Easter Season 2019 in Cozumel
Cozumel is predominantly Catholic and the island is gearing up for Easter celebration. We are in Lent, and many families are currently enjoying traditional non-meat dishes during this period.
Stations of the Cross in the Colonies
Starting this month, you might observe groups of people going from house to house and praying. Catholic Churches have the twelve stations of the Cross inside the church. I remember from my childhood making the rounds from station to station and reciting the appropriate prayers and passages.
Our Home was Chosen
In Cozumel, Catholics take this one step further, the Stations of the Cross are prayed from house to house in virtually every neighborhood. I have the privilege of hosting one of the stations this year. I place a small table in front of our home with flowers and a crucifix. Every Friday evening in Lent, ladies will congregate in front of our home, bless us with prayers and then move on to other designated homes in the neighborhood. Everyone is welcomed to join us, my turn is at six p.m.

Cozumel Semana Santa
This year ¨Semana Santa, ´´ (Holy Week), will start with Palm Sunday, on April 14th. There are usually processions with the reenactment of Jesus on the donkey and many dressed in period costumes waving Palms, followed by other church goers on their way church. I have joined them, it is beautiful, magical, an experience that I will never forget.
Easter week will continue with Church services daily Catholics, check with me for schedules.
¨Santo Jueves¨ is that following Thursday 18th, (the Last Supper), Good Friday is April 19th (Crucifixion of Christ), and Easter Sunday, April 21st is the Resurrection of Christ.
Cozumel’s Passion Play
The Passion play is an amateur reenactment of Christ´s trial and crucifixion. Cozumel parishioners dress in clothing that as in the Palm Sunday´s procession depict the historical time period. These participants have no formal training however, the faith and passion really pulls the reenactment off.
You will see the altar boys, dressed in white and carrying candles, followed by Christ and the two men who were crucified along with him. They are all are led down the road by Roman guards while Mary and the devout walk behind.
The guards soon stop, flog Christ, and force him to wear a crown of thorns and carry a wooden cross.
The procession is followed by the Priests and over a hundred locals and observers. There will be a vehicle nearby providing somber music.
It really is quite an event to see. I guarantee that you will be touched by the magic of Easter on the island, no matter what your preference of worship is!
Passion Photographs Courtesy of mexcelia