Cozumel News This Week November 12 – 18:
The “Buen Fin” Sale happening in Cozumel November 15th through November 18th, an update on the local economy, and update on the water taxi controversy, and a warning to Cozumel residents still driving foreign plated vehicles.
The Buen Fin Sale is coming!
You have probably noticed “Buen Fin” advertising everywhere in Cozumel. In English, “Buen Fin” means good weekend. It is the big discount sale comparable to the Black Friday sale in the United States except that Buen Fin lasts an entire weekend. “Buen Fin 2013” will be held in Cozumel from November 15th through the 18th.
Many businesses have signed up to take part including hotels, restaurants, clothing stores, shoe stores, cell phone stores, and transportation services on sea and land. Commerce leaders have called upon employers to advance holiday bonuses to workers so they can take advantage of the wide range of discounts such as a 50% discount on the passenger ferry to travelers to the island, if they prove that they have a reservation at one of the local hotels. There is a 100% discount to travelers wishing to bring their vehicle to the island, again with proof that they have a hotel reservation in Cozumel. The bonus advances will also enable workers to take advantage of the 25% discount on property taxes if paid November 18th-30th.
150 cab drivers are offering shuttle services to the six participating supermarkets at a 25% discount. This service that normally costs 30 pesos will be available for 22 pesos. The Cozumel Hotel Association announced the hotels will be participating in “Buen Fin” by giving a 25% discount in accommodations and up to 50% discount in other services.
The indications are that over 120 participants have signed up to offer two for one sales, buy one, get one free and as much as 50% off some purchases.
The municipal government has joined the “Buen Fin” sale by extending for three more days a program they are now running that gives 100% discount on fines and surcharges for unpaid property taxes and traffic offenses
Other Cozumel News
The Economy: Cozumel is enjoying the largest number of cruise ship arrivals to date this year, a much-needed boost to the economy after the worse slow season in years. The forecast for 2014 is promising, it looks like there will be an increase in the number of cruise ship arrivals during the entire year.
Water Taxis: The controversy is still daily news between the taxi union and drivers against the water taxis scheduled to start operating in January 2014. Federal Permits were issued to Naviera Magna SA to run water taxis in Cozumel. The 350 passenger “Overseas” will taxi Cruise passengers from Puerta Maya and SSA Mexico Piers to the San Miguel Dock. It was reported that the passengers would be paying as little as one dollar per person and the cost of the tickets would be prepaid as part of the Cruise.
The service is now provided by local taxis on land at a cost of five to seven dollars for the five kilometer distance. The arrival of water taxis in 2014 will deal a financial blow to the Cozumel Taxi industry. It is unclear what if anything can be done to stop the water taxis as they are licensed federally by the Ministry of Communication and Transportation through the General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine.
The Federal Police: Drivers be ware. The Federal Police are stopping foreign plated vehicles trying to enforce their interpretation of the law. If you have recently changed to Permanent Resident Status, your importation vehicle is no longer valid. The permits were only valid for holders of FM2 and FM3 visas that were maintained current. If you are within these guidelines, carry all your documentation with you. It is my suggestion that you also have a Lawyer and have his or her name and number in your vehicle.
The Federal Police has jurisdiction ONLY at the airport and the federal Highway. However, I have firsthand experience that some officers are unaware of their jurisdiction and their interpretation of law on foreign plated vehicles and immigration is confused at best.
Fact: A Mexican National cannot drive a foreign plated vehicle. If you allow one to drive your vehicle, they will confiscate your vehicle (permanently) and jail the driver. The exception is a legal relative such as husband, son, or daughter. A copy of the legal document proving that relationship must be in the car.
Fact: A Permanent Resident cannot drive a foreign plated vehicle. If you drive a foreign plated vehicle they will confiscate your car (permanently) and jail you.
Fact: If you are waiting for your immigration renewal and have been affected by the 4 month delay in the Cozumel Immigration office, YOU ARE STILL HERE LEGALLY.
As a guest of this beautiful country, I can say that most Police Officers I have met are courteous and kind at best. However, it is best to be ready for that one bad apple; it can be costly and time consuming if you are not.
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