
Opportunities toVolunteer & Donate

In the Volunteer Opportunities Section of TCS I have listed some of the many opportunities available to give back to the Cozumel Community. There are some charities that are supported by the Cozumel Elite that I have not listed. For instance, there are some very active groups like the Rotary Club and Cozumel Red Cross. Likewise, there is an Orphanage in Cozumel that is completely funded and is in no need of assistance. If you are aware of a charity that you wish me to include, please provide the information and I will be glad to include it in the Volunteer Opportunities section of TCS.

The 2023 Minimum Wage

According to Salary Explorer, the average annual salary of a Mexican worker is 399,000 MXN (Mexican Peso) in 2023. This amounts to USD 23,154 annually according to the exchange rate in 2023. The average salary ranges from 8,410 MXN (lowest salary) to 148,000 MXN (highest national average) per month.

The standard minimum wage in Mexico will rise to around 207 pesos ($10.82) a day from 172.87 pesos ($9.03) a day in 2023. For workers along the U.S.-Mexico border, wages will rise to 312 pesos a day from 260 pesos a day.

In other words, no matter how small your monthly pension is, it is a fortune to the average Mexican family.

High Cost of Living

Remember, since Cozumel is an island, everything is imported making it more expensive than in the mainland. The cost of gas, trucking and ferry are factored in and passed on to the consumer.

Health Coverage

If you are a “legal” employee, your employer is paying for social security for you, and you are enrolled in either the social security (IMSS) or another federally operated health plan. (That is another story!) Your workday is 8 hours if by day 7.5 hours if a night shift. If you are lucky enough to hold one of these contracted jobs, chances are you are working a second job to help make ends meet.

Age Discrimination

In Cozumel, the hiring stops at 35 years of age, there is no law against age discrimination. I am certain this is tied to the fact that the insurance required by law is based on age, the older you are, the higher the premium. This is why you see seniors at the grocery stores working for TIPS ONLY. Parking attendants and people offering to help carry the groceries are also there working for TIPS ONLY. You will see children in their school uniforms also working for tips.

There is an army of workers that are not contracted by anyone. Desperate to find employment, they work for less than the minimum wage, for longer hours, and some for tips only. These people have no health coverage or social security when they get older. These people are also the entrepreneurs you see selling anything they can think of to make a living.

Do your Part.

The Mexican people are some of the hardest working people that I know. We must give back to the people that have welcomed us into their home. However, it does not have to be monetary; you can donate things you no longer need or use, volunteer your time, or volunteer your talents. Get out there and give!