Cozumel is actively enforcing the new CURVE COLOR system for parking on Rafael E. Melgar Avenue. Please follow the new guidelines for parking on Melgar Avenue to avoid fines and towing.

Yellow Line on Corner Curve

Melgar Avenue Parking Guide

There is no parking permitted on corners at any time.

Blue Line on Curve

Melgar Avenue Parking Guide

Parking exclusively for handicap must be authorized by DIF

White Line on Curve

Melgar Avenue Parking Guide

Free to park with white lines, but NO MOTORCYCLES!

Yellow Line on Curve

Melgar Avenue Parking Guide

Exclusively for loading and unloading, no parking!

White Stripe Line with Signage on Curve

Melgar Avenue Parking Guide

Exclusive motorcycle parking on Calles, and 5th Avenue.

Seaside Parking

Melgar Avenue Parking Guide

Allowed on Rafael E. Melgar after 5:00 p.m.

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Book Exchange & Store

The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange & Store

Our Services

Thank you book exchange participants that donate on a regular basis to the book exchange. Any amount is greatly appreciated as it helps keep our doors open. Business is SLOW and most of our merchandise is very economical as we serve the immediate community. We made all of $1,400 pesos to date in December. We are grateful for the $708 pesos the book Exchange participants donated.

Cozumel´s first Book Exchange & Papelaria offers School & Office Supplies, Printing, Copies, Scans, International Telephone, Internet Cafe, Gifts & Novelty Items. An assortment of books and movies are in stock FOR SALE.

Location & Hours

Address: 35 Ave entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis. Colonia Independencia.

Telephone: 987-118-4453 o Business Number 987-869-3119.

Our Reular Hours Resuming on January 9, 2023: Monday through Fridays 8:00. a.m.  –  6:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Sundays 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

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The Cozumel Sun has the latest news and information for those living and visiting Cozumel, México. Stay informed at:

Aura Holguin-Resch RFC: HORA500201TP1 987-118-4453 CELLULAR 760-718-2588 USA