Cozumel News September 18th, 2015

The Cozumel Sun Special Holiday Edition:  The Cozumel Clock Tower and Don Totochito,  Reminder! September is Testament Month in Cozumel, Cozumel Sea walls: Murals for Oceans, Mexico Independence Day in Cozumel Pictures, Cozumel Events This Month, and more!


Miguel Marrufo Orozco "Don Totochito"
The Cozumel Clock Tower and Miguel Marrufo Orozco
“Don Totochito”

The Cozumel Clock Tower and Don Totochito

On September 16 there was a simple but moving ceremony celebrating the 105 years existence of the clock tower at Benito Juarez Park. The clock is the only original structure remaining in the park. Miguel Marrufo Orozco who was the guardian of the clock for 60 years attended the commemoration.

Better known as “Don Totochito” Miguel Marrufo was the guest of honor at the ceremony at the foot of the tower, as  chronicler Velio Vivas Valdes, related the tower was built to commemorate the first 100 years of the beginning of the struggle for independence throughout the Mexican territory in the year 1910.

The first person in charge of charge the clock maintenance was Alfredo Gonzalez, a Spanish immigrant who was nicknamed the “Bolshevik.” Gonzales taught Miguel Marrufo to care for the clock at a very young age.”Don Totochito” was born on July 5, 1916. He remembers that he was appointed gardener of the park the age of 13.

walls24Cozumel Sea walls: Murals for Oceans

Sea Walls: Murals for the Oceans festival was held in Cozumel July 17 through the 26th.  Artists from Mexico and other parts of the world gathered to beautify some of the walls of the cozumeleñan streets to   promote the culture of the conservation of the marine natural resources of the island. Thirty-three murals were created in public and private areas throughout the island, by artists from the United States, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Argentina, Taiwan, Australia, Brazil, Hong Kong and Mexico. Local artists, such as if the collective group “La Quinta” and others who work individually also participated.  Here are 23 of the murals, 19 with the artist, location, and country. Pictures of the Sea Wall Murals are courtesy of Cozumel Today Magazine & Tiempo de Cozumel Newspaper.

1. Fintan Magee, Australia, Antiguo Modelorama, Front of Quintana Roo Park


2. Tatiana Suárez, United States Exterior wall “Tikila” Restaurant


Phlegm, England Calle 1a sur entre 15 y 20, Wall of Sindicato de Hoteleros
3. Phlegm, England
Calle 1a sur entre 15 y 20, Wall of Sindicato de Hoteleros


N3O & Graffiti Wold.TV, México Scuba Club Divers
4. N3O & Graffiti Wold.TV, México
Scuba Club Divers


5. Melhor Rolem Cryz Cozumel 5a entre Calles 6 y 8 Norte
5. Melhor Rolem Cryz Cozumel 5a entre Calles 6 y 8 Norte



6. Meggs, Australia Exterior Wall Bancomer Benito Juárez Park
6. Meggs, Australia Exterior Wall Bancomer Benito Juárez Park


7. Tristan Eaton & The London Police U.S.A. & Holand 10a Avenida Corner of Rosado Salas
7. Tristan Eaton & The London Police U.S.A. & Holand
10a Avenida Corner of Rosado Salas


Christopher Conecki From the United States, Rear Wall Pépe’s Grill Restaurant
8. Christopher Conecki From the United States,
Rear Wall Pépe’s Grill


9. Grupo Bicicleta Sem Freio, Brasil, 65 Avenida esquina & Calle 15 Sur
9. Grupo Bicicleta Sem Freio, Brasil, 65 Avenida esquina & Calle 15 Sur


10. Alexis Díaz, Puerto Rico, Fachada del Antiguo Modelorama, Avenida Rafael E. Melgar
10. Alexis Díaz, Puerto Rico, Fachada del Antiguo Modelorama Ave Rafael E. Melgar


11. Celeste Byers, United States & Caratoes, Honk Kong, Calle 5 sur Entre 30 av. & Fco Mujíca
11. Celeste Byers, United States & Caratoes, Honk Kong, Calle 5 sur Entre 30 av. & Fco Mujíca


12. Jesús Benitez, México, 10a Avenida Corner of Calle 9
12. Jesús Benitez, México, 10a Avenida Corner of Calle 9


13. Amanda Lynn, United States Calle 3 sur, Exterior Wall “La Cozumeleña” Bakery
13. Amanda Lynn, United States Calle 3 sur, Exterior Wall “La Cozumeleña” Bakery


14. Artworkofkai, United States, Calle 5 Entre Melgar & 5a. Avenida
14. Artworkofkai, United States,
Calle 5 Entre Melgar & 5a. Avenida


15. Dherzu Uzala, Cancún, México, Private Home on 5a Avenida & Calle 7 Sur
15. Dherzu Uzala, Cancún, México, Private Home on 5a Avenida & Calle 7 Sur


16. Paola Delfín, D.F, México 65 Avenida Corner Calle 13 Sur
16. Paola Delfín,
D.F, México
65 Avenida Corner Calle 13 Sur


17. Aarón Glasson, New Zealand, 5 Avenida Benito Juárez Park Walkway
17. Aarón Glasson, New Zealand,
5 Avenida Benito Juárez Park Walkway


18. Colectivo Cozumel La Quinta, 30 Avenida Corner ARS, Javier Rojo Gómez Baseball Camp.
18. Colectivo Cozumel La Quinta, 30 Avenida Corner ARS, Javier Rojo Gómez Baseball Camp


19. Jack Fox, South Africa Benito Juárez Park
19. Jack Fox,
South Africa
Benito Juárez Park


Finally I have the following seven without Artist name, Country and location:







If anyone has the information on the above seven Sea Wall Murals, please forward to me at We are missing 7 of the 33 Mural wall photographs and accompanying information.

Reminder! September is Testament Month in Cozumel

The Testament Month has become the best opportunity for those seeking to get one’s affairs in order and avoid inheritance conflicts in case of an unforeseen death.  “September Testament Month” allows citizens to take advantage the affordable cost with exemption from notary fees.  The Board of Notaries of Quintana Roo,  take  part in this successful annual campaign. It is  anticipated that the estimated 79 notaries established in eight of the 10 municipalities will reach the goal to produce at least 4, 800 documents. This campaign will benefit all of Quintana Roo, especially the low-income families, as per the instruction of the Governor.

Mexico Independence Day September 15, 2015

independence 20151independence 20152independence 20153independence 20154

Cozumel Events This Month

ironman 2015

ironman 70.3 swimCozumel Ironman 70.3                                                         Sept.  20

san miguel3Cozumel Fiesta De San Miguel Archangel            Sept.  21


Telephone Pictures June 2 15 032COZUMEL FREE GLASS PROJECT

I am still looking for takers of FREE GLASS! It is my fault that this has not taken place. Right before the vacation, we had a contact at the Red Cross and another contact that was able to take this on. We lost their contact information. IF YOU ARE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE, PLEASE CONTACT US! It would be wonderful if a church group took it upon themselves to come and build windows for the poor. As I reported, Peninsula Grand contacted me to donate free glass. They had replaced perfectly good glass on all their balconies with a stronger more weather resistant glass. I accepted the donation without completely thinking it through. It has cost me money for labor to move it and money to transport it, an now to store it. I have had to move it twice already.  I have about 400 panes of nice quality glass size 70.5 by 76.5 centimeters. They are FREE to all local low-income families that need them for windows.

Now, if you are not a low-income family, they are yours for the cost of a donation to window project. We can utilize these funds to pay to have windows built and installed in homes. If you have any ideas of how else to distribute this glass, please contact me I am at a loss. You can reach me at or 987-118-4453.


This week only my on-going garage sale will be open Monday through Friday the store will be closed Saturday and Sunday. Starting Monday the 14 we will open daily: Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.,    Saturday   9 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Sunday Noon – 3 p.m.

I need donated second hand clothing, linen,furniture,  and kitchenware, pots, pans, dishes, forks knives, etc. Go through your homes and give me everything that you do not need. I will send someone to pick it up if you wish, call me at 987-120-5903 (casa) or 987-118-4453 (cell) U.S. # 386-445-8702. On the other hand, even better, come by and visit! I am at #1081 35 Avenida entre Calles 17 & 15 Bis.

20150907_131403Note: Low-income families have access to the clothing, house wares and other items that I am selling FREE of charge!

Aurita´s Corner will return next week with Part Two of our Mexican Vacation!









About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.