Cozumel News Novemmber 3rd, 2014 Special Edition

Cozumel News November 3rd, 2014  Special Edition: Cozumel Las Fincas Families, Children of Cozumel Bomberos and Cozumel´s Casa Hogar JuanPablo II

Susan Bonnet and NQC 2009Kings’ Day Celebration                                            

 Susan’s King’s Day celebrations are quickly approaching and we have been gathering up the gift donations.  Thank you everyone for your generosity again this year. Susan’s goal has always been a gift for every child. She tries to make sure the gift includes a necessity such as a toothbrush, something fun like a soccer ball, a toy or beanie baby and, when possible, useful items such as pencils, crayons, hair ribbons, socks or underwear. The parents are not forgotten and last year 180 bags of rice and tomato sauce went to the children’s moms, plus a 10-peso coin until we ran out. We added in 400 oranges along with refreshments and Candy Cane Corki gave out candy canes until they were gone. As usual, there were more children than gifts, but every year it gets better! This year the Kings Day Holiday will fall on January 6th, 2015.

If you are traveling to Cozumel in the next few weeks or shopping in Cozumel and see something you think they would like, please help us make these wonderful people’s day.

Susan is continuing her battle with the ovarian cancer.  News from Joan Roberts and her family is that she is doing a little better every day and the new treatments are helping her.  Keep our friend in your prayers!


Who Benefits

3 Kings Day 2009 03Las Fincas Families

Las Fincas is government land the Mayans homestead in. The population is roughly 2000 and children make up many of those people. Here you will find homes made out of pallets, cardboard, sheet metal and some stick style homes. Many have no running water.

firemenThe Bomberos’Children

The Cozumel Fire Department has around 32 employees to safeguard over 90,000 citizens and an entire island that entertains about 3 million cruise ship passengers each year. Susan started making sure each of their children had a gift for Kings’ Day after she discovered how little they were paid – if paid at all.

senior day 5Casa Hogar JuanPablo II

This nursing home started in a small house on 30 Avenida until a local woman donated land north of the transversal highway. The home is solely funded by donations and payments from the residents.


3_Kings_Day_2009_05Wish List Items for the Las Fincas Families & The Bomberos’Children

Tooth paste, dental floss, tooth brushes

Underwear – boys & girls, all sizes

Hotel soaps, shampoo, lotion, etc.

Baby bottles

Personal care items – lip-glosses, nail polish, barrettes/ribbons, hair

Brushes, small sewing kits

Cash for groceries

Barbie’s or other similar dolls – new or used

Coloring books, crayons, pencils, etc.

Action figures, misc. toys, puzzles

Baseball caps – a hit with the dads

Or, as Susan says

“Most of all use your imagination & have fun shopping”

senior-home-120x80Wish List and NEEDS Casa Hogar JuanPablo II

Simple Requests

Items for the Abuelitos are quite simple; if they receive something, they are just thrilled that someone thought of them, it is not so much the gift, but the thought. At the present time, there are seven women and two men and we will probably have one more gentleman in the next couple of weeks.

Here is what they would like:

The Ladies: Powder, hand & body lotion, socks (non-slip if possible size M), brushes, manicures & pedicures $

The Gentlemen: Caps, boxers, combs, a radio for their room, money.

The Nuns: They have not requested anything special for themselves, but do like coffee, chocolates, powder, hand & body lotions, money.

Needs for the group: Milk (deslactosado), Pantry items, Adult diapers (always an ongoing item), bed linens (white is best, twin sized), pillows (need 19), money.

Women’s Clothing:  blouses, robes, sweaters, light jackets,

Men’s Clothing:  pants with drawstring or elastic waistbands, Size L sports t-shirts


Items we are Working On that Need Cash Donations!

Sink faucets (8 double-handed, 2 single), Shower Heads (3), Roof on the Laundry Room, 5 Twin Beds, 7 Wardrobes for the residents to store their clothing and Money.

A cash donation can be directed toward any of these items. There are no overhead costs with Susan Bonnett’s King’s Day Projects and all money will go directly to the people Susan loves.

Cash Donations

If you’d like to make a cash donation and direct it toward a specific group (e.g. groceries for the nursing home or sponsor a bombero’s child), please notify

Kathy McGinn ( or Gena Meyer (


About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.