September 21, 2021: The State is in Semaforo Yellow, Cozumel Men’s Breakfast , Vaccination Certificate, Ironman 70.3 Celebrates 10 Years in Cozumel, The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange Store, Cozumel Sun Medications Currently on Hand FREE, Medical Equipment Available for LOAN, and more!
The State is in Semaforo Yellow !

Praise the Lord, the entire State is one step away from being GREEN! Please do not let your guard down, Keep using your masks, safe distancing, and PLEASE get vaccinated.
If you are not a believer, please consider our beautiful children of Cozumel. School started online August 30th and preparations are on the way to have them return to school in October. Vaccination in Cozumel has only reached to the age of eighteen. There has been no word of children 5 years and up and no news of a booster for the elderly and vulnerable groups. I have received no word of make-up sessions for anyone that has missed the first round of vaccines.
Alarming social media posts show young people having a great time at our local establishments. Some of these posts show people shoulder to shoulder on dance floors, no masks, and no safe distancing. It is frightening. If you do not care about yourselves, think of others. Locals are working at these establishments so they can feed their families. Your carelessness is endangering their life and can lead to an entire family left without a source of income

Cozumel Men’s Breakfast
Cozumel Men’s Breakfast
The Cozumel Men´s Breakfast is still going strong! We meet at 8:30 every Friday morning at Casa Mission. Everyone is welcome to attend the Men´s Breakfast! $150 pesos rents you 8 to 15 friends for a couple of hours, AND you get breakfast too. Best deal on the island.
´The Cozumel Sun News promotes Local businesses for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group !
Vaccination Certificate

If you received your COVID Vaccine in Cozumel, or anywhere in Mexico. Please download your covid vaccination certificate at https://cvcovid.salud.gob.mx/.
For this to be on file, you must have registered at https://mivacuna.salud.gob.mx.
The official certificate is bilingual and has a barcode. The PDF file prints out letter size. However, I have figured out how to print it out a tad larger than passport size, so it fits nicely with your travel documents. It can then be laminated.
If you are interested, it is one of the services that I offer at the store at the cost of $50.00 pesos.
If you have your certificate, you can bring it in to me. Or you may send me your CURP number, and I will solicit it for you. The Government will send the Vaccination certificate in PDF form to your registered email. You may then forward it to me to print out, resize and laminate for you. Email directly to the The Cozumel News Book Exchange and Store at mapapeleria@outlook.com.

Ironman 70.3 Celebrating ten Years in Cozumel This Week!
September 25th & 26th
Important Race Update: We wanted to inform you of an important change to IRONMAN 70.3 Cozumel in September. In accordance with local authorities and the protocols established in IRONMAN’s Safe Return to Racing guidelines, the event will consist of two days of races instead of one as originally scheduled. On Saturday, September 25, all female age groups, all men 45 & over plus relay teams will compete. Then on Sunday, September 26, all men ages 18 – 44 will compete.

Hurricane Season Do not be caught Unprepared! Read The Cozumel Sun´s Preparation for Hurricane & Tropical Storm Season today if you have not already done so!
The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange

I predict that The Cozumel Sun book exchange, a longtime dream of mine, will be a success. The positive response on social media was overwhelming. People have come in daily with books.
The Layout
The hard cover books are on the first three shelves in alphabetical order by author.
There half a shelf of Bibles and religious books in both English and Spanish. On that same shelf I have an assortment of travel books, National Geographics, and even a book on fly fishing.
The remaining shelves hold hundreds of paperback books arranged in alphabetical order by author.
One or two Spanish books and two children’s books have come in. I have kept them separate.
Jig Saw Puzzles
People expressed the need to exchange crossword puzzles, however, I only had four. Two different families have come in to exchange puzzles so far.
More Coming
One reader will be bringing books in German and more books in Spanish are on the way.
We Need
Children’s books, preferably bilingual, but we will take any and more Jig Saw puzzles!
Aurita’s Cozumel Corner

The Book Exchange was a spontaneous idea. I thought we had a buyer for the contents of the Papeleria Store. The Papeleria was another business fatality of the pandemic.
After inventory, I boxed all the store contents. I had four metal shelving floor to ceiling that I realized could accommodate my hundreds of books.
Books Everywhere
I had books on shelves in my living room, dining room, and bedroom. Since 2005, I have kept every book, for my dream of setting up a book exchange somewhere in Cozumel. My hopes of having it the Cozumel library went out the window when I discovered it was Federally managed and falling apart.
The Cozumel Sun News
The Cozumel Sun Office was in my bedroom to make room for the Papeleria. Using the space for the Cozumel Sun Office and the Book Exchange was like a dream come true.
Federal Taxes
I have an RFC number and pay taxes bi-monthly to the Mexican government on all donations and fundraising income generated by the Cozumel Sun. (I also report it on my United States Tax Return). However, since I did not have any signs, or a separate physical place of business, I have not had to deal with local government taxes and fees.
Now it is a Business
The buyer for the Papeleria disappeared. Not surprising, given the state of the economy and the fact that the schools remain closed. Slowly I started unpacking the merchandize to sell in hope that the items and services would attract the attention of the book exchange customers and generate income. I spread the word in the neighborhood that we were once again making copies, printing, laminating, internet services and had merchandise for sale. We reopened our Avon contract.
A Price to Pay
The Papeleria closed most of 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. Therefore, the store business license and fees for 2021 have not been paid. We did continue to do copies and printing via the front door of our home for the neighbors. Under the circumstances, I do not think anyone will be knocking down the door trying to collect fees from Papeleria Mama Lilly for this year.
However, I will have to apply to change the name and ownership of the store and pay for this coming year. The cost is between $7,000 to $8,000 pesos. This will cover a 2022 business License, a ridiculously high annual Garbage collection fee, a Civil Protection fee, and an Ecology Fee.
Need to Stock
When the Papeleria closed, I donated school items and sold a quantity at a 50% discount. We must replace this merchandise this month. Cozumel children should be returning to their classrooms in October. It is imperative that I have certain things on hand.
Hard Work
My energy has returned, and I have been working fifteen-hour days. This has been harder than I anticipated. The task is tedious to unpack the merchandize, clean it, price it, and arrange it in a manner that it is visible but maintains the spacious and comfortable atmosphere of our little book exchange. I have made great progress but still have more work to do.
Merchandize Overstock
The management of the Papeleria was turned over to my adopted family years ago. I kept putting money into the store in a failed attempt to set them up in a business that would support a family of four.
As I unpacked, I discovered a large inventory of cosmetics and health and beauty products from Avon, Mary Kay, and Terramar. These items, while of quality, are not in the price range that our immediate neighbors can afford.
Advertising on Facebook
The arduous task of advertising and posting these products for sale online has fallen to me. It is time consuming, and I have more to list! I have discounted the items between 50 to 70 percent. I am desperate to get these items out of the store.
How you can Help
Please consider purchasing our overstock items for yourself, or as a gift for a friend or even one of your workers. The holidays are coming, consider buying these things for presents or stocking stuffers. Want to purchase a variety of things? I Will lower the price even more!
Consider us for your school, office, and art supplies. Use our services of printing, copying, laminating, and internet café. We even bind books and pamphlets!
Sign up to receive our Avon catalogs. I can send the digital catalogs via WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, or email. The catalogs are free. There is no purchase necessary. You can browse through their vast catalog of merchandize. The carry home items, health and beauty aids, cosmetics, a wide array of children´s products, gifts, perfumes, and colognes, and even clothing. The prices are quite reasonable. I can arrange home delivery if necessary.
Spread the Word
Let your friends and neighbors know what we have to offer. Please send people our way. Encourage them to sign up for our Facebook Group and pages.
The book Exchange and store needs have not stopped our work in the community. It is business as usual with our community programs. We provide food, meals, medicine, and cash to the needy in our community to those that fall through the cracks of existing programs.
Cozumel Sun Medications Currently on Hand FREE!
Alprazolam-2 mg – Xanax – Anxiety and panic disorder (sleeping) three boxes of thirty.
Enalapril 10 mg. – Blood Pressure. Two boxes of thirty tablets.
Mipramid Metoclopramida 10 mg. 2 Boxes of twenty tablets.
HFA Beclometasona – two Aerosol 50 mcg Inhalers.
Medical Equipment Available for LOAN
Crutches, nebulizer, and a portable bedside toilet. Our wheelchair is out on loan.
Walkers and canes are always in demand as we give them away. If anyone has extras around the house, feel free to drop them off to us. We donate the walkers and canes we receive to the elderly.
Other Medical Supplies
We have an assortment of braces, medical support hose, and miscellaneous medication and supplies in our trusty family locker. Always check with us. Once a year we clean house and donate everything on hand to DIF or another agency to distribute. However, we quickly start accumulating donations and items that our own large extended family collects.
Donate to the Cozumel Sun!
We function on DONATIONS ONLY. Please lend your support. Help us continue to serve the people of Cozumel. In person or through our PayPal account found on the home page of our website: www.thecozumelsun.com. As soon as I can get the store back on its feet, I have three local college students lined up to work. This will help them with their school tuition, learn business, and practice their English!
Here is a Few of the Sale Items I have Facebook to Date:

Our products are based on the latest beauty ingredients, as well as extracts found in the natural resources of the land and the sea, combined with scientific assets and high technology, as well as bright textures and a harmony of exclusive original fragrances.
I have five products in stock from this great Mexican Company. The total retail price for these five products is $2,404.
INDIVIDUAL Sale Price is a Discount of 50%! Purchase TWO Products Discount of 55% Purchase THREE products Discount of 60% Purchase FOUR products Discount of 65%
ALL FIVE FOR FOR ONLY $ 720! A Savings of $1,684!

FRAGRANCE FREE SET $760 Now 50% off only $ 380!
Avon True Flawless ULTRAMATTE Foundation

Base de Maquillaje Liquida 30 ml Color Medium Beige
Buy for $199 and get
FREE Mark Magix Face Perfector Primer Cream 30 ml FPS20 Value of $270 Pesos FREE
Avon Color Trend Nail Polish

Esmalte Brillo Y Cobertura One Application Total Coverage!
! Sale Set de six only $ 50 pesos!
Pack of Three LIPSTICKS

EXTRA VOLUME FPS 15, Reg Price $96.99 c/u Sale Price $47.99 c/u SAVE 50% OFF THE SALE PRICE!
Shades: Berry (2) Rose (1)
Package of three for $72 pesos!
Pack of Five Lipsticks

Shades: Blushing Beauty (1) Get Cheeky (1) Temptress (1) Spellbound (1) Street Style (1)
Regular Price $ 164.99 SALE PRICE $ 79.99 C/U Fifty percent OFF THE SALE PRICE!
Package of five for $ 200 pesos!

RFC: HORA500201TP1
987-118-4453 CELL 386-445-8702 USA auraholguin@thecozumelsun.com