One of the biggest joys in visiting Cozumel is the quality and variety of the food.  The island has over one hundred establishments and  there is a wide variety of restaurants that span the spectrum from exclusive to the more accessible; all boast polite and friendly service. If you eat at the local hangouts outside of the tourist areas, you will find that it is more economical to eat out than to purchase the groceries and cook at home. Many of these establishments offer “the Comida del Dia” special to local residents (Meal of the Day).

Mexican food is characterized by the great variety of plates originating from different regions of the country, all of which are found in Cozumel’s many restaurants. If you have only tried Mexican food in your home country, you are in for a big surprise. Authentic Mexican food is different than the regular Tex-Mex variety that is served in many countries.

Traditional Mexican food is not the only option. Lobster is one of the most famous plates in Cozumel. The Island also has an ample variety of fish and seafood from the Caribbean. In addition, there are restaurants specializing in a large variety of international cuisines that boast of four and five star chefs and meals.



Restaurant reviews will return in 2017. However, I have listed the archived reviews from previous years:

Buccanos Beach Club Bar & Grill

Buccanos at Night

Cozumel Chef

El Moro

Guido’s at Night

La Tienda Guido’s Breakfast

La Tienda Guido’s Delicatessen

La Cucina Italiana

Playa Azur Beach Club

Taqueria Molina – Cozumel Mercado

Cozumel Restaurants  (2011)

Top Cozumel Restaurants  (2013)



