Tour-CAM-18-150x113Cozumel CAM School for Disabled Children

The CAM (Centro de Atencion Multiple) School is a special facility dedicated to providing education and related services for children with mental, physical and/or behavioral disabilities. CAM provides a holistic approach to learning by helping children and their parents set realistic goals for their learning capabilities, providing physical therapy, a social worker and psychologist to work with the children and their parents.

CAM-Laboral-SignCAM Laboral is an innovative, alternative learning program for 30+ young adults ages 14-22. The workshops extend the students’ education beyond the traditional classroom to learn basic hands-on and life skills.

The goals are to develop their self confidence; learn responsibilities required for a job such as being on time, listening to directions, cleaning up, getting along in a group; as well as one or more basic technical skills or crafts.

CAM helps these young people become contributing members of their family and society. Some of the higher functioning students are able to obtain employment as helpers or apprentices as a result of their CAM experience.

CAM provides a more traditional classroom setting for 80+ young children with various disabilities ages 3 months – 13 years old and offers physical therapy sessions. Some classrooms are specialized for students who are learning to communicate via sign language while other classrooms are organized by age/grade levels with a mix of students who may be visually impaired, have physical limitations or behavioral problems.


CAM relies solely on donations for equipment, teaching/learning resources and supplies. Carrie’s Heart supports CAM by providing classroom school supplies and sponsoring a Christmas celebration with a gift specially selected for each child. SAIL has donated children’s walkers, woodworking tools, craft supplies, sports equipment, white canes and special balls for visually impaired students. Friends of Cozumel supporters have provided wood, craft materials and supplies for teachers.

CAM-Entrance1CAM School entrance; Av. 45 ~ 1/2 block south of Calle 3 Sur by DIF park.

Operations and Contact Information:
In the process of changing, current information to be posted soon!
Carla Manzanero Caceres
Note: All contacts to school must be Spanish only


Cozumel CAM School

(School for children with disabilities)

Mid-August through first week of July; 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Location: Av. 45 ~ ½ block south of Calle 3 by DIF Park
Director: Gener Roman Canul Poot
Director’s Cell: (987) 113-6903 (
Physical Therapist: Pepe