Meetup Cozumel is a group for anyone living, moving, or just visiting Cozumel. Beyond Social Media forums and a way to connect us personally! People to People

We meet up at a different location every other week Tuesdays 5.30 -7 p.m. Come join us! At times is just a happy hour special, sometimes appetizers and full dinner menu choices – you decide what you would like and how to join us! Promptly at 5.30 pm

This is to expose our many restaurants, waterfront locations, even our own homes, condominiums, and special favorites. Local connections we love to share!

Meetup Cozumel: We are a community.

Our objectives are to meet and Greet others living, moving, or visiting Cozumel. To socialize and be a positive reference for your information about Cozumel.

Including the community of its people, businesses, and lifestyle.

Expat Living or local connections to our community of Cozumel is our highest desire! We want to connect – a community treasure chest

Meetup Cozumel: Next Meets:

May 24:  Carnaval we will be at No Name Bar on the sidewalk tables they reserved for meet up

June:   Dicks Dive 7th and 21st

Meetup Cozumel

Come as you want

Meetup Cozumel

We are a community.

Meetup Cozumel

The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group. To Volunteer or Donate check out this section in our website.

Aura Holguin-Resch RFC: HORA500201TP1 987-118-4453 CELL 760 718 2588 USA


  1. Are you still meeting every Tuesday? I’m a single woman here until 2 January. I’m very social and would love to meet other people, single or not, to connect with. I don’t have a car but rent very close to town. I’m also up for volunteering but am not sure how that’s working either.

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