In Cozumel News May 15, 2014 we feature “Fishing Fever,” Cozumel is ready for the “Mexican Boat Rodeo 2014″, Las Casitas is building and remodeling, the Taste of Cozumel Swim Bike & Run a success, Preventing Mosquito Diseases, and find out where you can get a FREE Margarita!
Fishing fever
Everything is ready for the “Mexican Boat Rodeo 2014”. This event, said to be the biggest in Mexico, attracts fishing enthusiasts from all over the world. As of four days ago, there were already 62 boats registered to take part in this popular event. The official program kicks off tomorrow night with a traditional dinner at Chankanaab Park, were 150 participants from earlier years are expected to attend. Fishing starts Saturday at eight in the morning and concludes on Sunday. The blue marlin and swordfish must be caught with rod and reel and have minimum measurement of 85 inches and weight of 100 pounds.
One Million three hundred thousand pesos in vehicles will be awarded to the winners. The first place winner will get a Mercedes-Benz, second place a Silverado Pickup, third place a Nissan XE, fourth place an Aveo, and fifth place a Spark. Six through ninth place winners receive motorcycles. Prizes will be awarded Sunday at nine o’clock at night at Andrés Quintan Roo Park. Good Luck to all my friends out there!
Las Casitas
People in charge of the work being done at “Las Casitas” unveiled the construction of two new businesses and public bathrooms with beach access. Sources report that the two new businesses will be small, a snack bar and a Tequilera to be located in the building (pictured) that served as the public bathroom. The current existing construction will be completely remodeled, as you can see in the photograph; it is in very bad condition.
They will be constructing a completely new and modern bathroom facility. They will continue to charge five pesos to use the bathroom but will have a bathroom attendant to make sure that the facilities are kept clean and presentable to the public.
Disappearing Beach Access
Another article in Por Esto revealed more businesses coming into the rocky beach area that extends from the boat ramp to Las Casitas. The strip, some 60 meters long has been a popular place for locals to have beach access without having to buy food or beverage from a business. The three palapas there now have businesses and plans are in the works for expansion of at least one of them.
Taste of Cozumel Swim Bike & Run
The first “Taste of Cozumel Swim Bike & Run, Festival 2014”, was a success last weekend. The fundraiser that finished on Sunday was a true sporting event, attended by professional athletes wanting to be the first to cross the finish line and help a worthy cause.
Among the first competitors to cross the finish line in the Elite status, was Nicola Spirig, the Olympic Triathlon champion of the 2012 Olympic Games, and winner of the ITU Cup in October 2013, Brazilian Reynaldo Colucci, 2012 Pan American medalist and Brett Sutton. Representing Cozumel were Rafael Chacón Díaz, Benjamin Collí, Mariano Dzay Aguilar, Rosi Zapata, and Youssef Achac, among others.
After the race was completed, participants gathered at Benito Juárez, where medals and about four thousand dollars in prizes were awarded.
Preventing Mosquito Diseases
I read an article about preventing Chikungunya. It is another virus carried by mosquitos. The article stressed that no cases of Chikungunya nor dengue have been reported and expressed concern that because there have been no cases, the community might let their guard down and not take the necessary precautions to prevent mosquito infestation.
It described the symptoms as follows: “The Chikungunya Virus caused by mosquitos brings the most painful affectations of the joints, which could be complicated in the case of those suffering from rheumatism, infant or seniors, among the symptoms are fever up to 40 or more degrees, severe bone pain, and red spots on the body, severe headache, nausea, and fatigue.”
I never heard of this and since the article did not describe the treatment of the disease, I looked it up and found that there is no medicine to treat Chikungunya virus infection or disease.
To decrease the symptoms it is recommended that you get plenty of rest, drink fluids to prevent dehydration, take medicines, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or paracetamol, to relieve fever and pain.
To this information, I decided to add the information I have gathered on Dengue:
Dengue fever is a flu-like illness which is caused by being bitten by an infected mosquito. There are four different but related dengue viruses, and they are most commonly spread by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito (and rarely the Aedes albopictus mosquito), which is found in tropical and subtropical regions.
Symptoms of dengue range from a mild fever to incapacitating high fever accompanied by the following: Severe headache, muscle and joint pain, Rash, and Gastrointestinal problems. The symptoms of dengue may appear from any time between three days and two weeks from being infected.
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a more severe form of dengue. Persons who have been infected with one or more forms of dengue virus are at greater risk for this more severe form of the disease.
Dengue fever is treated with rest, and acetaminophen to bring down the fever. It is recommended to take in plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Usually symptoms clear up in about two weeks but some people may feel tired and sluggish for several weeks.
PREVENTION: The City sends employees around to inspect the yards to ensure there is no standing water to give mosquitos a breeding ground, and sprays up and down the streets. Do not wait for their visit! Make certain you do not have standing water anywhere in your yard or home. I regularly pour Clorox in all my drains and toilet. This helps keep out all the creepy critters. If you have guest bathrooms that you do not use regularly, I highly recommend it.
Mosquito netting and screens on windows are crucial for this, and if you are outdoors in an area with mosquitoes, you should wear clothing that covers your skin and apply insect repellent. Compounds containing DEET (at least 20%) are best, and it’s important to reapply the repellent periodically if you are sweating.
Mention “The Cozumel Sun” at Playa Azul Beach Club
In May and receive a FREE MARGARITA with any purchase!
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Sunday live music: CAOBA band playing rock in English & Spanish!
The Cozumel Sun’s Events Calendar 2014
The Cozumel Sun’s Things to do in Paradise: Get on your dancing shoes and head for La rumba this weekend!
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