Cozumel Juan Pablo II Senior Home
Juan Pablo II has been present on the Island for a long time. Prior to its present location, it was in a small house on 30Av. donated by a local family. Several years ago a local woman donated a parcel of land north of the transversal highway that eventually became the property of an international organization known as “Caritas”. This organization was created in the Vatican and is the arm of the Catholic Church that deals with and in some cases funds charitable organizations. Through Caritas and the Quintana Roo State Government, the facilities that presently house Juan Pablo II, were constructed. These facilities, which are capable of housing eighteen residents, currently serve only nine.
Posted 31 July 2014 – 06:10 AM
July 30, 2014
Dear Friend,
Last April, we sent you an email describing the urgent need of Juan Pablo II, the
elder care facility in Cozumel. The President of the Municipal, Freddie Marrufo was
very generous in granting funding thru June. Thanks to all of you who generously
donated, we were able to take advantage of the matching funds offered by an anonymous
donor. Baring any unforeseen major expenses, we now have enough funds to operate
until the end of the year. In the meantime, we are seeking a philanthropic organization or
church that will sponsor Juan Pablo II. Perhaps your church or rotary club would be
interested in adopting Juan Pablo II.One of the residents of the facility is a proud gentleman who, prior to coming to JPII,
lived alone in the jungle with his dogs. After suffering a stroke, returning to his jungle
home was not an option, but JPII was able to offer him a clean, secure and caring home.
There he has developed a talent for drawing and painting. He has an endearing smile on
his face. Perhaps it’s because he is in a minority surrounded by female residents or
perhaps his smile is the result of being in the care of Sister Monica and her selfless staff.We all lead such busy lives, it is easy to forget about those in need. Perhaps you intended
to donate, but it slipped your mind. If this is the case, let me take this opportunity to
remind you how you can become a sponsor for as little as the cost of eating a meal out. If
you choose one of the monthly sponsorship programs, it is very easy with online banking to
set up a monthly “automatic bill pay”.SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM:
AMIGO DE ORO: BENEFACTOR, $100.00 USD or $1,250 pesos per month
AMIGO DE PLATA: PATRON, $50.00 USD or $625.00 pesos per month
AMIGO DE BRONZE: SPONSOR, $25.00 USD or $315.00 pesos per monthDONATIONS:
Automatic bill pay or checks are to be made out to and mailed to Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II, c/o
Joyce Cooper, PO Box 1086, Lake Ozark, Mo. 65049 .In Cozumel, checks or cash may be given to Patricia Kent Fernandez who can be found at the Las
Ventanas Condominium office or reached at 987-876-1331 or 869-1113.QUESTIONS or FOR A TOUR OF JUAN PABLO II
Patti: 987-876-1331 or 869-1113
Joyce: 573-365-6321USA, cooperlakeozark@gmail.comWe thank you in advance for your generosity.
Best Wishes from the Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II Board of Directors
Joyce Cooper Dora Uribe Joan Roberts Patricia Kent Fernandez
Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II Needs:
The nursing home understandably has it’s own list of items they need daily:
• Pantry items
• Adult diapers
• Socks with grips, Size M
women’s clothing – blouses,
robes, sweaters, light jackets,
men’s clothing –pants with drawstring
or elastic waistbands, Size L
sports t-shirts