Cozumel Sun News October 8: State COVID Update, Humanitarian Vessel Missing, Halloween Pet Costume Party, The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange & Store Update, and more!
State COVID Update

The Secretary of Health of State of Quintana Roo has reported Semaforo GREEN from October 11 through the 17th. However, it DOES NOT MEAN COVID IS OVER! Please note in the chart that not everything is back to 100%. Some areas are moving towards 100% slowly. All the safety regulations are still in place such as sanitation, face masks and safe distancing. It is the new normal as the pandemic is still with us. I have translated the green section guidelines below.
100% Capacity
Green enables 100% opening of local, state, and federal government branches, hospitals, schools, supermarkets and some smaller stores, fishing industry, construction, laundromats, banks, and financial institutions.

Eighty-five percent Capacity
Administrative and professional accounting services, sales of appliances and computers, etc.

Eighty percent Capacity
Outdoor Congresses, conventions. exhibitions, and fairs are at 85% Capacity. (INDOORS 60% Capacity ONLY).
Gymnasiums and sports club are also at 85% Capacity if they are outdoors. (Indoors 60% Capacity only).

Eighty Percent Capacity Continued
Hotels, Restaurants, historic sites, theme parks, golf clubs, & tourism services.
Public beaches and parks
Movies and theaters
Barbershops and beauty salons
Religious services
Real Estate
Public Transportation

Cozumel Sun News October 8 Continued
Sixty percent Capacity
Indoor Gymnasiums and sports club
Indoor congresses, conventions. exhibitions, and fairs
Fifty percent Capacity
bars, nightclubs, discos, entertainment centers, and canteens.

Transportation Capacity/ Limits
Motorcycles one person
Private vehicles four person Maximum
Taxis three person Maximum including driver
Public transports 80% capacity

Keep informed on the COVID-19 related news in Cozumel, Mexico by joining The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group! Read VERIFIED information as it is confirmed.
Cozumel Sun News October 8 Continued
Humanitarian Vessel Missing

Information from Carib News October 8th
Cancun Quintana Roo; September 30, 2021. A Mexican vessel that brought humanitarian aid to Haiti, has been missing since it entered the Yucatan Channel.
The vessel, MOI Guadalupe, was returning to the Riviera Maya, after carrying a shipment of five tons of humanitarian aid to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.
Emiliano Miño, communication and liaison officer of the Cancun AC International Rescue Brigade, stated that on September 11 the boat sailed from Puerto Aventuras, in the central part of the Riviera Maya, and reached the Caribbean Island. However, on the return trip, contact was lost in the international waters between Cuba and Cozumel.
“We lost communication with them since Tuesday, September 28 at 12:30 on their return route from Haiti, the report has already been made to the Captaincy of the Port of Cozumel and the Cuban Coast Guard,” he said this afternoon in a telephone interview.
According to the information he provided, it is an 86-foot-long white yacht of the Haterras brand, with the Panamanian flag, traveling with four people.
The Cozumel Sun News promotes Cozumel Mexico Community Programs for FREE in The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group
Halloween Pet Costume Party

Dear friends of the Humane Society of Cozumel, Halloween is here! We want to celebrate with all of you with a costume contest for your dog(s) and/or cat(s), the best of all is that you can dress up too! Participating is extremely easy:
Sign up (your full name and the name of your dog/cat) at any of the following places:
-Sociedad Humanitaria de Cozumel
-Sucre salé
-Maple de la 65
-Rock n’ Java
Upload your contestant photo on our Facebook page with your assigned contestant number
Registration fee is $100 pesos or $5 U.S.D. You can also pay via PayPal at pets@humanecozumel.org (when making your payment remember to write *tour name and your dog/cat’s name* Halloween contest).
We will be having AMAIZING PRIZES! You can participate until October 29th, 2021. All proceeds will be for the benefit of the Humane Society of Cozumel
A Panel of Judges will choose the Winners. The winners will be announced on November 1st, 2021, Good luck!
Help us keep our doors open! All help counts! #GiveUsAHand
Sponsor a pet: https://www.humanecozumel.org/apadrina?lang=en
All donation accounts: https://www.humanecozumel.org/dona?lang=en
Our Amazon wish list (buy through smile.amazon.com! Amazon will donate a small percentage of your purchase the Cozumel Humane Society.
PayPal tax deductible friendshsci@gmail.com Regular papal pets@humanecozumel.org
Our physical address: please do not send us anything directly SOCIEDAD HUMANITARIA DE COZUMEL AC MZ01 Lt 14 Huertos Familiares CTM CH 77670 Cozumel, Q Roo
#donations #spayneuter #helpingothers #animals #catsofinstagram #catstagram #dogsofinstagram #dogs #thankyou #thankful #help #cozumel #mexico #isla #humanesociety #donatetoday #internationaldonation #giveusapaw.
See The Cozumel Sun Volunteer and Donate Section The Cozumel Humane Society.
Here is your community on-line Resource! Cannot find an answer? Contact The Cozumel Sun News and we will assist you!
The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange & Store Update

The book exchange popularity continues. Unfortunately, still have more activity to exchange books than to purchase anything or use our services. We have had a wonderful response form readers that are planning to come to Cozumel soon and have volunteered to bring children’s books and puzzles.
Happiness this week was a local young man about ten years of age that accompanied his mom to get copies made.The youngster noticed the few books in the children´s section and jumped for joy! He took one book with him and returned it yesterday evening. He is returning in the next few days to look for another!
THANK YOU!!!! Those of you that have donated cash through PayPal and in person! Thank you those of you that have gone out of your way to purchase something from the store. Thank you so much!! Once again, somedays that donation or purchase is the only income we receive all day!
Paypal United States: atreasuryoftrade@msn.com
Paypal Mexico: auraholguin@thecozumelsun.com
Merchandize Overstock
HELP! Please check out the sales items when you come into the store. In stock are items that you purchase on a regular basis such as lotions, shampoo, conditioner, sun block, deodorant, and soaps.
I have a huge overstock of cosmetics purchased by my adopted family that they never sold. At this point and time, I just want to get rid of the items, please come check them out. You will find them priced super low. Consider giving them as gifts to your friends, family or even workers for this coming holiday season!
Consider us for your school, office, and art supplies. Use our services of printing, copying, laminating, and internet café. We even bind books and pamphlets!
The Doorbell is Working!
The doorbell is operational! If you see the door closed but the gate open, we are in there! When the air-conditioning is on, the door is kept closed.
We are in the store daily to clean disinfect and organize. We disinfect the puzzles and books as they come back in! I am in the store when composing The Cozumel Sun or doing bookkeeping tasks. Otherwise, we do not have outside help, so we are cleaning house, washing clothes, and cooking. We do not close the store for meals, so we might be grabbing something to eat. We keep the door close the door for security reasons if one of us is not in there. (Someone could easily get in by cutting the screen).

New Store Hours
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Book Exchange Wish List
Children’s books, preferably bilingual, but we will take any and more Jig Saw puzzles!
How you can Help
Please Review the Avon Catalog
Sign up to receive our Avon catalogs. I can send the digital catalogs via WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, or email. The catalogs are free. There is no purchase necessary. You can browse through their vast catalog of merchandize.
Avon carries home items, health and beauty aids, cosmetics, a wide array of children´s products, gifts, perfumes, and colognes, and even clothing. The prices are quite reasonable. I can arrange home delivery if necessary. Please consider buying necessity items such as shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, lotion, and sun block.
The order deadline for the following two Campaigns is October 24. Delivery will be November 10. No cash advance necessary, home delivery available.
Spread the Word
Let your friends and neighbors know what we have to offer. Please send people our way. Encourage them to sign up for our Facebook Group and pages.
The book Exchange and store needs have not stopped our work in the community. It is business as usual with our community programs. We provide food, meals, medicine, and cash to the needy in our community to those that fall through the cracks of existing programs.
Cozumel News October 8 Continued
Medication on Hand
Alprazolam-2 mg – Xanax – Anxiety and panic disorder (sleeping) three boxes of thirty.
Enalapril 10 mg. – Blood Pressure. Two boxes of thirty tablets.
Mipramid Metoclopramida 10 mg. 2 Boxes of twenty tablets.
HFA Beclometasona – two Aerosol 50 mcg Inhalers.
Medical Equipment Available for LOAN
Crutches, nebulizer, and a portable bedside toilet. Our wheelchair is out on loan.
Walkers and Canes are always in demand as we give them away. If anyone has extras around the house, feel free to drop them off to us. We donate the walkers and canes we receive to the elderly.
Other Medical Supplies
We have an assortment of braces, medical support hose, and miscellaneous medication and supplies in our trusty family locker. Always check with us. Once a year we clean house and donate everything on hand to DIF or another agency to distribute. However, we quickly start accumulating donations and items that our own large extended family collects.
Donate to the Cozumel Sun!
We function ON DONATIONS ONLY. Please lend your support. Help us continue to serve the people of Cozumel. In person or through our PayPal account found on the home page of our website: www.thecozumelsun.com. As soon as I can get the store back on its feet, I have three local college students lined up to work. This will help them with their school tuition, learn business, and practice their English!
The Cozumel Sun Facebook Group is the place to exchange information, ask questions, and get fast responses to any problems you may encounter during this critical time.

RFC: HORA500201TP1
987-118-4453 CELLULAR
386-445-8702 USA
atreasuryoftrade@msn.com auraholguin@thecozumelsun.com
Good Work
Thank you!