The Cozumel Sun News January 29, 2020 Maya Train Construction Update, Not Corona Beer Virus, 2020 Q. Roo Vehicle Plate Exchange Requirements, Cozumel Carnaval 2020 has Started, Cozumel Carnaval 2020 Pre Carnaval schedule, and more!
Maya Train Construction

The first phase of construction of The Maya Train will consist of five sections of track. The first section is expected to start on April 30.

Albatros Charters
http://www.cozumel-fishing.com (630) 938-7603 (Vonage) (987) 872-7904 (Local Cozumel) Sharing a memory in paradise!

Photo By The Yucatan Times
Not Corona Beer Virus!
The Cozumel Sun News found this gem in The Yucatan Times. BoingBoing discovered that there has been a major spike in searches for “corona beer virus”.
Apparently people are under the impression that coronavirus, has something to do with our Mexican beer brand Corona.
The searches have been prevalent in the United States and Canada. But, there have been searches even in Mexico, where the beer is produced! It is world-wide because Western Europe, Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, and also New Zealand had searches in the numbers.
The ONLY thing that Corona beer and Coronavirus have in common is the origin of their names.
Cerveza Corona was first brewed in 1925.
In Latin, corōna means ‘crown,’ the same as in Catalan, Spanish, and Italian, among others.
The human coronaviruses was identified in 1965. Coronaviruses were named because of the crown-like spikes on its surface.
It does get worse…
The Daily Beast reports that the conspiracy theory believers at QAnon are suggesting that the best way to protect yourself from coronavirus is by drinking bleach. Yes… you read correctly.

Buccanos at Night and Shi Fu
Wednesday – Sunday night from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Reservations: 01 987 872 0100 Email buccanos@yahoo.com
2020 Q. Roo Vehicle Plate Exchange of Vehicle Requirements

Cargo de derecho por canje de placas y tarjeta de circulación.
Receipt for payment of current plates and circulation card.
Pago de Uso o Tenencia Vehicular.
Proof of Vehicle Purchase or Lease
Original y Copia de identificación con fotografía del propietario del vehículo.
Original and copy of photo identification of vehicle owner
Para persona Moral, original y copia del Acta Constituya y poder notarial donde señala al representante legal.
For businesses, the original and Copy of notarized document detailing the legal representative of said business.
Original y copia de licencia de conducir del propietario del vehículo.
Original and Copy of the driver’s license of the vehicle owner.
Original y copia del comprobante de Domicilio.
Original & copy of proof of residency (utility bill).
Placas anteriores.
You must turn in Previous / old Plates.

Cozumel Carnaval 2020 has Started
Over 4,000 people attended the opening ceremony of the Cozumel Carnaval 2020. Municipal President, Pedro Joaquín Delbouis, kicked off this great Cozumel party that has been a tradition for 146 years.

The event consisted of the presentation of the candidates running for kings and queens followed by a Reggaeton concert.
Do not miss out, keep track of events in the calendar below!