Cozumel News January 14th, 2015: Cozumel to be on Eastern Time Zone, Gina Ruiz de Marrufo visits Cozumel Seniors, Funds Available for Cozumel Community Organizations, Deadline Approaching for Naming the Cozumel Planetarium, First 2015 session of the Cozumel Municipal Committee on Health and Cozumel’s Men and Women’s Breakfast Groups.
Cozumel to be on Eastern Time Zone
I waited until “the official decree” was announced to report the time change that has been in the news for months. The new schedule translates into an extra hour of sunshine for the state. According to the information provided by the authorities, the new schedule will begin at two o’clock on February 1. That is two in the morning. On that day, the citizens in the State shall advance their clocks one hour to three o’clock. The change will have the state one hour ahead of Mexico City and on Eastern Standard Time.
Gina Ruiz de Marrufo visits Cozumel Seniors
On Tuesday the 13th, the President of DIF Cozumel, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo delivered supplies to 50 seniors, residents Centro Colony, continuing the commitment of the Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin and her own work in favor of the most vulnerable.
Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo told them that the blankets were to keep them warm from the effects of cold caused by nortes that occur in these months while pantry supplies and milk, were to help with the family finances.
The President of DIF Cozumel said that older people encompass a range of knowledge and experience, which are an example for new generations, and therefore it is the duty of all to care for and protect them.
Funds Available for Cozumel Community Organizations
As part of the commitment to the Cozumeleño population the Municipal Government contributed one million two hundred thousand pesos to the “Settlement Fund Budget 2015 San Gervasio” that provides support to civil society organizations to carry out projects for the community.
Federico Ruiz Piña, Technical Secretary for Sustainable Development of the City of Cozumel, announced that the social sector would contribute $300,000 pesos, through the Cozumel Community Foundation (FCC), which will make the total funds available this year 1.5 million pesos.
“The intent is to generate support for the development of actions on social issues, where the participation of the network of civil society is crucial to generate a series of projects that aim to work where it is needed on the island,” Piña Ruiz emphasized.
It recognized that social organizations contributions positively influence the benefit of the inhabitants of the island, as a form of social responsibility between the public and private sectors. Therefore, the official invited all organizations that fulfill this requirement and are legally constituted to participate.
The “Economic Fund for San Gervasio Agreement” will boost development projects and programs with high social impact, to meet the needs of people, sectors and vulnerable groups through the promotion of education, health, art and culture, ecology and environment and institutional strengthening.
Proposals must be related to the current Municipal Development Plan. The municipal official explained that the proposals are being accepted at Cozumel Community Foundation from January 12 to February 6. The results will be announced from February 18 to 20, 2015.
The basis of participation is available on the websites: www.cozumel.gob.mx and www.enlazatecozumel.org.
Deadline Approaching for Naming the Cozumel Planetarium
As we reported last month, the Mayor, Fredy Martin Marrufo, invited citizens to give a name to the Cozumel Planetarium , which will be the first in Latin America with three dimension technology .
The Mayor said that the community must vote between the three names chosen through the Internet page: www.planetariodecozumel.com or link found in www.cozumel.gob. mx. Voting ends January 17th, here are the choices:
“July K’iin” meaning “Ray of the Sun”, referring to the first rays of the ‘sun king’ received on Mexican Land on the east coast of the island.
“Cha ‘an Ka’an, which translates to” Observing the Sky “, referring to the astronomical observations the Maya made, as part of scientific activities that left their mark on history that continue to be surprisingly accurate.
“Kusam Lu’umil” meaning “Land of the Swallows”, a name given by the Maya to the island of Cozumel as a way to meet the millennial identity, destination to which pilgrimages were made to worship Goddess Ixchel.
It is noted that the Planetarium of Cozumel will be a venue where science, technology, culture and natural wealth of the region, will be an attraction for local and foreign tourists.
First 2015 session of the Cozumel Municipal Committee on Health
The first session of the 2015 Municipal Health Committee, was held on January 11th. The meeting was headed by Councilor Aurora Miranda Novelo, in her capacity as Secretary of the committee, was attended by the Chief Epidemiologist of the Sanitary District No. 2, William Sauri, and the head of the area of epidemiology for the Secretariat Health in the State, Wilberth Lozano, who presented an overview of dengue and chikungunya.
During the presentation, the state official mentioned the progress and actions that were conducted in 2014 to combat dengue in the state and in Cozumel, which has resulted in fewer cases in the town. He highlighted that the success of the actions undertaken by the Municipal Government resulted in the decrease of 80 percent of dengue cases compared to 2013.
As part of the agenda, a report of larval Malaria control activities in Cozumel, a reading the order of the previous session and the signing of the minutes of the Eighth Session of the Municipal Health Committee were also presented.
The Cozumel Men’s Breakfast Group
We are re-instituting the ancient and revered tradition of “Men’s Breakfast”. At last, a vehicle for the passage of knowledge, wisdom and the Cozumel way. If you have some knowledge of “how things work” on the island, you should come. If you do not, you really should come.
Breakfast is every Friday at 8:30 a.m. at “Fogo do Brasil”, the Brazilian restaurant on the second floor. Fogo is located on Melgar Avenida just south of Calle 5. This is where the McDonalds used to be.If you have problems with the escalator, the staff will stop it for you so you may get on and off and reverse directions when you depart.
Fogo Do Brasil has a parking lot free – Park in the lot on Calle 5 between Rafael E. Melgar and 5 Av (alongside the Hyperbaric Chamber). Present your ticket to your server at Fogo do Brasil and your parking is free of charge.
The Cozumel Women’s Breakfast Group
The Cozumel Women’s Breakfast Group meets every Wednesday at 9 a.m. Generally, a different restaurant is chosen every three weeks to ensure we support as many local businesses as possible as well as enjoy the great variety of food that Cozumel has to offer. The Cozumel Sun posts the meeting place and directions every week in the Facebook pages.
Come join us. This is a great place to network and exchange information! All Women are welcome to join us, even if you are just visiting our beautiful Island!