In Cozumel News March 27, 2014 we have a report on Bathers killing the inhabitants of beautiful swimming and snorkeling haven Cielo and the Adopt a Beach Campaign that is starting in April. All is well on the island with the cruise ships and airlines continuing to bring record numbers of tourists to our beautiful paradise.Golfers get ready, the Playa Azul Invitational is coming!
Bathers are killing the inhabitants of Cielo!
The beach called “Cielo” (heaven) is named after its habitat of starfish. The beautiful location holds up to 15 species per square meter. The site is a tourist attraction that is located in the southern part of the island and part of the estate of Cozumel Reefs National Park.
Christopher Gonzalez Baca, representative of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (Conanp) in Cozumel reported that the Starfish population has fallen 20% due to handling by tourists and local residents.
The expert explained that on average a starfish is touched and pulled from the water by tourists up to 50 times a day, which can cause the echinoderm to die or affect their breathing and reproduction.
He explained that this marine species captures oxygen from the water and food through the skin, when removed from the water they cannot carry out the process of gas exchange and after prolonged periods can lose their lives.
We want this Cozumel treasure to be around for the next generations!
Adopt a Beach Campaign Starting in April
The Municipal Committee for Clean Coasts (CMCL) announced that the Adopt a Beach Campaign will be launched next month. The campaign is aimed at companies, institutions, and civil society groups to protect and contribute to the conservation of the natural areas of the island of Cozumel by periodic cleaning.
A released statement detailed that members of the Committee are representatives of “Reefs Cozumel Marine Park”, Foundation of Parks and Museums, Promotora Ambiental de la Laguna, SA de CV (PASA) and the Naval Sector, among others.
During the first session, CMCL refined the details of the project, noting that “Adopt a Beach” will coordinate the various efforts made in cleaning beaches, and work to maintain the landscape beauty of the island. This will contribute to a good tourist image and promote an agreement of solid waste management with participants.
Finally an invitation will be launched to the general population to participate in the various activities of the coastal cleaning. This will promote awareness of the importance of protecting the natural beauties that are the main attraction of Cozumel.
Many of us that love this island have cleaned the beaches individually and in groups for years. One habit my family has is to always take trash bags with us when we go to the beach. Cleaning the area is part of our “FUN” activity. Smokers, please take your cigarette butts with you, the beach is not a massive ashtray!
Facts about Cigarette Butts:
The most COMMONLY littered item is the cigarette butt! Many smokers believe that cigarette butts are not litter – and decompose quickly. THIS IS WRONG. The plastic filters can take up to 15 years to decompose!! [Cigarette butts] also present a threat to wildlife. Cigarette filters have been found in the stomachs of fish, birds, whales and other marine creatures who mistake them for food . Composed of cellulose acetate, a form of plastic, cigarette butts can persist in the environment as long as other forms of plastic.