The Cozumel Ladies Breakfast Club is meeting once per month. Through the month of September, they will meet at Buccanos at 10 a.m. Come for breakfast or stay with the ladies for a pool/Beach Day. For further information contact  Cyndi Seale Phillips.Cozumel Women's Breakfast Club


Cozumel Women's Breakfast Club

Cozumel Women's Breakfast Club

 Cozumel Women's Breakfast Club

Cozumel Ladies Breakfast Club

The Cozumel Ladies Breakfast Club meets every Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. at a designated restaurant in Cozumel.  In the spirit of helping support local merchants, the group patronizes as many restaurants as possible throughout the year. Normally, there are a minimum of three visits to each restaurant.

In addition to meeting wonderful Ladies from all over the world, the breakfast club is an excellent source of information gathering and networking. Breakfasts are informative and FUN!

If you wish to join us contact:

or Visit The Cozumel Ladies Breakfast Club on Facebook:

The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group. To Volunteer or Donate check out this section in our website.

Aura Holguin-Resch
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987-118-4453 CELLULAR
760-718-2588 USA