Thursday night is Game Night in Cozumel. Game Night is hosted rotates to a different place weekly and starts at 7 p.m. Everyone brings their own beverage and a snack to share. The first half hour or so is a social get together, then the games begin!  A large variety of games are played such as Mexican Train, Uno, Quad-Ominos, Maj Yong, canasta, Rummy Cube, and Tri-Ominos, scrabble, assorted card games, and many more. If you have a favorite game to play, bring it with you! Game Participants volunteer to host the games at their homes so location varies weekly. To sign up for Game Night, contact Henrietta Clark at


 Cozumel Game Night

Cozumel Game NightCozumel Game Night

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Game Night camera march 5 002Game Night camera march 5 001





The Cozumel Sun. 4x6