3 King Day Gifts for Children: How You Can Help
It’s that time of the year for Susan Bonnett’s 3 King Day Celebrations and even though Susan went to Heaven in May of 2015, people who knew her still remember what she wanted most for the people of Cozumel. Help out the underprivileged and recognize the people who keep us safe in Cozumel. She always had a special place in her heart for the children who just needed an opportunity to succeed, the residents at Juan Pablo II, Cozumel’s nursing home, and, of course, the public servants of Cozumel.
This year the group is scaling back from the mass gift giving and the goal is to target specific people who need that extra help. Gena Meyer is gathering the names of families in need and the ones selected will receive a Holiday basket filled with items to assist throughout the holidays. Families with overwhelming medical expenses or who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves in a position of need will be given priority. The number will be based on how many items she collects before the holiday.
You can help by (1) submitting information about a family who you would like to be a recipient, (2) sponsoring a family or (3) by donating items for the baskets. Items that will help include: non-perishable food, new or gently used clothing, toys, tooth brushes and toothpaste, hand soap, laundry soap, towels, mittens, caps or anything you think a family would need and enjoy.
Juan Pablo II, Cozumel’s nursing home, was another favorite of Susan’s. This group had a rough year because of staffing changes and vandalism, but their Board of Directors is back in place and they have three new wonderful nuns in the home. To help celebrate their efforts to get the home back on its feet, Santa is visiting the residents this year. They’ve provided the below “wish list” and anyone who would like to help fulfill their wishes will be helping them obtain their goal of 100% self-sufficiency.
JP II Wish List includes: Twin Sheets & Pillow Cases (white), Floor Fans, Mattress Covers, 2 Chairs for Bathing, Bath Towels, Bedroom Curtains, CD Player, 2 Portable Microphones, Recliners, Refrigerator with Glass Doors, Bed Spreads. The nuns never ask for anything for themselves, but Santa plans on taking them and the residents individual gifts. Brushes, combs, lap blankets, perfume samples, hotel soaps & shampoos will help or – as Susan would say – just have fun shopping for people who will appreciate whatever you give them.
Other groups Santa plans on visiting this year include Cozumel’s CAM (Centro de Atencion Multiple) School and CAM Laboral. These schools are special facilities dedicated to providing education and related services for children will disabilities. CAM Laboral is for young adults and they can use any cooking ingredients for their cooking classroom or any type of school supplies are always appreciated.
If you’re traveling to Cozumel in the next few weeks or shopping in Cozumel and see something you think one of these groups would like, please help us make these wonderful people’s day. As always, 100% of your donation will go directly to the group you designate. If you have and questions or would like additional information, please feel free to contact Gena Meyer at
caribdivergena@gmail.com or Kathy McGinn at
woofem@me.com. Donations can also be dropped off with Jan at the No Name Sports Bar.
Thank you everyone for your generosity these past years and for your continued support this year.