Cozumel News January 21st, 2015: Municipal Committee Installed Modules for Cozumel Carnival Tickets, Canadian Renate Herberger in Cozumel, Cozumel Collective Wedding 2015, Cozumel Population and Housing Survey March 2015 and Aurita’s Corner.
Municipal Committee Installed Modules for Cozumel Carnival Tickets
The Cozumel Municipal Government through the Municipal Committee of Carnival 2015 installed various modules for advance tickets sales for the different dances and concerts scheduled this year.
Director of Revenue, Marco Cárdenas Rivero, reported that modules are now open around the city to offer the community easier access for the purchase of the tickets of the various artistic performances and dances scheduled for this high feast in honor of the “King Momo “. They are as follows:
The module located at City Hall will open Monday through Saturday from 09:00 am to 3:00 pm
The module located at Casa de la Cultura on 50th Avenida and Avenida Benito Juárez, Colonia “10 de Abril”, will sell tickets from Monday to Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The module located at Dirección de Desarrollo Social, located at 65th Avenida and Calle 23, Colonia Maravilla, will be open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m.
He noted that the mobile module that provides care to taxpayers for their property tax payments, would also be offering Carnival ticket sales. This module is located on the premises of the Firehouse, located on Avenida Benito Juarez and Avenida 60, Colonia “Adolfo Lopez Mateos” from 09:00 am to 2: 00 pm.
He explained that the public may purchase tickets in advance for dances and concerts that take place in the Entertainment Center “Moby Dick”, programmed by the Carnival Committee 2015 for the festivities that began on January 17th and will conclude on February 17th.
He added that for people who for some reason do not get the opportunity to purchase their tickets in advance, the “Moby Dick” box office opens Saturdays from 12:00 noon until supplies last.
Canadian Renate Herberger in Cozumel
Renowned Canadian athlete, Renate Herberger, announced that she would swim around the island, aiming to promote awareness about the conservation of marine sanctuaries.
Pictured is a press conference, held this Tuesday morning at the Hotel Casa Mexicana. The Municipal Tourism Director, Juan González Castelán, and the Director of Environment and Ecology, Eliot Reyes Novelo, welcomed the swimmer, along with State Government Representative Germán García Padilla, Christopher Gonzalez Baca, of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas, and Demetrio Rojas Ramirez of the Port Authority.
Herberger started at 7:00 a.m. today and is expected to conclude her swim around the island on Sunday 25th.This is an approximate distance of 150 kilometers.
Renate Herberger is a dance teacher and Canadian long distance swimmer, in favor of the conservation of marine sanctuaries. She has toured various parts of the world with conservation projects in Costa Rica, Barbados, Canada, Germany and Mexico (Cabo San Lucas), adding to date more than seven thousand kilometers, plus bringing her message to more than 28,000 students in those countries.
Cozumel Collective Wedding 2015
The H. Ayuntamiento de Cozumel, through the Civil Registry, and DIF System Cozumel, will hold a “Collective Wedding “, in which all couples are invited who wish to formalize their relationship free of charge.
The program “Collective Wedding” in this 2015 will be held on Saturday, February 14, starting at 10 am, on the “Las Casitas” beach where the Mayor Fredy Martin Marrufo and President of DIF Cozumel, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo will serve as honorary Godparents of the parties,.
Those interested can register for this free program in the registry offices, located at 65 Avenida, corner of 11th Avenue, Colonia Independencia or inquire by phone 872-2295, both during the business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The documents required to register for this program at the Civil Registry, are two copies of your birth certificate, two copies of the voter registration card, two copies of the CURP, the original of prenuptial medical certificate, and four witnesses with two copies each of their voter registration card.
It is worth mentioning that the free program “Collective Wedding “has been performed for over 20 years, on a special day such as the February 14, the Day of Love and Friendship for couples that wish to formalize their relationship and make it legal.
Cozumel Population and Housing Survey March 2015
Mayor, Fredy Martin Marrufo, met with Carlos Vela Novelo, State Coordinator of the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI). After welcoming the official federal agency, the Mayor expressed the readiness of his government to assist INEGI, in strengthening inter-relationship.
At the meeting, the State Coordinator of INEGI presented the draft “Intercensal Survey of Population and Housing 2015”, which presented the updated maps of Cozumel, in order to validate the information and correct the data if necessary.
“The data collection for the Intercensal Survey of Population and Housing 2015, will take place from March 2nd to March 27th. There will be about 500 people working around the State and just over 45 in Cozumel “said Novelo Vela.
He also said that in any statistical projects carried by INEGI, the staff is properly identified with a badge with a bar code and a toll free number that citizens can call for any situation or additional information.
Finally, the State coordinator welcomed the readiness of the Mayor, and invited the community to cooperate with workers of the Institute that will be collecting the statistical information.
The meeting, held in the Board Room of the City Hall, was also attended by Antonio Baduy Moscoso, Municipal Treasurer; Argüelles Edwin Gonzalez, Secretary General of the City Council and Amir Mendoza.
Aurita’s Corner
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Remember to give back to our wonderful Island! The Volunteer & Donate Section of The Cozumel Sun has information on Volunteer opportunities for you: Juan Pablo II Senior Home, Friends of Cozumel, Cozumel CAM School for Disabled Children, The Cozumel Sea Turtle Rescue Program, The Humane Society of Cozumel, Rancho Universo Horse Sanctuary and Horse Therapy Centre, The Cozumel Blood Drive, and the Three Kings Day Toy Drive.
Note: If you are headed to Cozumel on vacation, or are returning to Cozumel from vacationing in the United States, check out the wish lists of the various non-profit organizations. Many of the items are not available in Cozumel and usually, others that are available are extremely expensive here due to the high cost of transporting goods to the island.
If you are already part of one of these wonderful organizations, please proof the information that I have taken from your website and Facebook page. Please contact me with any changes and updates. I am a one-woman operation and really need your help in order to provide my readers with the most current information available. Thank you for your assistance!