

The Humane Society of Cozumel Mexico is about working to help the animals in our community and we have done just that since 1996. Our clinic/shelter, which opened in April 1996, began with two rooms, no electricity, 24 kennels, one vet and one kennel worker. Today, we have 14 employees and care for over 300 animals per month, either found astray or given up by their owners for a variety of reasons. We do our best to care for them and place them in good, loving homes.

What you need to know about us! Our goal is to fully change the approach towards dog and cat overpopulation with an aggressive spay/neuter program both at the clinic and by utilizing mobile clinics. By finding loving homes for pets and providing education to the community, we can create responsible pet-people relationships and improve the welfare of animals.

Our work is made possible by many wonderful humans who give their time, talents and/or money to the cause for which we are immensely grateful. “Friends of the Cozumel Humane Society” is a U.S. 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation (Tax ID#27-4046436) created specifically to ask for tax-deductible donations for the Cozumel Humane Society.

humane7Clinic phone number in Cozumel Mexico
(+52) 987-989-6414 OR (+52) 987-112-3376

U.S. Direct Line to Mexico
(817) 231-0690 Lisa Ramirez, President

For general inquiries about the shelter, medical services, local adoptions, volunteering, donations of money or supplies, please contact us at

To ask about International adoptions or escorting a pet to their new home, please contact .

To ask about sponsoring a kennel at our shelter or joining our Corporate Sponsor Program, please contact Lisa Ramirez at

Our pet supply and accessory stores are in several locations around town. For information on our stores and how you can buy our pet-related products or if you would like to donate supplies to our stores, please contact Joni Mitchell at

Contact us by Snail Mail
Robert P. Ramirez
2169 Winding Creek Dr S
Grapevine, TX 76051

Driving directions from downtown via the waterfront street (Rafael Melgar) heading south:

• Drive south until you reach the last set of lights before Melgar turns into the highway. You will see the International cruise ship pier to your right and the Pemex gas station just beyond the light. Turn LEFT at the light.

• Drive .7 km and until you see the big Humane Society sign on your RIGHT.

•Turn RIGHT on the dirt road.

• Drive 300 yards until you see a small sign with our logo directing you to turn RIGHT.

• Drive 40 yards until you see the next sign with our logo directing you to turn LEFT.

• Drive 20 yards and we are on the left, you can’t miss us!

How You Can Help

humaneAdopt a Pet

If you’re in the market for a new furry family member, please consider adopting a dog or cat from our shelter. There are limited options for finding animals good permanent homes here in Cozumel Mexico but you can help. Some of our animals, especially our adult cats, have lived at the shelter for years.

If you don’t live here, we can help you get your new friend home. A dog or a cat can travel with you depending on the airline.  There are no quarantine requirements and all you need is a health certificate, which our vet can provide.  If for some reason your pet cannot travel with you, we can ask for  help to escort the dog/cat to your home.


humane2Help Foster an Animal in Need

Our Foster Program is a cooperative effort on the part of our shelter and generous volunteers, to provide specialized care to animals that are not yet ready for the adoption process or shelter environment.  Orphaned kittens and puppies whose immune systems are not yet fully developed or were separated from their mothers’ before they were fully weaned and animals that require special care are placed into foster homes.

You can help by fostering, a very rewarding experience – you get to prepare an animal for adoption, plus it allows us the space for more animals at the shelter so that more pets can find their forever home. When you foster an animal, we give you guidance and all the essentials for their care. You provide the love!


Help Escort an Animal to Their New Home

Many people visiting the island fall in love with a dog or cat at the shelter, or sometimes even a stray that they find. Once they return home they can’t stop thinking about those sweet eyes, that wagging tail or those funny ears. They are determined to save the animal’s life by giving them a good home and the love they need. They want to somehow get the animal to their home in the U.S. or Canada.

We are always looking for friends who can escort that lucky dog or cat to their new home abroad and you can help. If you have it in your heart to help with this step, we make it easy for you. Our volunteer, Andrea, will take care of all the details such as paperwork and booking the animal with the airline.

She will meet you at the Cozumel Mexico airport (or sometimes even the Cancun airport) with the animal in an approved carrier and help you at check-in. All you have to do is be is the person attached to that animal, and you will truly be giving them the opportunity of a great life. All escorts have reported nothing but good experiences and all say they would do it again. So before your next trip out of Cozumel Mexico, please contact us about escorting a pet on your flight. Being an escort is truly helping save an animal’s life! Please contact us at: if you would like to be a Pet Escort.


Sponsor a Kennel

Kennel sponsors are individuals, families or businesses that make a commitment to support our shelter for an entire year. Their name and/or business logo is colorfully painted on the wall of a kennel, which not only lets us express recognition to our supporters but also makes the overall look of the shelter more cheerful. We have now 19 kennel sponsors, some of whom give their contribution monthly or annually, and some who support us with services instead of cash. The minimum in cash for one year is $500 dollars. For more information on how you can help by sponsoring a kennel, please contact

Sponsor Our Free Spay and Neuter Program

We have a free spay and neuter program available for Cozumel Mexico. We perform on average 2,000 surgeries a year and just the supplies needed to perform them are very high. For $300 USD you can help sponsor the materials needed to perform an average of 20 surgeries. With this we will be preventing unwanted litters of dogs and cats.


humane8Be an Active Volunteer

If you are the type of person that enjoys hands-on work with the animals at the shelter, we can always use help walking and bathing dogs, playing with the dogs or cats, socializing those with special needs, etc.

We also hold monthly Adoption Fairs in the Mega parking lot, which is coordinated by our volunteers. This is a great way to get to know some of our shelter pets as well as make new friends with other volunteers!

If you have medical skills, you can help our vets in a variety of ways – from administering treatments to helping in the surgery room. If you have a particular skill or talent, there may be something you can do to better the shelter operation or facilities, or simply to make our animals happy.


Be a Corporate Sponsor

If you’re looking for a great way to get your business involved in the community and enhance your image as a good corporate citizen, look no further than our Corporate Sponsorship program. This is an excellent opportunity to let hundreds of people know that you care!

Businesses that donate a minimum of $500 pesos per month to The Humane Society of Cozumel are given space on our Corporate Sponsors page with your company logo, information about your business and a link to your company’s website. Everybody wins!



Help Donate Supplies

Make wishes come true for our shelter animals by donating items on our Wish List. These items help us care for them while they await their new homes and provide our resident vets with much needed medical supplies. Please contact us at if you can help donate any of these items or if you would like to make a cash donation towards their purchase. New or gently used items are gratefully accepted!

Make wishes come true for our shelter animals by donating items on our Wish List. These items help us care for them while they await their new homes. Please contact us if you can donate any of the following items or if you wish to make a cash donation toward their purchase. New or gently used items are gratefully accepted!


Miscellaneous Items on our wish list:

KURANDA dog beds. Our dogs love these and we get a 30% shelter discount, easy to transport!  They offer a substantial discount when you purchase for registered shelters. Cat beds are good too! (We prefer the Standard Dog Bed, small or medium size, with the Cordura Fabric)

Dog and cat treats

Dog collars (with hard plastic clasp) and leashes, small and medium sized. We need sturdy collars like these, please!

Cat collars (safety only, we prefer the stretch safety collars, but will accept all!)

Dog toys Kong and Nylabone preferred please!

Cat toys

Cat’s scratching posts

Cat beds and more

Gentle Leaders (training dog collars)

Slip Leads

Medicated shampoo for dogs and cats and kittens

Frontline PLUS flea and tick prevention medicine

Revolution (all sizes)

Office supplies: pens, paper clips, scissors, markers, etc.

Old towels, pillowcases and soft fleece blankets

Soft cat beds

Sherpa bags (soft-sided kennels for traveling)

Kennels intermediate to large sizes needed

Snappy snares

Any tags of this site (we have the machine)

  Medical Materials on our wish list:

Absorbable sutures, mostly sizes 2-0 and 3-0, however, we occasionally use 0-0 and 4-0. PDS and Monocryl are preferred (we don’t use sutures expired over 6 months old, for the safety or the animals).

Sterile surgical gloves, sizes 6.5, 7 and 7.5

Shielded IV catheters, sizes 20, 22 and 24

Diagnostic tests: heartworm, parvo virus, feline leukemia/fiv, distemper.

Diff-quick stain

Coban dressing


Orthopedic pins

Spay/Neuter packs

 Medications on our wish list:

De-worming medications: fenbendazole, praziquantel, milbemax (for cats) or any broad-spectrum de-wormer

Heartworm preventative

Antibiotics (not expired, please, or they will not be allowed through customs). We can use a variety of them but our TOP priority is DOXICYCLINE

Triple Antibiotic cream

Clotrimazole, miconazole, hydrocortisone cream.


Vetrycin spray (great for wound healing and fungal infections!)

Immiticide (treatment for heartworm)


Pain medication injectable and oral: Rimadyl (carprofen), Meloxicam (Metacam), ketoprofen, Medetomidine (Dormitor- anesthesia).


Revolution (all sizes)

Medicated shampoos (all types)

Equipment on our wish list:

Digital x-ray machine (high priority need)

Microscope slides and covers

Flexible thermometers


Other Useful Equipment on our wish list:

Cat traps and transfer cages LTD 30– we prefer this brand as it’s the most humane

Dog traps, if you come from Canada we can get these transported for free just email us.


 Items you can buy at our local grocery store on our wish list:

SAM’s Club: SPORTSMAN brands for, cats, puppies and adult dogs.

Kittens: Mega and Chedraui for Purina cat chow (GATITOS) Also for kittens Royal Canine  for kittens weaning and growth available at Oasis Clinic Calle 25 between Ave 11 and 13 (PRIORITY NEED)

Canned food for dogs and cats.

Bleach, powdered detergent, dish soap, floor cleaner, paper towels, fabric softener

Shampoo for dogs

Chews for dogs

humane society
