Cozumel News November 29th, 2016

Cozumel News November 29th, 2016:  Europeans dominated the Ironman Triathlon Cozumel 2016, Cozumel Road Construction breaks Environmental Rules, Cozumel Road Work Suspended Pending Investigation, Cozumel Citizen’s Advisory Board Introduced Through Facebook, The Perfect Cozumel Gift for Children 6-10 Years of Age, The Cozumel Medicine Drive a Success, and The Cozumel Blood Drive.

ironman-cozumel-2016-winner2Europeans dominated the Ironman Triathlon Cozumel 2016

European triathletes dominated Cozumel Ironman Competition 2016.  In this, eighth edition of the Cozumel Ironman Triathlon Belgian Frederik Van Lierde won the Men’s Category and Michelle Vesterby of Denmark won the Women’s Category.

More than two thousand athletes took to the water for the swim at 07:15 am on Sunday at the Cozumel Marina, south of the island and from there Van Lierde took the lead and no one could take it away, remaining as leader in the stages of cycling and footrace.

Throughout the footrace segment on the boardwalk in a circuit of 42 kilometers, the Belgian was cheered by the audience with shouts and applause. He won with a time of 8:03:09 and was followed by Matt Russell of the United States who stopped the chronometer at 8:04:24 for second place, and his compatriot Chris Leiferman reached the finish line at 8:09:11.

ironman-cozumel-2016-winner3Cozumel’s Alan Michell Carrillo Avila, came in at 15th overall position and was greeted with a cake to celebrate his birthday and participation the full Ironman Triathlon.

ironman-cozumel-2016-winnerIn Women’s category, Michell Vesterby, originally from Denmark took first place with a time of 8:08:06. Second place was won by American Lauren Brando who recorded a time of 9:12:43, with Danish Camilla Pedersen following closely on her heels with a third place win with a time of 9:14:11.

laguna-ciegaCozumel Road Construction breaks Environmental Rules

Representatives of four organizations state and local environmental and appointment in the construction of the road to the Laguna Ciega denounced what at first glance looks like an environmental crime. The road was expanded in places 16 meters in width when the authorized width was barely four meters.

This road is located on the very end of the north hotel zone, past the golf Course. This is the only way to get to the Isla de Passion.


suspendedCozumel Road Work Suspended Pending Investigation

Update: In response to fair claims from the community and environmental groups, Isla Cozumel takes a step forward in defending the existing flora and fauna in the area where the road to Laguna Ciega is with the temporary suspension of construction work. The Urban Development staff and the Ecology Subdirectorate will perform a review of the work where they found certain irregularities that allowed them to impose the suspension.




Sir Pigglesworth's Adventures In CozumelThe Perfect Cozumel Gift for Children 6-10 Years of Age

Earlier this month I posted and article about the children’s book Sir Pigglesworth’s adventures in Cozumel. Since then, all 7 of JoAnn Wagner’s Sir Pigglesworth Adventure Books have won 1st Place in the Children’s Chapter Books category of the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards. She is now an award winning author.

The great thing about the Sir Pigglesworth series is that the books are educational while being incredibly fun, teaching kids new vocabulary and introducing them to new places. The books are designed for ages 6 – 10, and feature full cover illustrations on each double page spread, offering extra discussion opportunities when reading the books with young children.

“The Sir Pigglesworth’s Adventures in Cozumel story is fast-paced, seat-of-the-pants fun yet steeped in real-world culture and history that will empower any young child to expand their horizons,” explains JoAnn. “My little piglet hero is inherently curious about everyone and everything he comes across; the perfect cocktail for an adventure that can sometimes requires him to wriggle out of trouble! In fact, this latest volume was inspired by my own actual experiences in Mexico as well as onboard the Carnival Breeze.”

This is the perfect Christmas gift from grandparents and other relatives that live in Cozumel or visit Cozumel to give to a six to ten-year-old child. It would also be a great memorabilia for children that have visited or lived on the island.

Signed copies of her books can be purchased at  They can also be purchased at and

sergios-silver-homepage_logo_1Sergio’s Silver from Taxco is Ranked #1   in Trip Advisors!

Sergio’s Silver from Taxco is a fourth generation, family-owned and operated silver jewelry business that began in Taxco, a town in the state of Guerrero known worldwide as the “Silver Capital of Mexico”. You are guaranteed personal attention from the Hernandez family members, who have over forty years of experience in the business. “Our goal is to earn the trust and loyalty of our customer. We strive to provide outstanding customer service so your shopping experience will be enjoyable and you will look forward to visiting us again soon.” They are located in the town square park at Juárez Ave. #117 x 5th Ave. They are open Mon- Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 8 p.m. and can be reached at 01 987 872 7632 or Their  Website  is


Cozumel Citizen’s Advisory Board Introduced Through Facebook

Cozumel Mayor Perla Tun

What did we do before social media? Here is an introduction to the new Citizen’s Advisory Board introduced in a Facebook conversation by Paco Diaz Allen. He briefly covers the current state of finances in the City as well as encourages participation from foreign citizens.

I am Paco Diaz Allen. A few of you might know me and others might be hearing about me in the near future.
I have been designed President of the Citizen’s Advisory Board (Presidente del Consejo Consultivo Cuidadano or CCC). Our name is “YO SOY ISLA COZUMEL”.

The CCC  is formed by housewives, employees and businessmen organized as a group to serve as a link between the cozumelenean citizenship and the local Municipal Government.
As we all know, this new Municipal Government started its Administration on October 30, 2016. For us Cozumeleneans it was not a surprise to know that the Administration is in bankruptcy. The surprise was to hear the poor conditions of all the government buildings, the lack of equipment to work with, starting with paper, pens, pencils, stamps, desks, brooms, rags, computers, brooms, paint, tools, food provisions, cleaning provisions, etc.. The leaving administration took everything!
There were patrols, trucks and cranes that needed repairs. It was total disaster.

So, our first task was to start a quick donation campaign to solve immediate needs. This was successfully done on the first September weekend and I have to say, several foreign citizens contributed.

We continue with our social work to support this government which has stood out for being a transparent and honest one. Our Mayor, Perla Tun Pech has become known as a straightforward and direct person who opposes all type of corruption.

Anyone from the foreign community that loves Cozumel and wishes to help it to be a better place to live, are well invited to be part of our Citizens Advisory Board. I know many of you have a great deal of ideas and we would like to share them with our Mayor. We only need to put them on paper and present them as proposals in a citizen’s meeting with Perla.  At the moment we are working on several proposals. You can be part of them.Feel free to contact me through messenger or (Facebook) inbox.

blood drive3Cozumel Blood Drive

The Cozumel Blood drive was started by friend Ronald Mannes to assist anyone in Cozumel in need of Blood. Cozumel does not have a blood bank and hospitals require that patients and their families find their own blood donors when needed in emergencies and even for scheduled operations.

Since we do not have a blood bank in Cozumel, there are times; patients bleed out due to lack of blood. Having a list of people to call can save a life!Realizing how difficult it is for family members in the middle of a medical crisis to have to leave their loved one to search for blood donors, Mr. Mannes set up a Facebook page that can be used to recruit and maintain a list of volunteer donors and their blood types.

When a call for help  comes to their attention, members on the list are contacted and the need is posted on the Facebook page. If you have not already done so, please sign up at:

The current moderator of the Cozumel Blood Drive is Ms. Liz Toth, also available through Facebook. She can be contacted to join, ask questions, or assist in making donation. Soon the forms will be in English to make it easier on English speaking community.

Thanks to all who have or will join!blood drive2Requirements for donating blood

People over 18 and less than 65 years of age.
• Body weight greater than 50 kg /100 pounds.
• For women: they are not in their period and not lactating or have been pregnant in the last 6 months.
• Not being sick at the time of the donation (or allergies to food or medicine).
• Had last meal at 22:00 hours/10 p.m. and arrive in state of fasting.
• If you have had surgery in the last 6 months, you can give, if you did not receive a blood transfusion.
• Have not had alcohol for 3 days.
• Have not taken aspirin or some other medication  7 days before donation.

In addition if you have a tattoo over two years old you can give blood.
(I asked the administrator do you have to show proof and she said no. but we will have to see, should not be a problem.)

Women on hormone replacement can give blood

blood drive5Please talk with your friends and explain the importance of this program. Ask them if they would be willing to save a life by signing up. After joining the group please pm me with your contact info and state if you are here full-time. Remember by helping others you are helping yourself.


In Spanish:

Requisitos para donar
**Personas mayores de 18 y menores de 65 años de edad.
**Peso mayor a 50 kg/100 libras.
**Para las mujeres: no están en su período y no lactantes o han estado embarazadas en los últimos 6 meses.
**No estar enfermo en el momento de la donación (o alergias a alimentos o medicinas). **Tenía la última comida en 22:00 hrs/22 y llegar en estado de ayuno.
**Si usted ha tenido cirugía en los últimos 6 meses, usted puede donar, si no ha recibido una transfusión de sangre.
**No tienen alcohol durante 3 días.
**No han tomado aspirina o algunos otros medicamentos durante un período de 7 días antes de la donación.
**Además, si tienes un tatuaje más de dos años pueden donar sangre.
**Las mujeres en reemplazo de la hormona pueden donar sangre por favor hablar con tus amigos y explicar la importancia de este programa.

**Preguntarles si estarían dispuestos a salvar una vida al registrarse. Después de unirse a grupo complacerme pm con su información de contacto y el estado si estás a tiempo completo. Recuerde por ayudar a otros que está ayudando a ti mismo.

blood drive



About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.


  1. I really enjoy the Cozumel Sun. We have been coming to the island for 16 years and it keeps us up with whats going on.

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