Cozumel News October 2, 2020: Tropical Storm, The State Traffic Light October 5 – October 11, European Fights Return, Free Mammogram & Influenza Vaccine, Rodeo de Las Lanchas Mexicana Results, Ironman 70.3 Results, How you can help Cozumel, and more.

Be certain that you keep informed! Read instructions for Tropical Storm preparation in The Cozumel Sun Article of June 2nd! https://www.thecozumelsun.com/2020/06/02/cozumel-special-report/
From Quinta Roo Governor Carlos Joaquin:
Traffic Light October 5 – October 11 Southern & Northern Regions
Quintana Roo remains in the YELLOW Traffic Light from October 5 to October 11. Both the northern and southern regions of the state have shown a small increase in infections. If this is not corrected, we are in the danger of returning to the ORANGE Traffic Light.

The Epidemiological Traffic Light (Semaforo) determines weekly the status of the State´s reopening plan. Cozumel has been in the ¨Yellow traffic light. See ¨What is Semaforo Yellow¨ Cozumel Sun News September 7, 2020.

National Stoplight System Reminder
Yellow Traffic Light means CAUTION. Do not rush, reinforce habits of the new normal: Use your face mask, go out only for essential things, maintain a safe distance of 1.5 meters, and wash your hands.
Other State News:
The Governor announced the arrival of the first flight connecting Europe with the Mexican Caribbean since the pandemic started. The Frankfurt-Cancun flight from Lufthansa with 279 passengers will arrive today, October 2nd.

He mentioned that the work on an airport in Tulum and the Mayan Train continue as planned. Both projects will play a part in increasing tourism and helping the economy.
News from the State Secretary of Health
Seniors and Vulnerable Population

Remember that healthcare for the vulnerable population during Covid19 is especially important. If there are elderly people at home or you belong to a vulnerable group to stay home- You must monitor your symptoms and request medical attention if you require it.
Seek medical attention immediately if you experience trouble breathing, pressure or pain in your chest, shortness of breath, fainting spell, disorientation, confusion, Oxygen Level lower than 90, fever above 38 c, general weakness, purple coloration of the skin and/or excess mucus and phlegm. You will be directed to the hospital for the more severe symptoms. You must self-quarantine if you have any of the symptoms, or even just a common cold.
Prerequisites for Donating Blood

These are the requirements for donating blood. We invite you to participate in this altruistic practice where you help save lives.
Be between 18 and 65 years of age.
Weight 50 Kilos or more.
Have not donated blood in the last 3 months (men) or 4 months (women).
Have no alcoholic beverages or Tabaco in the last 24 hours.
Must Provide identification.
No tattoos or piercings in the last year.
Fast for 8 hours prior to appointment.
Cannot have had Hepatitis after the age of 12.
Have not had mayor surgery in the last year.
Call 983-832-5644 or 983-832-2154 to schedule an appointment.
Free Mammograms

SESA invites women between the ages of 25 and 39 to request a clinical breast examination. Women between the ages of 40 and 69 Must have a mammogram. These services that will be offered free of charge.
Free Influenza Vaccination

To take care of your health, get vaccinated against Influenza during this Winter Season. We invite you to take your family to the nearest vaccination posts.
Cozumel News October 2, 2020 Continued
Rodeo de Las Lanchas Mexicanas

On the 19th and 20th of September Cozumel hosted the 49th edition of Rodeo de Las Lanchas Mexicanas. It is an internationally renowned fishing competition that normally takes place in May of each year.
The competition had plenty of participants, but due to the Pandemic, the spectator section and fanfare was left out. There was an assortment of videos on Facebook, but I could not find the photos of the fish and winners.
The prizes were awarded Monday afternoon at Tortugas Beach Club. As far as I know, they received cash prizes and trophies this year. Normally, some of the prizes are vehicles.
Nevertheless, for you fishing enthusiasts, here are the results.
The first place went to Knotty Hooker with 3010 points. They caught one sailfish large enough for 1100 points, a Wahoo weighing 40 for 1600 points and a Barracuda weighing 15.5 for 310 points. Impressive, as they caught these all in one day (Sunday).
The second-place winner was Black Marlin with 2995 points. They had a Wahoo weighing 35.5 for 1420 points. The balance of their points was for a Wahoo, Tuna/Bonito/Barrilete, Golden, and a Barracuda weighing between 11.5 and 12.5 each. This was a two-day total.
The Third-Place winner was The Pretty with 2590 points. They had a Wahoo weighing 33 for 1320 points. The balance of their points was for a Tuna/Bonito/Barrilete, Golden, and two Barracudas weighing between 10.5 and 13 each. This was a two-day total.
Organizers informed me that there will be another fishing contest. Coming up Next on November 15th will be the Wahoo Open 2020. There will be cash prizes and trophies. See more information at http://www.rodeodelanchasmexicanas.com/puntuacion2020.
Ironman 70.3 Cozumel Results

Another successful competition in Cozumel this past weekend. The winners of Ironman 70.3 Cozumel are as follows.
Men’s division
Sam Long from the United States took first place to win $3,500. Tyler Butterfield from Bermuda took second place to win $2,500. Mauricio Mendez Cruz from Mexico took third place to win $2,000.
Women´s Division
Holly Lawrence from Great Britton took first place to win $3,500. Romina Biagioli from Argentina won second place to win $2,500. Cecilia Perez from Mexico came in third place to win $2,000.
Congratulations to all the participants! The next Ironman Cozumel 70.3 will be held on September 26, 2021.
Cozumel News October 2, 2020 Continued
Aurita´s Cozumel Corner

Cozumel Community Kitchen Locations
All donations are greatly appreciated!
Cindy Tec, in the Miraflores neighborhood, Clavel street, Mza. 17 lot 01 # 54, Block fence and black fence.
Antonio, 40 Ave. Between 10 and 12, Col. 10 de Abril, white house next to a blacksmith shop.
Wendy Elizabeth Calle 37 sur A between 75 and 80, 5 houses from the Iglesia San Pedro y San Pablo. Col. CTM.
Iglesia Divina Providencia, Ave. 120 con 7 sur, Col Repobladores.
Iglesia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, 95 Ave bis between 4 and 6, Col. Emiliano Zapata.
San Judas Tadeo Chapel, Las Fincas settlement
Jorge Moreno, 50 Ave. Between Adolfo Rosado Salas and 3 sur. Behind Pan American Services. Col. Adolfo Lopez Mateos.
Brenda M. Briceño Can On 12th street between 75 and 80. In front of the Doña Chary lunch box, Col. Emiliano Zapata.
If you need Food Come by No Questions Asked:
Remember to wear a mask, come in a suitable condition, bring 3 covered dishes, wait your turn, and keep healthy distance.
How You Can Help Cozumel
Donate in Person To any of the above locations.
If you are in Cozumel: A supermarket gift card, food, or cash donation are accepted. Go to any of the listed kitchens to drop off your donation and/or to help. There is a lot of work involved in shopping for ingredients, preparation, cooking, and cleaning when feeding hundreds of people daily.
Donate Through the Club Rotario & Fundación de Cozumel.
Donate to the Club Rotario de Cozumel or Fundación de Cozumel and help the kitchens through them. Support this cause through this PayPal account: www.paypal.me/FundacionCozumel
Donate Through Communitas Cozumel
(Ebenezer Presbyterian Church English Service) Designate ¨COVID RELIEF¨. Donations can be made out to and mailed to Arnold Vander Bok, 511 North Lake Drive, Caledonia, MI 49316. To avoid bank fees, Canadian checks should not exceed 140 USD per check.
Donate Through The Cozumel Sun
If you are out of Cozumel and wish to designate a donation to Brenda’s or Jorge´s Community Kitchens, you may send your donations to (TCS) The Cozumel Sun´s PayPal account: https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif Our PayPal fees are less than theirs, and TCS will absorb the PayPal fees and the 16% IVA taxes. Please designate where and how your donation is to be distributed. You may split it between organizations, or simply specify “where it is needed”.

Community Assistance
TCS sponsors vulnerable individuals and families in the Cozumel Community, as finances allow. Over the past years TCS has raised funds for groceries, medical emergencies, medicine, clothing, school related expenses, and repairing shelters. We have a “”drop in” meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. Children in the immediate (Colonia Independencia) and surrounding neighborhoods are our priority.
The Cozumel Sun sponsors several Local families on an ongoing basis. Over the past years we set up a few start-up businesses to train and assist some families to become self-sufficient. We also operated a daily garage sale for years as a means of raising funds.
In addition, we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs.
Likewise, local Cozumel businesses and individual service providers can advertise FREE of charge in our website and Facebook pages.
TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years.
Our Community Store
Papeleria y Novedades Mama Lilly was started by the Cozumel Sun. The goal was to help a local family become self-sufficient. This community store is now 100% operated by the Martínez family. The Papeleria has office and school supplies, as well as well as gifts/Novelty items. In addition, they offer internet, FAX, and telephone access. Services include Copying, Printing, Lamination, and Book Binding.
The Cozumel Sun functions ON DONATIONS ONLY. Please lend your support. Help us continue to serve the people of Cozumel. During the Pandemic, our resources have been extended to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.

RFC: HORA500201TP1
987-118-4453 CELL 386-445-8702 USA
Hi Aurita,
Thanks for another informative Sun. How do we find the locations, times and dates we can get free flu shots? They have been given at Mega in the past. Is that happening this year? Where might t be best for Barbara and I to go get our shot?
Thanks for your help.
Hugs, Nancy
dear Ssharon and Aurta. This has been a very big, busyy Sun. I enjoyed it since I am so missing you. I want to help too. Anyway, weather is cold and rainy. I am waiting for 2 motre doctors and then we need to see how to get out. I plan to write a letter to the consullant and see what they say. I am so adddicteed to t.v. maybe Kees and I can get another t.v. since we did aa lot of fighting about 1 month ago about whhat to wharch and how loud it will be. Your work on the food for the faimlies sounds so goo. Lots of love
You are very welcome! You should be able to walk in to the general hospital (Cozumel Centro de Salud) on 11th. Just ask where to go to get your vacine! If you have one of those immunization recod booklets take it with you so they can record it. We took Sharon also has to go, lets get Bartolo or Gelmy to go with you.
Thank you Lynn! Looking forward to your return to Cozumel!