Cozumel News October 19, 2020

Cozumel News October 19, 2020: Traffic Light Southern & Northern Regions October 19 – October 25. Clorox Use with Caution! Free Influenza Vacccine. National Stoplight System, Cozumel Community Kitchen Locations- How You Can Help Cozumel.

Traffic Light October 19 – October 25 Southern & Northern Regions


Quintana Roo remains in the YELLOW Traffic Light from October 19 to October 25.Yellow Traffic Light means CAUTION. Do not rush, reinforce habits of the new normal: Use your face mask, go out only for essential things, maintain a safe distance of 1.5 meters, disinfect surfaces and wash your hands.


National Stoplight System

The Epidemiological Traffic Light (Semaforo) determines weekly the status of the State´s reopening plan. Cozumel has been in the ¨Yellow traffic light. See the details in the article¨What is Semaforo Yellow¨ Cozumel Sun News September 7, 2020.

Clorox: Use with Caution!

Along with wearing a mask and safe distancing, we are required to constantly disinfect surfaces. The surfaces in our homes and workplace can spread the COVID-19 Virus from person to person.

Spray disinfectants are expensive and not always available. The alternative is Clorox and water. Clorox is the most logical choice given the large task at hand. It is also the most economical. However, mixed with other liquids it can be extremely dangerous.

Know which substances should not be combined as they produce vapors that damage the respiratory tract.
Clorox and Muriatic Acid

Is extremely Flammable and can cause damage to throat and pulmonary edema.

Clorox and Hot Water

Generates extremely toxic vapors that damage respiratory airways.

Clorox and Drain Cleaners

Produces a gas that can suffocate, cause severe burns in the throat and lungs, that can lead to death.

Clorox and Vinegar

Is one of the most dangerous combinations that cause toxic fumes that can be flammable, causing severe and irreversible damage.

Clorox and Ammonia

Produces a harmful gas that can irritate the eyes and lungs causing serios respiratory problems.

Clorox and Alcohol

Produces chemical vapors that cause irritation to the eyes and can be absorbed through the skin causing serios damage.

Cozumel has Free Influenza Vaccination

A reminder that more than ever, it is imperative that you protect yourself and your family with vaccinations against influenza. We have gone to Centro de Salud on 11th. You need some Spanish to understand where in the hospital to go. No documentation is Needed!

We invite you to get vaccinated against 
#Influenza , go with your whole family to your health center and protect yourself.

The Cozumel Sun News promotes businesses for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group !

Albatros Charters Fishing Snorkeling & Cruising Cozumel U.S. (630) 938-7603 (Vonage) Cozumel: (987) 872-7904 Email:

Cozumel News October 19, 2020 continued

The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group 

Find him on Facebook: JaviertheChurroguy Panero Messenger: Javier Panero

Cozumel Community Kitchen Locations

All donations are greatly appreciated!
Cocinas Comunitarias

Cindy Tec, in the Miraflores neighborhood, Clavel street, Mza. 17 lot 01 # 54, Block fence and black fence.

Antonio, at 40 Ave. Between 10 and 12, Col. 10 de Abril, white house next to a blacksmith shop.

Wendy Elizabeth, at Calle 37 sur A between 75 and 80, 5 houses from the Iglesia San Pedro y San Pablo. Col. CTM.

Iglesia Divina Providencia, at Ave. 120 con 7 sur, Col Repobladores.

Iglesia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, at 95 Ave bis between 4 and 6, Col. Emiliano Zapata.

San Judas Tadeo Chapel, located at Las Fincas Settlement.

Jorge Moreno, at 50 Ave. Between Adolfo Rosado Salas and 3 sur. Behind Pan American Services. Col. Adolfo Lopez Mateos.

Brenda M. Briceño Can, on 12th street between 75 and 80. In front of the Doña Chary lunch box, Col. Emiliano Zapata.

If you need Food

The kitchens are opened to you, no Questions Asked. Remember to wear a mask. Come in a suitable condition. Bring 3 covered dishes. wait your turn, and keep healthy distance.

How You Can Help Cozumel

Photo Courtesy of  Cindy Trautwein Flip Tours
with Elsie Howell and Sheri Jo Howel
Donate in Person To any of the above locations if you are in Cozumel

A supermarket gift card, food, or cash donation are accepted. Go to any of the listed kitchens to drop off your donation and/or to help. There is a lot of work involved in shopping for ingredients, preparation, cooking, and cleaning when feeding hundreds of people daily.

Donate Through the Club Rotario & Fundación de Cozumel 
Fundacion Cozumel Cozumel Club Rotario

Donate to the Club Rotario de Cozumel or Fundación de Cozumel. To help the kitchens through them, make a donation to PayPal account:

Donate Through Communitas Cozumel
30 Av entre calles 8 y 10

Located at Ebenezer Presbyterian Church (English Service). Designate ¨COVID RELIEF¨. Donations can be made out to and mailed to Arnold Vander Bok, 511 North Lake Drive, Caledonia, MI 49316. To avoid bank fees, Canadian checks should not exceed 140 USD per check.

Donate Through The Cozumel Sun
Jorge with donated Grocery Gift Card

If you are out of Cozumel and wish to designate a donation to Brenda’s or Jorge´s Community Kitchens, you may send your donations to (TCS) The Cozumel Sun´s PayPal account. Just click on the Donate button on our home page. Our PayPal fees are less than theirs, and  TCS will absorb the PayPal fees and the 16% IVA taxes.

Please designate where and how your donation is to be distributed. You may split it between organizations, or simply specify “where it is needed”.

Community Assistance

TCS sponsors vulnerable individuals and families in the Cozumel Community, as finances allow. Over the past years TCS has raised funds for groceries, medical emergencies, medicine, clothing, school related expenses, and repairing shelters. We have a “”drop in” meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. Children in the immediate (Colonia Independencia) and surrounding neighborhoods are our priority.

The Cozumel Sun sponsors several Local families on an ongoing basis. Over the past years we set up a few start-up businesses to train and assist some families to become self-sufficient. We also operated a daily garage sale for years as a means of raising funds.

In addition, we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs.

Likewise, local Cozumel businesses and individual service providers can advertise FREE of charge in our website and Facebook pages.

TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years.

Our Community Store
Papeleria Mama Lilly & The Cozumel Sun Heaquarters

Papeleria y Novedades Mama Lilly was started by the Cozumel Sun. The goal was to help a local family become self-sufficient. This community store is now 100% operated by the Martínez family. The Papeleria has office and school supplies, as well as well as gifts/Novelty items. In addition, they offer internet, FAX, and telephone access. Services include Copying, Printing, Lamination, and Book Binding.

The Cozumel Sun functions ON DONATIONS ONLY. Please lend your support. Help us continue to serve the people of Cozumel. During the Pandemic, our resources have been extended to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.

Aura Holguin-Resch
RFC: HORA500201TP1
987-118-4453 CELL 386-445-8702 USA
About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.