Cozumel News January 6, 2023

Cozumel News January 6 The Mexico Driver’s License: Price List, First Time Driver’s License Foreigners, License Renewal Foreigners, First Time Driver’s License Non-Foreigners, License Renewal for Non-Foreigners, The Driving Course & Written Exam, The Driving Test, & Driving Regulations.

Aurita’s Cozumel Corner

Happy New Year’s Readers! During the following months I will be reviewing and updating all the information that is available to you in the Cozumel Sun. These revised instructions will be available for you anytime in The Cozumel Sun’s Guide for Residents. This issue covers the instructions for acquiring a Mexican Driver’s License for the first time and the process for renewing the license if you already have one. Instructions for the process and the link to schedule an appointment is

Mexico Driver’s license

Price Lists

  • Procedure                                       First time           Renewal                Lost
  • CHAUFER                                  $ 704 MXN          $ 674 MXN           $ 866.5 MXN
  • AUTOMOBILE                            $ 608 MXN          $ 578 MXN           $ 770.5 MXN
  • CHAUFER SPE*                          $ 797 MXN          $ 717 MXN           $ 896.5 MXN
  • MOTORCYCLIST                         $ 415 MXN         $ 385 MXN            $ 577.5 MXN
  • CHAUFER & MOTORCYCLE        $ 1,089 MXN      $ 1,059 MXN         $ 1,251.5 MXN
  • AUTOMOBILE & MOTORCYCLE  $ 993 MXN      $ 963 MXN            $ 1,115.5 MXN
  • CHAUFER SPE & MOTORCYCLE  $ 1,155.5 MXN   $ 1,075.5 MXN      $ 1255 MXN
  • CHHAUFER SPE AND AUTO        $ 1,335 MXN      $ 1,255 MXN         $ 1,882.5 MXN


Mexico Driver’s license

First time Driver’s License Foreigners

Foreign Citizens of Age Living In This Municipality wishing to apply for a driver’s License must meet the following requirements:

Theoretical and practical driving test. (More information described here)

Original and legible copy of any of these documents: FM2, FM3 with local registration or naturalization letter.

Passport, original and legible copy.

CURP, original and legible copy.

General medical certificate with blood type.

Original and legible copy of recent proof of address (recent water, electricity or telephone bill)

2 recent child-size photographs in color or black and white.

A new letter size folder.

Note: The license will have the same validity as your immigration document. Scanned photos or fax paper copies are NOT accepted, men must present the photographs without earrings, with a clear forehead and ears.

Motorcycle License:

Accredit the respective theoretical and practical exam.

1 recent child-size photograph in color or black and white.

Original and legible copy of your immigration document.

Cover the corresponding payment.

Legible copy of recent proof of address.

Driver’s License:

Accredit the respective theoretical and practical exam.

1 recent child-size photograph in color or black and white.

Original and legible copy of your immigration document.

Cover the corresponding payment.

Legible copy of recent proof of address.

Note: The license will have the same validity as your immigration document.

If you are a visitor or tourist, you can only obtain a provisional driving license.

License Renewal Foreigners

If you already have a driver’s license and an open file in this municipality and wish to obtain another type of license, you must go to the corresponding office with the following requirements, depending on the case:

Submit original license (Issued in this municipality)

Legible copy of recent proof of address.

Original and legible copy of your immigration document

Note: The license will have the same validity as your immigration document.

Replacing a Lost License

Ask the officer on duty for your file number

1 recent child-size photograph in color or black and white

Legible copy of recent proof of address

Original and legible copy of your immigration document

Copy of the report of loss of license before the Public Ministry. An additional $179.24 will be charged for the certificate of loss issued by this agency if you do not provide this report.

Note: The license will have the same validity as your immigration document.

Cozumel News January 6 Continued

First time Driver’s License Non-Foreigner

If you do not have a driver’s license and an open file in this municipality, you must go to the corresponding office with the following requirements:

Theoretical and practical driving test. (More information in these instructions)

Original and legible copy of birth certificate.

Original and legible copy of an official identification (INE, military service card or passport)

Legible copy of the CURP.

General medical certificate with blood type.

Legible copy of recent proof of address (water, electricity, or telephone bill)

2 recent (infantile) child-size photographs in color or black and white. *

A letter size folder.

*Note: Scanned photos or fax paper copies are NOT accepted, men must present the photographs without earrings, with a clear forehead and ears.

Motorcycle License:

Accredit the respective theoretical and practical exam.

Cover corresponding payment.

Legible copy of recent proof of address (water, electricity or telephone bill).

Driver’s License:

Accredit the respective theoretical and practical exam.

Cover the corresponding payment.

Legible copy of recent proof of address (water, electricity, or telephone bill)

State Public Service Driver License:

Accredit the respective theoretical and practical exam.

Letter issued by the concessionaire (Taxi Drivers Union or UNIPER)

Cover the corresponding payment.

Legible copy of recent proof of address (water, electricity or telephone bill)

License Renewal Non-Foreigner

Mexico Driver’s license Cozumel News January 6

Present original license (Issued in this municipality).

Legible copy of recent proof of address (water, electricity, or telephone bill).

Cover the corresponding payment.

In the case of a public service driver: (Include concessionary letter).

Replacing a Lost License Non-Foreigner

Submit a legible copy of your CURP and ask the official for your file number

1 recent child-size photograph in color or black and white

Legible copy of recent proof of address (water, electricity or telephone bill)

Cover the corresponding payment

Public service driver: (Include concessionary letter)

Note: Scanned photos or fax paper copies are NOT accepted, men must present the photographs without earrings, with a clear forehead and ears.

Cozumel News January 6 Continued

The Driving Course & Written Exam

The duration of the theoretical training and written exam is 3 hours. The (class with written Exam) course and the theoretical evaluation:

The course and the evaluation are face-to-face This process is available on business days, from Monday to Friday. Starting time is 08:00 a.m. However, there is a limit of 9 people per day. Arrive early!

Please bring a pencil, face mask, pocket antibacterial gel and a legible copy of official identification (whether it is a voter ID on both sides, passport, military card or corresponding immigration status document).

Practical Assessment: The Driving Test

The driver’s test must be taken within 15 calendar days of passing the written exam. The test lasts 45 minutes (please consider the times and schedule it with the instructors)

Participants must comply with all hygiene and safety measures.

Once approved, you can schedule your appointment for the process here

If you have any questions or clarification, go to the transit offices from Monday to Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. Remember that we are here to serve you.

Driving Regulations

Section A

Replacement licenses will only be issued to those issued in this municipality.

Acceptable identification must be the INE, passport and military card, credentials from another institution, company or organization are inappropriate as personal identification.

Other proofs such as cable receipts or fixed or mobile telephony will be accepted, as long as they are in the name of the applicant.

Medical certificates must contain data from the laboratory, the issuing doctor or the clinic. The certificate must contain a seal and number of the professional chemist license.

Photographs cut from another document or that present stamp marks, mistreatment or that do not comply with the requested characteristics are inappropriate.

The folder must be in good condition. They are inappropriate if they are recycled, if they are written, scratched, stained or mistreated.

Due to the health contingency due to coronavirus COVID-19, the procedure is from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am. to 3 p.m.

The hours and days may be subject to changes determined by superiority, WITHOUT prior notice.

Any omission or violation of the established requirements, procedures or documentation will be grounds for rejecting the process.

Cover the corresponding payment.

To obtain the public service driver’s license, you must present a letter from the transport concessionaire such as UNIPER or Taxi Drivers Union.

Section B

For applicants and their health conditions:

Show up to carry out the corresponding procedure free of alcohol poisoning or other substances, as well as free of serious states of anxiety or stress or anyone that represents a threat to the order of the area, as well as the safety of the staff and other people who are present .

Citizens of advanced age or with any injury, wound, fracture or physical, auditory, visual, speech, mental or psychological disability, adhering to the judgment of this direction, in case of having any of the characteristics of those described above, it will be attached to your requirements, a recent health certificate, which includes complete information from the issuing clinic, doctor or specialist, as well as your signature, seal or professional license registration number, which clearly ENDORSES that you can drive a motorized vehicle without your conditions pose a risk to you and the community at large.

Section C

Acceptable photographs to bring:

Men and women, without glasses, piercings, expansions in any part of the face or ears, hair tied up, as well as uncovered ears and forehead.

Digital photograph taken at the time of conducting the procedure:

Exceptions are made for men and women who have discreet earrings or piercings that are not so noticeable, reflect light shine or distort the true physiognomy of the face.

In the event that any of these piercings or expansions cannot be removed at the moment for reasons of failure, hygiene or personal image, the general procedure must be postponed until the guidelines established in the opinion of this Directorate are complied with.

Section D

Driver’s licenses for foreigners:

Only foreigners naturalized or with permanent residence may access driver’s licenses for 2 years, as long as they meet the requirements of sections A, B, C.

For software updates, provisional driving licenses will only be issued to foreigners who request it, for the time of legal stay verified before this Directorate, being a minimum of 3 months onwards, if they comply with the requirements of sections A., B and C.

Health Notice

You are informed that within the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, the following measures must be taken:

Go through access control to apply antibacterial gel and take your temperature.

Carry Facemasks.

Only the person who will do the process should attend unless the presence of a companion is required.

Always maintain a healthy distance of 1.5 meters.

It is important to note that access will not be allowed if any symptoms of COVID-19 are present or if the face mask is not worn properly.

Here is your community on-line Resource! Cannot find an answer? Contact The Cozumel Sun News and we will assist you!

Cozumel News January 6 Continued

Book Exchange & Store

The Cozumel Sun Book Exchange & Store
Cozumel News January 6

Our Services

Thank you book exchange participants thast t donate on a regular basis to the book exchange. Any amount is greatly appreciated as it helps keep our doors open. Business is SLOW and most of our merchandise is very economical as we serve the immediate community. We made all of $1,400 pesos to date in December. We are grateful for the $708 pesos the book Exchange participants donated.

Cozumel´s first Book Exchange & Papelaria offers School & Office Supplies, Printing, Copies, Scans, International Telephone, Internet Cafe, Gifts & Novelty Items. An assortment of books and movies are in stock FOR SALE.

Location & Hours

Address: 35 Ave entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis. Colonia Independencia.

Telephone: 987-118-4453 o Business Number 987-869-3119.

Our Reular Hours Resuming on January 9, 2023: Monday through Fridays 8:00. a.m.  –  6:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Sundays 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Follow us on Facebook:

The Cozumel Sun has the latest news and information for those living and visiting Cozumel, México. Stay informed at:

Aura Holguin-Resch RFC: HORA500201TP1 987-118-4453 CELLULAR 760-718-2588 USA


About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.