Cozumel News October 26th, 2016

800 Motorcycles Attend Biker Fest Cozumel 2016,   Cozumel’s Buccanos at Night Returning Next Month, Cozumel Film Wins Tourism Promotion Award, and Cozumel El Cedral to Start Charging Entry.  In Aurita’s Cozumel Corner: City News Update, TCS Christmas Wish List, and TCS On-Going Garage Sale. In TCS Calendar of Events: The Cozumel Humane Society Annual Halloween Party, get your tickets while they last! and more exciting events yet this month and next!

motorcycle-rally800 Motorcycles Attend Biker Fest Cozumel 2016



motorcycle-rally-2This past Sunday, October 23rd, around 1600 people arrived from Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras to ride 800 motorcycles at the convention, Cozumel Biker Fest 2016.

The group organized a “ride around” the island so “Clubes de Los Caballos” members could get to enjoy the beautiful beaches on the east side. Riders and family members were observed enjoying the many beautiful attractions that the island has to offer on this two-day event.At Quintana Roo Park, Anuar Garcia Garcia, member of Club Cozumel Brotherhood revealed that riders came from Mexico City as well as northern and southeastern zones of Mexico.  Thanks to the proximity of Central America, motorcyclists from Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras attended the event. Event organizers called the event a success and are already planning for a Cozumel Biker Fest 2017.



Buccanos At Night
Buccanos At Night

Cozumel’s Buccanos at Night Returning Next Month!

Buccanos at Night will be opening for the 2016 /2 017 season on November 25th. Cozumel’s own Buccanos at Night, offers a multi-ethnic, multi-sensory dining experience where flavors clash on purpose in an enchanting location for fine dining. Buccanos at Night offers contemporary seafood, fresh fish & premium quality ingredients that change with the season. They feature an ocean view dining terrace with a panoramic view of the mainland skyline enhanced by torches & candlelight. A more relaxed and social approach to dining awaits you at ‘Buccanos at Night’, make your reservations well in advance as they are only opened on Friday and Saturday night from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Call for  Reservations:  01 987 872 0100 or  Email



Recipient of the award Pedro Oscar Joaquín Delbouis holding a silver dolphin trophy designed by Manuel Terone.

Cozumel Film wins Tourism Promotion Award

Out of more than 300 films from around the world, producing houses of a very high standard and leading advertising agencies in Europe, the documentary “Cozumel, A Paradise in the Caribbean Maya” won first place in the category of Promotion of Tourist Destinations in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal during the edition 2016 of “Art & Tour” International Film Festival for Tourism.

The award was given to Cozumel, as you report Pablo Aguilar Torres, representative of the Trust for Tourism Promotion of Cozumel Island just a few days after receiving another award in Cannes.  It was announced In mid-month that the documentary won first place in the category “TV Documentaries and Travel Adventure Reports ” in the “Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards” created in 2009.  Despite its short existence this French festival consolidated as an international event being hailed today as one of the top three industry festivals worldwide. See the film trailer on the home page of the Cozumel Sun!



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el-cedralCozumel El Cedral to Start Charging Entry

Gabriel Chan Yam, President of Ejido Villa Cozumel on whose land sits the town El Cedral maintains their intention to implement charging an entry fee to visitors of the historic and archeological village.

The Counsel’s argument is that the Ejido members have authorized use of the land for the El Cedral Fair, Celebrations, and other Events, but they do not receive a single penny of profit. Although, it is reported that Craft Shops in El Cedral pay a fee of up to three thousand pesos  to operate.

As of last week, the Ejido Commission President was pressing ahead with their intention to impose a charge by installing a booth and “sign in” one kilometer from the entrance to the village.

el-cedral2Gabriel Chan Yam gained notoriety statewide in early August this year after accusing former Governor Roberto Borge Angulo of clearing  50 hectares of land.

From the beginning the measure was not welcomed however the lawyer argues that it is time that the Ejido members benefit from visitors to this area as are the tour operators, that bring in national and foreign visitors and others that wish to enter their lands.

On Wednesday,  Andres Guenses, who rents commercial space on one side of the main square, revived the issue by reporting that the commission is demanding a fee of three thousand pesos to operate in the location; in addition to the rental charge of six thousand pesos a month.

A tour of the area has found that the construction of the tollbooth is advancing qjuickly and that there are about 15 commercial premises rented by Ejidos aimed at Tourists.  A lot of tourists were observed arriving aboard buses or on their own via motorcycles and rental cars.

The village of El Cedral located about 23 kilometers from downtown Cozumel came up from the south coastal road.

EJIDO:  In Mexican system of government, an Ejido is an area of communal land used for agriculture, on which community members individually farm designated parcels and collectively maintain communal holdings. Ejidos are registered with Mexico’s National Agrarian Registry (Registro Agrario Nacional). The system of Ejidos was based on an understanding of the Aztec Calpulli and the medieval Spanish Ejido.

albatros charters diving3Albatros Charters
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Sharon Miller (Center) Aura Holguin-Resch and Charles Resch

Aurita’s Corner

Picture Courtesy of Novedades


City Update: I have yet to receive a press release from the new city administration. However, news reports indicate continued conflicts across the island. There was a recent press conference that was viewed live on Facebook and reported by Novedades.  Out of that conference it was reported there was a lack of the customary 100 Day Plan, that would have detailed the coming changes and priority of the new administration. There have been mass layoffs, firings, elimination of departments, and social service programs. (A literacy program was closed).  I have read that  new fees and penalties are cropping up daily with little or no forewarning. When questioned about the amount of money saved by the cuts and where that money will go to , The Mayor stated that questions would be answered next Monday. The Mayor  did state that all funding for the Media would be cut, representing a $5 million pesos savings in the budget.


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The Paredes Family 2014
The Paredes Family 2014


TCS Christmas Project Wish List:

Gifts for a 9-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy, a 2-year-old boy and a 1-year old boy.

Basket with non-perishable food items for Two families of 4.

Cat food, Dog food, and feed bags for their chickens and turkeys that they raise to subsidize their income. They have two large dogs that protect their property and adopted an abandoned 3-legged cat. Any amount of help that you can give us will be greatly appreciated!




thank-youOn-Going Garage Sale:  Next Bazar will be held NOVEMBER 5TH AND 6TH!! Drop stuff off at our location anytime day or night or give us a call, we will come to you to collect your donations. Thank you Kathy, Lynn, Nancy, and Joyce for your generous donations!



Coming Up Next!


Annual Humane Society Fundraiser Party

October 30th, 2016

halloween mexicoHalloween – Dia de las Brujas

October 31st

dia de todos los santosAll Saints Day – Dia de todos los Santos

November 1st

dia de fieles difuntosAll Souls Day – Dia de los Fieles Difuntos

November 2nd


Humane Society Puts for Paws Golf Tournament Fundraiser

November 4th


Humane Society Puts for Paws Golf Tournament Fundraiser

November 5th


Papelería Mama Lilly

06:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
08:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday
08:00 a.m. – 09:30 a.m. Sunday
11:00 a.m. – 09:00 p.m. Sunday

We sell school and office supplies, make copies, print, laminate, and sell some gifts and novelty items. Use of Computer, Calls to Mexico, U.S, and Canada. We are licensed, provide Facturas, and deliver to your home, business, or office. AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE!

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35 Avenida Sur Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis      Colonia Independencia (Near Bicentennial Sports Center)
Telephone:   987-120-5903                    EMAIL:

Blue Angel Resort
+52 9878720819








About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.