Cozumel News January 18th, 2016

Cozumel News January 18TH, 2016    Cozumel Announces Carnival 2016 Float Competition, Cozumel Carnival 2016 holds Magna night of Presentation of Royalty Candidates in Costumes, Cozumel DIF Offers Community Workshops for Dressmaking, Pastry Making and Beautician,  and finally the Cozumel Carnival Program.


float3Cozumel Announces Carnival 2016 Float Competition

The Municipal Committee of Cozumel Carnival 2016 headed by the President, Fredy Marrufo Martín issued the call for private organizations, government and businesses on the island, as well as all the carnival in general, to participate in the traditional float contest “Carros Alegóricos.”

Official Manuel Cota Becerra said that this contest is open to all floats in the categories “Chico”, measuring less than three meters long; “Medium” three to seven meters and “Large”, which will be greater than seven meters long.

float1Contestants must choose a specific topic and an official representative for the float, and each occupant must have clothes that suit the idea. If people wearing fancy dress or clothing beyond what they proposed are detected, points will be removed.

They must also have a name that identifies them, adequate lighting, functional sound equipment and be decorated and clean. No costumes or acts that go against morality and decency of this tradition are allowed.

It is strictly prohibited to use fireworks. Floats promoting propaganda for political parties are also forbidden. Each float must have the authorization form duly signed and stamped by the Directorate for Civil Protection and Fire Cozumel.

Cota Becerra, said that the floats will be judged by the judges during the three carnival parades, which those who obtain the highest score will win the first places in each category. to which they will be given financial incentives on Wednesday, February 10 at the Quintana Roo Park. This will be during the traditional “Burning of Juan Carnaval” event.

float2Finally, the official said that those interested can register or request information before February 2, in the office of the Subdirección de Educación (Assistant Director of Education), located on the top floor of the Plaza del Sol, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.

carni1612Cozumel holds Magna night of Presentation of Royalty Candidates in Cozumel Carnival 2016 Costumes

On Saturday the 17th, the Magna Presentation of candidates for Cozumel Carnival 2016 Royalty took place at the majestic pavilion in Quintana Roo Park with rhythm, excitement and fun. In attendance was Cozumel Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martín, accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo. In a great atmosphere Cozumeleños enjoyed the concert of Los Super Lamas.

carni169To revolutionize the Carnival of Cozumel on instructions from the State Governor Roberto Borge Angulo and Cozumel Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martín, a giant screen in the Open Air Theatre, was set up to allow everyone in Quintana Roo Park to enjoy the party in real-time. The giant screen will be in place for future events.

carni163After announcing the third call the official host of this traditional festival, Guillermo de Lara Torres, better known as “Memo-Memo, the Mero-Mero of carnival”, wearing an elegant fuchsia suit, presented each of the six contenders for the Cozumel Carnival 2016 throne.

carni167carni168carni165The first in appearing on the stage was Maria Fernanda Sosa Rojas “Marifer” who dazzled the audience with her elegant costume alluding to “Esmeralda, the gypsy, followed by Jorge Rafael Martin Arjona, better known as “La Mula”  his disguise titled  “Caballero del mar” (Sea Knight), with which he represented one of the most impressive and ancient work activities on the island, “fishing” while Jesus Aguilar Manuel Salas “Pompi Jr.” did the same with his  outfit “El Amo y Señor de Los Osos Polares” (The master of polar bears).”

carni164Marco Antonio Cárdenas Marrufo “El Chuno” surprised everyone with an homage to “Mr. Show”, characterizing and personifying the charismatic host, Don Fernando Ferráez, with one of his colorful costumes and using his usual phrases like “Muchas Gracias, Thank You”.

carni166Luz Yaneli Cruz Vivas “Luz Cruz” impersonating “El Hada de los Dientes” (The Tooth Fairy), while Priscilla Guadalupe Vivas Herrera, wore a colorful costume in the style of “El Ave Fénix” (The Phoenix), ending the parade of candidates in disguise.

carni162As part of the Kings of Cozumel Carnival 2015, Ana Paula de la Torre Cámara “Ana Pau” and Gabriel Espinosa, performed an emotional show with which ended their 2015 reign in this the greatest festival of the island of Cozumel.

carni1613And to close with a flourish, the multi-award winning band “Los Super Lamas” put the crowd in the mood during the second night of Pre Cozumel Carnival 2016. They managed to make the public in attendance dance on and off the stage and even on tables for more than two hours.



PastryCozumel DIF Offers Community Workshops for Dressmaking, Pastry Making and Beautician

* There is space available.

* People can learn income generating skills.

The System for Integral Family Development (DIF) of Cozumel, chaired by Mrs. Gina Ruiz Marrufo is offering Community Workshops in Dressmaking, Pastries and CULTURAL Artistic Beauty.

DressmakingThe dressmaking course is taught in three places:

– María Viana Community Center Park, located in Colonia Emiliano Zapata, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. -11 and from 7p.m.- 9 p.m.

– Community Development Centre (CDC) located in the DIF Park in Colonia Adolfo López Mateos, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. and from 4 p.m. – 6

– CTM Workshop, located on Calle 37 and 85 Avenue in Colonia CTM, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8 a.m.-11 a.m. and 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.

beautyPastry Art Workshops and CULTURAL Beauty Workshops are offered at the CDC in Colonia Adolfo López Mateos, the first Monday and Friday from 8:30a.m. to 11 a.m., and the second Monday and Thursday from 8 30 a.m. -11 a.m.

The registration fee and the monthly fee for each workshop is $50 pesos, space is available and you may inquire directly at each location.


taxes3City of Cozumel Continue Property Tax Discount

The Cozumeleño population continues to take advantage of the discount program offered by the Municipal Government for Property Tax payment and collection services, as well as transportation, treatment and final disposal of Municipal Solid Waste for Fiscal Year 2016. Participants also obtained a raffle ticket towards a motorcycle raffle that will take place in March.

Marco Cárdenas Rivero, Director of Revenue, explained that following the instructions of the Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martín to support and encourage taxpayers to comply with their tax liability during the months of November and December the program was launched that offered 25, 20 and 15 percent discount on the advance payment property taxes.

This month, the City is offering 10 percent off to those who pay their property tax liability in full and for Trash Collection Fees the service.

He stated that to date, 60 percent of the registered property tax payers and 40 percent of those owing for trash services have taken advantage of the discount program.

Rivero Cardenas reiterated that this discount program is to support the economy of cozumeleñas families, and urges everyone to comply with their tax obligations. The City Council encourages citizens to be current in the payment of their taxes reminding citizens that these resources are used to the benefit the community.

cozumel fire departmentFinally, he invites those still owing taxes to take advantage of the 10 percent discount and make their payment at the Palace in City Hall, or at the booth provided by the Municipal Government at the Cozumel Fire Station, or through the home collection service, by calling the phone number 869-0452.



Cozumel Carnival 2016

florida 2015 045Stop by Our Store and Support the Community!

Our New Neighborhood store Papelería & Novedades Mama Lilly is up and running. The word is getting out that our prices the lowest in town and the immediate neighborhood is thrilled to have a nearby store. We owe a fortune in merchandise and are purchasing additional supplies weekly as we discover the needs of the community.

bags2bags1I addition to school, Office, and art supplies we do copies, lamination and binding. We have gifts, gift bags and wrapping paper. We also have decorations, clothing, handbags, wallets, reading glasses, games, picture frames, and lots more. Spend your money where it will help a local family, shop with us!

Bartolo and family 12 2015The store is locally owned and ran! Please stop by and give us a try!


Come Shop with Us!

35 Avenida Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis

Colonia Independencia


987-120-5903 – 987-118-4453 U.S. – From U.S. 386-445-8702




About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.