The Cozumel Sun News September 23rd, 2014: Cozumel CONANP: Stop Feeding Cozumel Wildlife, Streaming Movies at Home in Cozumel, Cozumel Ironman 70.3 Winners, and Aurita’s Corner featuring an IMSS Health Insurance Update.
CONANP: Stop Feeding Cozumel Wildlife!
The Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) Cozumel, urges residents not to feed wildlife species. The dwarf Coati and Raccoon species are endemic to the island because their smaller size makes them different than those on the mainland, and unique in the world.
It is common on the island for the Raccoons and Coatis to be fed “junk” foods and carbonated cola drinks. The “junk” food is used as bait to get them to come and take their pictures.These foods are highly harmful for human consumption, and more so for these animals.
CONANP Specialists emphasize that “changing the diet of the local fauna threatens their existence.”
Cozumel Ironman 70.3 Top Winners
Congratulations to all the participants of Cozumel’s Ironman 70.3! In my book, you are all winners to have accomplished completion of this event!

Streaming Movies at Home in Cozumel
The Cozumel Sun offers suggestions under the Cozumel Guide Section: TV and Cable Service: https://www.thecozumelsun.com/living-in-cozumel-guide/tv-and-cable-service-in-cozumel/.
Here is a piece I thought some readers might find useful to determine which streaming device to purchase. Of course, these are United States Prices they are quoting. When you get out and about in Cozumel, you will discover that they are more expensive. We have an Apple TV and a WII that we purchased in the States and a Roku we purchased here from American Momentum. The Apple has a fancier display on the screen; I see no difference in quality. The WII can be used for basic streaming. If you wish to stop by and check out the differences between these three, you are more than welcome to come over and play before you make your decision!
Buying the Best TV Streaming Device
Credit to: Daily Finance.com (09/12/2014)
When it comes to streaming videos from your computer to your TV, there are many devices to choose from. So, how do you find the best one for your needs, at a reasonable price?
For those of you who want a device for $50 and under, the two top contenders in this category are Google Chromecast and the Roku Streaming Stick. While the Chromecast is a bit lower in cost, the Roku Stick carries Amazon, Vudu and Showtime, as well as a great cross-platform search that scans through major TV and movie services for content. It also comes with an actual remote for an easier, traditional TV experience. So even though it costs $15 more, these extra features make the Roku Streaming stick a better value.
In the $100 category we have Roku 3, Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV. Once again, the Roku 3 came out on top in terms of channels and cross-platform compatibility. The main disadvantage of Apple and Amazon is that they both tend to favor content from their respective companies, so your channel options won’t be as vast as the Roku 3. As added bonus, it even has a headphone jack so you can watch that late-night movie without waking anyone up.
In the end, it’s really about content and how much it’s worth to you. If you just want to stream YouTube and Netflix videos for the lowest price, go with Google Chromecast, but if more channels and features are what you need, the Roku 3 and Streaming stick are the best deals for your money.
Aurita’s Corner
Tragedy at Ironman 70.3: Rocío Álvarez de Oyarzabal, a Triathlete died while performing the Swim Segment of the Ironman 70.3 Cozumel Metlife. According to unofficial information, she suffered a massive heart attack.
Rocío Álvarez de Oyarzabal was 48 years of age, was a native of Guadalajara, Jalisco, and came along with 2000 other participants to the sporting event. This is the first death recorded in Cozumel of an athlete in the past six years at World-Class Sporting Event.
Sadness was felt across the island as the news of the tragedy traveled quickly in Cozumel. We want to extend our condolences to the family and friends of Mrs. Alvarez de Oyarzabal.
This Wednesday the Women’s Breakfast will meet at El Maharaja at 9 am. They are located on Avenida 15 between Salas and Calle 1 Sur. A great place to network and exchange information! All Women are welcome to join us, even if you are just visiting our beautiful Island!
IMSS Insurance Update:
As I reported to you in July, my husband and I signed up for Family insurance at IMSS at a cost of $4,400 pesos each annually. Here is what we have benefitted so far:
My Husband Charles:
Charles had a physical Exam with his assigned Doctor (08/19) and was referred to the Specialist for his diabetes, heart, and other needs (09/02), and back to check an ear infection with the Doctor on 09/06)
In between those dates he had all his laboratory tests done on a timely manner so the Doctor had his results on hand for the appointments.
Of the 15 medications that include two types of insulin injections, blood thinner, diuretics, nerve pain, blood pressure and Vitamins (to name a few), they are providing us with 14 of the 15 medications and supplements. Two had to be ordered by the specialist, authorized by the Director, and special ordered by the pharmacist. It will take one month for the process, but I was assured that after we receive them next month, they will be on hand for us.
Before IMSS his Doctor appointments ran $500 pesos, his laboratory work varied between $300-$600 pesos depending on what we were looking for. His 15 medications monthly, priceless! Some are around $1,500 pesos for 15 tablets, the insulin was high also.
I calculate that we have already received in medication and services the $4,400 pesos worth in just the month of September.
Aurita’s Adventures at IMSS:
I could not continue to pay family insurance in the United States, so I left Charles on and cancelled my insurance in 2010. I have not had the required female exams, or any exams as far as that goes, nor laboratory work. I have only visited the Doctor if I was certain I was near death, for financial reasons and the fact that I am hard headed.
In my initial visit, they immediately did one exam, and scheduled Mammograms, an exam with my assigned physician, and my Laboratory work.
They do not have a mammogram machine, but they paid for my exam at Cozumel General Hospital. That X ray came out positive and scared the heck out of my family who immediately called my friends that took me that very evening for a sonogram. (IMSS had a three week wait to do a Sonogram). My friends paid for my sonogram which praise the Lord proclaimed I was cancer free.
Counting my own mammogram at General Hospital, I know of three other friends that were falsely alarmed. I think there is a problem with the machinery or the ability to read those things. Now, I mentioned this because one of the criticisms that I heard about IMSS is that they sometimes take too long, that you could die waiting. I think they are reasonable enough with their scheduling; they just have so many people they serve. If such an emergency does occur, you do as my friends did, and pay out of pocket at another clinic. I believe the cost for the sonogram was $500 pesos.
I have slowly, over the past year lost my ability to walk straight or for any distance, stand for any period of time, or lay in one position. I have been in constant pain, both legs hurt at night; I almost fall when I first stand up. My hip, my knees, sciatic nerve, swelling, sometimes caused by walking or standing, sometimes it just hurts constantly.
I have had a total of nine visits to the Doctor and specialists at IMSS. This included a trip to the emergency room one weekend around three in the morning for an allergic reaction. They have regulated my blood pressure, cholesterol level; have added vitamins, calcium and pain related meds to my dismay. I have had One mammogram, a pap’s test, laboratory workup (twice), one set of x rays on back and hip, and yes, I went to the scheduled sonogram at IMSS, it was free and we figured why not a second opinion for something this important.
Monday I met with the specialist armed with my X-rays. I am happy. He knew what he was doing; I received a shot in a muscle I did not know I had and a new medication that by last night enabled me to almost walk normal. I am pain free. He ordered X-rays for my knees and scheduled me in one week to see how I am progressing on what he has done so far. Next, we will discuss how to treat the wear on my knees and back. Of my 9 medicine and assorted vitamins and supplements. They are providing 8 of them.
I calculate that just in the Doctor and specialist visits alone, I have also received my $4,400 pesos worth also in just one month.
Getting Used to IMSS:
I also heard some criticism on Facebook about the herds of people there. Yes, they serve I would say, thousands of Mexican families each week. At any given time there are hundreds of people in there. They are a fine tuned machine for all that they do and the quantities of people they care for. They are patient, they are kind, they are very respectful, and it has been all good.
The key is being patient and organized. I take a book or IPad just in case the Dr. has an emergency and you have to wait. I always go in early, just in case someone does not show up. So far, I only had one long wait out of 12 Doctor Appointments and everything else has gone on as scheduled. There is a lot of shuffling about to get a signature, or appointment, or a document stamped, it seems normal after you have done it a few times.
At IMSS you go to your assigned Doctor each month to get your prescriptions. Because of Charlie’s condition I am very organized, a have a medication log for everyone in the family, the drug, the grams, the dose, the times, the doctor that prescribed them, the date it started, the pharmacy and the cost.
As soon as the patient in front of me comes out of the room, I enter. I step in hand him my log, we chat while he types, and I am in and out of there is no time. The pharmacy is right by the front door. They are fast, you turn in your prescriptions as you sign them, and as fast as you put them through that window, they are lining up your bottles!
It had started raining hard one day last week when I was stepping out of IMSS, with full intention of walking in the rain to my car. A total stranger gently got a hold of my walker and said in Spanish, “No, Mamita, stay right here with me. If you go out there you can slip and fall down. We don’t want you hurting yourself! Don’t worry; it will stop in a few minutes!”
It just warms the cockles of my heart, as they used to say in the old days! That is not the first time a total Cozumel stranger has come to my assistance, or offered kind words. I think the best position on this island is to be an Abuela. You are automatically every cozumeleñas Grandma, and they love and adore their grandma’s!
Unfortunately, it’s the only darn thing I have found that is good about getting old! I want to be agile and have the energy again! I want to go to Playa Azul on Sunday afternoon and show the youngsters how to rock. I want to be able to stay up late and listen to Romantic Music at Blue Angel or Disco at Las Catrinas on a Saturday night. Most of all, I want to go to La Rumba and shake my tail feather and Dance Darn it!
Come on IMSS keep working that magic!

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Remember to give back to our wonderful Island! The Volunteer & Donate Section of The Cozumel Sun has information on Volunteer opportunities for you: Juan Pablo II Senior Home, Friends of Cozumel, Cozumel CAM School for Disabled Children, The Cozumel Sea Turtle Rescue Program, The Humane Society of Cozumel, Rancho Universo Horse Sanctuary and Horse Therapy Centre, The Cozumel Blood Drive, and the Three Kings Day Toy Drive.
Note: If you are headed to Cozumel on vacation, or are returning to Cozumel from vacationing in the United States, check out the wish lists of the various non-profit organizations. Many of the items are not available in Cozumel and almost always, the items that are available are extremely expensive here due to the high cost of transporting goods to the island.
If you are already part of one of these wonderful organizations, please proof the information that I have taken from your website and Facebook page. Please contact me with any changes and updates. I am a one-woman operation and really need your help in order to provide my readers with the most current information available. Thank you for your assistance!
The Cozumel Sun Sponsors make this publication possible. Through their support I am able to offer our readers with Cozumel News in English. Their support has made it possible to provide and keep updated “The Living in Cozumel Guide” and Listing of Service Providers. If you live in Cozumel, show your appreciation by visiting them. If you are visiting Cozumel in the future, make it a point to stop by these wonderful establishments. Be certain to mention that you read about them in The Cozumel Sun!
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Thank you The Cozumel Sun Sponsors! Aura Holguin-Resch 987-119-4956 Cell 120-5903 Casa 386-445-8702 USA auraholguin@thecozumelsun.com