Cozumel News January 30th, Gina Ruiz Marrufo Delivers Promajoven Scholarships to Cozumel Youth, Cozumel “PAINT AND RUN 5K” Race Coming Soon, Cozumel Municipal President Acknowledges AA Contribution, Modern Tourist Information Modules in Cozumel and Cozumel Carnival 2015 Decorations on the Malecón.
Gina Ruiz Marrufo Delivers Promajoven Scholarships to Cozumel Youth
The DIF Quintana Roo in coordination with DIF Cozumel, chaired by Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, gave scholarships to members PROMAJOVEN Comprehensive Teen Pregnancy Care Program (PAIDEA) on January 22.
The First Social Worker of the Municipality was accompanied by Nava Lopez and Ruby Nadia Pacheco, both partners of DIF Quintana Roo. In her message, Mrs. Ruiz de Marrufo said that this support is delivered on behalf of Ms. Mariana Zorrilla de Borge; that the program that created the grants came from National DIF in coordination with DIF Quintana Roo.
The grants provide important economic support to young mothers, enabling them to continue their studies at school, pay medical bills or buy clothes milk and diapers for their babies,.
Nadia Nava Lopez and Ruby Pacheco explained to the recipient the importance of following the guidelines for this economic in order to be considered for future PROMAJOVEN scholarships.
Cozumel “PAINT AND RUN 5K” Race Coming Soon
On January 26, a presentation of the race “Paint and Run 5K” was conducted in a press conference held in the Municipal Palace. The race will be held on Monday, February 16 at 3 p.m. A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the tickets for this event will go to programs of DIF Cozumel.
The President of DIF Cozumel, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, unveiled the details of this event. She reported that the cost of the ticket is $250 pesos and that the kit will be available on Sunday, February 15, from 12 noon to 6 p.m. at City Hall. She said that the kit includes a shirt and official race glasses, race number, a certificate of participation, hydration, bags of colors, and a pass to the final event and raffle tickets from sponsors.
Since the race will be held on Carnival Monday, she foresees a participation of approximately 2,000 people. She invited everyone to participate in this event to help a good cause and promote family activity, similar to last year when the race “Coloreate 5K” was held.
Cozumel Municipal President Acknowledges AA Contribution
On January 26, the XX Ceremony “Sharing Efforts Week” and the commemoration of the 46th anniversary of the arrival of the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the State of Quintana Roo took place. The Municipal President acknowledged the contribution of Civil Organizations such as AA to the island of Cozumel.
The Director of Uneme Capa, Primary Care Center for Addictions and Head of the Regulations Committee of Comca, Odalys Ancona Vivas, offered the welcome message. It was explained that on January 26, 1968 the first AA group took place in Quintana Roo on the premises of the Cozumel Military Air Base No. 4, with the help of Dr. Antonio Negron Rubio.
Mayor, Fredy Martin Marrufo reiterated the commitment to join efforts to assist and address this social problem. He stressed the importance of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Groups, and encouraged the meetings. He endorsed the support of the authorities to replicate the message and the positive actions.
He added that the sum of efforts between various government agencies with civil associations, contributes to building a better society. He stressed that to the extent that civil associations and official agencies work hand in hand, better results will be achieved. Finally, he acknowledged that AA has helped transform many lives and that “from the Municipal level they are committed through DIF, Social Development, Education and Culture, and more, to address this social problem”.
For her part, the President of DIF Cozumel, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, also reaffirmed their commitment and stressed that addressing the problem of addiction in a preventive manner, is a priority in Cozumel.
AA Groups are held in Cozumel on a regular basis in ENGLISH. See Support Groups in this Cozumel Sun Section: https://www.thecozumelsun.com/living-in-cozumel-guide/support-groups/.
Modern Tourist Information Modules in Cozumel
On January 26, the Municipal Tourism Department took steps to place a modern information module in the (Muelle Fiscal de Cozumel) Cozumel Fiscal Pier, with the support of the Port Authority of Quintana Roo (Apiqroo).
This is one of the strategies that the current Municipal Administration is implementing. Modern Information Modules will help strengthen Cozumel by providing better guidance to tourists and visitors. The modules will provide relevant information about Cozumel, publicize attractions, and inform foreign and national tourists of events taking place on the island.
Cozumel Carnival 2015 Decorations on the Malecón
As part of Cozumel Carnival 2015, the Municipal Government began placing traditional multicolored ornaments on the Malecón along Avenue Rafael E. Melgar on January 28. This year the Theme is various native and migratory birds that are part of the biodiversity of the island.
Aurita’s Corner
January has been a productive month for The Cozumel Sun. I am gearing up to providing the news five times per week. The construction at my house has come to a halt, there is a new balcony on the second floor and a roof in what is now my office/ future home of my garage sales. I have a door leading out to the street, feel free to visit!
Updates on my Projects:
The Motorcycle Helmet Project is at a standstill. The Helmets are in Cancun at Aduana. I had the pleasure of meeting Greg Sebaly and his beautiful wife this morning. Greg is the reader from Michigan that had the idea of collecting gently used regulation motorcycle helmets in Michigan to distribute to the poor in Cozumel. He worked was successful in obtaining 75 helmets. A lot of hard work went into his effort. He connected with Raymond Kwok, owner of Chis Restaurant who graciously volunteered to cover the transportation cost and aduana fees from Florida to Cozumel. I put him in touch with the Cozumel Rotary Club, who will get the helmets and take the responsibility of distibuting them to the neediest. I understand the actual shipping took only 3 days to get to Cancun. However, we now have to wait for Aduana to inspect them. I want to take this opportunity to thank \Greg for all his hard work. After the helmets are distributed, I will write a follow up article also acknowledging the motorcycle clubs that participated in Greg’s Drive.
The Finca Family is doing great. I did not realise how thin the cement on their one room house was until he utilized the 20 bags of cement that we purchased with our reader’s help.. The house no longer leaks water when it rains, the walls and roof have been reinforced and smoothed over. It looks really nice, safe and warm. The dampness between the walls and the ceiling have dried out.
I believe I already reported that the first thing he did was put in a cement floor. Most recently, he has used the extra cement that I had left over from the construction at my house to build a floor to ceiling closet to accomodate their belongings. I also had left over bricks that he is using to build some sort of sewer retaining area for the bathroom. Getting the bathroom in is the next Project. The electrical wiring is on hold for CFE.
The floor tiles will be last. We had some beautiful tiles donated by a reader, but they will only cover about a fourth of the room. I have a one hundred dollar bill left to put towards purchasing inexpensive matching tles when we get to that Project.
The chidren are doing fine. Since our readers were so wonderful in donating most of the Christmas gifts, we were able to purchase dog and cat food as well as chicken feed for the flock of chickens and turkeys (and one pidgeon). The 3 legged cat is now chubby
The Blood Drive: The Cozumel Blood Drive headed by Liz Toth is gathering names of people with expertise to assist in the posibility of getting an actual blood bank on the island and inproving the current system for donating blood. On my end, I had a meeting this Monday to learn the procedure for donating and receiving blood at the new Islaned. I will pass on this information in the next issue of the Cozumel Suin.
The Carnival atmosphere is in the air, everyone is excited. Remember, the Cozumel Carnival Program is here at: https://www.thecozumelsun.com/cozumel-events-calendar-2015/cozumel-carnival-2015/