinics listed (except Centro de Salud and Cruz Roja) have at least one English speaking doctor on call for tourists. Most hotels will have a list of these doctors at the front desk or have a particular doctor that they can call for you.

Amerimed Cozumel Islamed
Calle 85 Esq. Adolfo Rosado Salas
Colonia Ricardo Flores Magon

Centro Medico de Cozumel (CMC)
1st South & 50th Ave.

Clinica de Issste
1 South & 60th Ave.
987-872 0359
You must have Issste Insurance

Clínica Médica San Miguel
Calle 6 North #132 entre 5 y 10 Avenida

Clínica Villanueva
10 Ave.# 19 at 6 North

Cozumel Cruz Roja Mexicana
65 Ave. & 25th Street
Treatment for donation

Cozumel General Hospital
11 Sur y 20 Ave Sur

Hiperbárica de Cozumel
6 No. Entre Aves. 5 & 10

11 Ave. between 30th & 35th
You must have IMSS Insurance

International Hospital
5th Street South between Avenues Melgar & 5th
(52) 987 872 1430



The Cozumel Sun.2