Cozumel Chef

January 14, 2013 Aura Holguin-Resch 0

Follow me Emily Egge is the Cozumel Chef. She is passionate about food, very talented in the kitchen and provides a couple of interesting services on the island. A classically-trained French chef, she offers private […]

Cozumel Restaurants

December 21, 2011 Aura Holguin-Resch 0

Follow me Here is a great list from my good friend, Steve, who lives in Denver, but knows Cozumel as well as most Cozumeleños. A visitor for more than 20 years, fluent in Spanish and […]

Taqueria Molina Cozumel Mercado

October 30, 2011 Aura Holguin-Resch 0

Follow me Sunday morning at the Mercado. It is a great place for fresh produce, chicken, fish and terrific little restaurants. Jennifer’s favorite place on the island – for breakfast. After six straight days of […]